Let's talk about NOED



  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Pulsar immunity? I don't think so. DS is another chance to escape, not a guaranteed escape and borrowed can be abused? Its a great counter to camping.

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    The only problem that I have with Hex: No One Escapes Death is, that it increases your movement speed. Imo it should just give you the exposed-effect. Then It's a balanced perk.

    Just the increased movement speed is a problem and feels unrewarding for me. But NOED has enough counters. It doesn't need more and I don't understand, why some people are still crying.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Thaznar I agree with you 100% Survivors that solo que have a much harder time than survivors that swf. I think there should be two lobbies, one for swf and one for solo ques. Only problem is that no killer would choose swf. Maybe add a game chat for survivors. Now that I think about it, voice chat should be in this game by now.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    I personally was more fine with the old noed than the new one because the old one you could counter it by yourself, the new one is depended on yourself + your team mates.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @The_Daydreamer At least nerf the speed, would be something better.

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    Your are speaking of the second version.

    The original NOED had a unlimited timer, increased movement and increased attackcooldown.

    The second one had the same effect but for two minutes.

    And the third one, our version, is the hex: version with increased movement speed and unlimited time until his hex is cleansed.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    Yeah, I was talking about the second version. The 1St was overkill

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Almo How does a killer play handicapped when they get quicker movement speed and insta downs from noed? The killer gets this automatically just by letting the survivors do all gens aka failing to protect them. Now the killer can gets faster movement speed and can insta-down the survivors because the killer failed one of their objectives which is to protect the gens? I understand that survivors can cleanse totems but in random lobbies, I have encountered so many noobs at all ranks that can't buy time so there isn't enough time to do all gens and totems. I can count the number of matches where I actually seen all the totems cleansed. Im also not understanding how adrenaline rewards survivors for playing badly, which is what you said, if they have to do all gens or run the killer around while the other members do gens...Unless that teammate doesn't contribute at all.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @legionsunit That can be said about the old decisive but as far as the newest one is concerned, it helps to deal with camping so its not as bad as noed. Personally, I still don't use it because I feel that it makes the game to easy for me and I usually escape without it anyways. If it came to removing decisive and noed together, I would support that.

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    It comes down to want. If randos aren't doing totems, you can (extra 5k bloodpoints for you!). If you don't, then NOED is on you as the survivors for not caring enough to put in the effort. It's not rewarding the killer for failing, it's punishing you for not caring enough about the secondary objective. Do the bones or you have no one and nothing to blame but yourself.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Borrowed can be used to make unsafe unhooks as soon as the Killer starts leaving. People with DS often run Unbreakable, meaning you can pull them off the unhook, nor can you slug them.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    This is exactly why survivors have trouble with NOED. They don’t want to adapt or change their build to account for totems.

    99% of the time it’s “oh NOED is such a crutch perk for baby killers” and it’s said by survivors running BT, BL/Lithe, Adrenaline, and dstrike

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Do survivors just....not get perks or something? Did people suddenly forget small game exists?!?!? It literally will tell you where the totem is so you don't even have to use a map....

  • Kuroyu
    Kuroyu Member Posts: 54

    And these killers would be? Thats ridiclious. Freddy with his new rework, Wraiths rework before, nurse, billy, myers, even the other killers are decent if you meassure decent with the terms OP or one hitting abilities than you are clearly meassuring wrong. So the game has enough very well created killers.. decent as you call it. Don't make killers bad if they idk can't one hit for example and doesn't have a great ability as the nurse.

  • mnpqraven
    mnpqraven Member Posts: 12

    imagine thinking wraith and myers are decent

    yes myers has good snowball game but he can and will still get looped his brain out just like literally any other M1 killer, stop being a baby survivor and think all killers are decent, they are not

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Small game is not a totem counter tho? Small game is still good to bring tho on maps where totems are more hidden.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    WHAT OTHER COUNTER DO YOU NEED?!?!? If you have a perk that literally just shows you were totems are, thats the best counter you could get! Are you kidding me? Other than breaking the totems for you automatically, which isn't a counter, its just broken. The same as having some perk that auto completes a generator. You still have to do the objective. And if you don't do the objective...OOPS looks like you died~ Its just lazyness on the side of survivors that want quick farming points. And I'll admit I've fallen into that habit a few times while playing survivor, its a bad habit. The same as just running around the map without hiding, its a bad habit, where you may think you're good at looping but there's always going to be a killer thats better who will call you on your bluff mind game you and down you in your arrogance.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    You re all talking about lazyness... Let me laugh.

    This game about time management, for both killer AND survivors.

    What you call lazyness is actually the need to "genrush" when the killer applies too much pressure. How do you want to have a chance to escape if you don't do gens ? Lets not talk about hatch, this is a bullshit mecanic to me.

    Yeah ? Do dull totems while the killer is snowballing ? Yah ? "Lazyness"..."Counter"... Look at you.

    NoEd is a crutch for the killers out there that don't have confidence and are too sweaty for their almighty precious 4K.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    How does a totem counter automatically break totems? Oh that’s right, It doesnt. If you want to know why I think a totem counter is necessary and good for this game, I’ve made two discussion posts on it that you can read.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited August 2019

    Let me guess, english isn't your first language right?

    You do realise that counter has two meaning and that you literaly haven't explain wich one you are using confusing people

  • gambit92
    gambit92 Member Posts: 58

    WHY WHY WHY DO people keep saying rework NOED. IT HAS ALREADY BEEN REWORKED. Before noed persisted the entire end game. Theres was no totem to take out. How many of you are newer players that have been playing for a two years or so. People who been around from the beginning are completely pleased with how the game feels now and the state of NOED. STOP DO BONES WTH People. Its like someone complaining about being late for work everyday who never gets to bed on time, sets their alarm, prepares their clothes etc etc. OF course.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    I think NOED is fine where it is. It is a perk that will do nothing for you till the last second, and it is quite easy to guess if the killer has it or not. Most killer perks are simply revealed before even the midgame, so you have a long time to cleanse totems and make it so noed doesn't activate. Also, a strategy that is very simple is, don't cleanse all 5 totems if you think it wastes time (i ve seen a lot of people saying that). Cleanse 3 totems and leave the 2 nearest from each other, if one lights up you just go for it.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Another main killer complaining about stupid things

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Oh you absolutely seem to enjoy second chance perks a lot by that comment.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    nah fam, i just thought i'd point out the irony of survivors complaining about the one second chance perk killers have, when their whole meta is made out of second chances.

    i didnt say anything like "uuuuh, nerf perk X cuz thats a stupid second chance!" or something like that.

    there is a difference between complaining and pointing something out ^^

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    I’m referring to a totem counter that counts how many totems remain.

    Big yikes with the whole English comment tho. That’s extremely rude to say to someone if you suspect that English isnt their first language. It is btw.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited August 2019


    English isn't my first language and you don't see me getting my panties in a twist when people used to correct me and assume that english wasn't my first language

    If it wasn't for people correcting me I wouldn't speak english to begin with

    But sure you, the native english speaker is offended because someone point out that you weren't clear and where confusing people, sure

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    To go back on the topic, Noed is fine and what is needed isn't a totem counter it's for the dev to just had voice chat to solo survivor.

    That way solo and swf are on the same level and they can actualy balance the game around survivor having acces to communication instead of spending year adding tiny thing here and there to try making solo survivor on par with swf one when a single change is enought to achieve that and would take them like a month give or take to implement it

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    For one. No it doesn't. Small game gives you a premonition style warning when ur a piss blast from the totem to begin with.

    Second of all let's say I opt to facecamp the first Survivior I hook and run Noed. What's the counter to me camping? Genrushing. But what's the counter to Noed? Not genrushing and doing totems. So if someone with Noed facecamps they force Surviviors into a lose/lose situation.

    That's the rub. Surviviors have 2 options against a camping killer that runs Noed.

    1. Genrush the living hell out of him. But you know what that requires? Perfect coordination, Prove Thyself, Toolboxes, no ruin, no cleansing, and no healing for the duration of the genrush. This is something only SWF can achieve and they'd need to begin the genrush the moment the Survivior got hooked, which 99 times out of 99, does not happen. And if they successfully genrush and get 2-3 gens done during the facecamp yes the guy goes down and 3 gens come up in exchange, but the killer is running Noed and the Surviviors cannot stop the ball from Rolling now or they'll lose. So they have to get that gen done and then they get punched with Noed.

    2. Do the totems, heal, and work on gens. Waste a bunch of time to maybe get 1 gen done. Guy on the Hook dies for what is effectively ######### nothing. Noed is countered, yay congrats and the killer has all the time in the world to prance the day away and 3v1 his way to victory.

    It's a lose/lose. Noed loses all viable counterplay when camping exists.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited August 2019

    Dude what?!?!

    If a killer is face camping someone they're literally throwing the game. You can drop all the gens but 1 during that time run them in a chase and get out at that point. On top of the fact that the killer loses points for face camping the hook....I can't even believe you're bringing face camping into this as a valid tactic when its LITERALLY THROWING THE GAME! Even if you pop 3 gens in that time the game is over for the killer.....face camping...I can't even...theres no way you play killer if you think thats a valid strat...Like what?

    A 3v1 for the killer with even 1 gens left is GG. If the survivors aren't rank 20 YOU LOSE! And since you face camped 1 person for the whole game, you now have to find the other survivors, win a chase, and then hope they don't have adrenaline in the middle of that 45-60 second chase you just did, you also didn't break ANY PALLETS. At that point noED doesn't matter since you can no longer rotate the survivors around the hook assuming you did down one of them. Which leaves the game with maybe 2 of 4 survivors killed assuming nobody runs borrowed time, which would have DELETED your face camp in the first place....


    Face camping....smh. I can't even begin to count the amount of high rank games where Dstrike or BT are in play to counter bad killer strategy but...what you said doesn't make any sense to any killer above rank 18....

    Also what more of a hint do you need to find the totem? It literally shows you where its at in a cone where you face the camera....all it takes from there is walking up to the spawn point, and since they all spawn in the same general places around objects, boom, you're done.

  • Volkain
    Volkain Member Posts: 7

    I dunno. I don’t like noed and I’m a killer main. I just don’t like leaving things up to chance, I like guaranteed. Feels like a waste of a perk tbh. I know, unpopular opinion.

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167

    Just b looking at the title


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    We need a counter for the amount of NoEd posts we get

    I stopped reading when you pretty much said its a second chance perk, survivors have multiple, killers only have one

    Just rub totems to death that easy

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    "If a killer is facecamping they're throwing the game"

    I'm told every time I bring up camping being toxic that it's a "legit strat" by literally every damn person I've met. So how is it now suddenly throwing if it's a legit strat?

    "You can drop all the gens but 1 during that time run them in a chase and get out at that point. On top of the fact that the killer loses points for face camping the hook....I can't even believe you're bringing face camping into this as a valid tactic when its LITERALLY THROWING THE GAME! Even if you pop 3 gens in that time the game is over for the killer.....face camping...I can't even...theres no way you play killer if you think thats a valid strat...Like what?"

    I'm a mid purple rank Nurse main.

    "assuming nobody runs borrowed time, which would have DELETED your face camp in the first place...."

    No it doesn't lmao. It would, in your eloquent logical caps lock broken words, DELETE my face camp if borrowed time applied to both the unhooked and the unhooker. But bc it doesn't, I can just hooktrade and call it a day.


    Again your eloquent sophisticated way of showing me how wrong I am gets lost in your broken keyboard locking everything at caps and putting random elipses between every thing you say. But let's assume that's how you talk. Let me explain why it doesn't work like that.


    "Also what more of a hint do you need to find the totem? It literally shows you where its at in a cone where you face the camera....all it takes from there is walking up to the spawn point, and since they all spawn in the same general places around objects, boom, you're done."

    And this is how I know you don't run small game. Try it. You get an audio cue the same sound as premonition when ur so damn close to the totem you could probably see it anyways. Only map it's good on is the Game where totems are actually well hidden.

    The counter to Noed and camping is mutually exclusive. If the team abandons that guy to die on the hook, they genrush and lose to Noed or they don't genrush and lose to counter Noed and their teammate dies for nothing. If they run borrowed time all the killer has to do is hooktrade and the cycle repeats itself. This gets even worse if the killer runs dying light and/or a Mori.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994
    edited August 2019

    @Peanits this thread needs to be closed. It has turned into nothing but rants, and has degenerated into inaccurate information. Just look at the post above by @PickCollins

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    The ever popular killer main strategy.

    Cry to the devs when you don't know what to say to someone.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371
    edited August 2019

    @Kaelum Doesn't need to be closed, a lot of intersting views and discussions are happening.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Hoodedfengm1n Devour hope is another annoying perk but I understand that we can "rub" the totems but sometimes it takes one lap around the map to find one totem. Maps such as the Laurie Strode are a great example of this.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @mnpqraven No one is being a baby survivor lol. Any killer can be good if the user knows how play the killer. Add ons play another factor and the survivors you verse also affect the outcome of a match.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    You're confusing 'legit' for 'good'.

    Camping is LEGIT. IE: It's not bannable. It's not against the rules. It can be done without worry of being punished by the devs.

    Camping is not GOOD. It takes 2 minutes to kill a Survivor from first hook. Tack on 30-45 seconds for the chase. It takes 80 seconds to pop 3 generators (80 seconds for a solo Survivor to do 1 gens, times 3 Survivors.). 160 seconds to do 6 gens (2 gens per Survivor doing it solo, times 3 Survivors.). 160 seconds = 2 minutes 40 seconds.

    So Survivors can do 6 out of 5 generators in the time it takes a Killer to camp one Survivor.

    Let's stretch that further: It can possibly take Survivors under 3 minutes to pop every gen in the match.

    And you wonder why Killers need Ruin and NoED; it's basically the only pressure we have against sub 3 minute matches.

    NoED is fine. Ruin is fine. Camping is fine.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Youre the best example why the game is so toxic. Yikes

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    ...What did I say?

    I made a comment on how people were saying camping was 'legit' after claiming it's bad to do. So I pointed out 'legit' does not mean 'good'.

    I was not being smarmy, for once.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    You are assuming this is all in a vaccuum.

    Let's say the Surviviors opt to abandon the guy on the hook. Now let's say they wanna genrush. If they wanna purely genrush the killer they would all need

    1. A godbox that can last them to endgame.

    2. No other actions except repairing.

    3. No ruin.

    4. No Heaking

    5. No cleansing dulls.

    6. No cleansing hexes.

    No NOTHING except generators. That's how you punish a camper. Yet how are you supposed to do that and somehow dodge Noed at the same time? The grand spoiler here is that you can't. If you genrush, you get smacked with Noed at the end and at least one of you dies and fuels a toxic killer's ego. If you don't genrush and focus on countering Noed, then the guy on the hook died for you to gamble on the killer running an endgame crutch.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    So much reactions ... ;D

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    If only 10% of the times all totems get cleansed then maybe the problem lies with the survivors not wanting to cleanse them.

    Totems spawn are pretty laughable except for a few so finding them won’t be that hard and there’s perks and items in the game that help you find them. Finding totems is something that gets easier the more you play as well so I genuinely don’t think Hex perks or totems in general are problem.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    This is why you fail. All of your actions lead directly to you losing to NOED. You have a brain, use it. If you, or your teammates, can’t learn from your mistakes, then maybe this isn’t the game for you, or them. Not all games are meant for everyone, DbD included.

  • THEghostface
    THEghostface Member Posts: 296
    edited August 2019

    Let's put this into simple terms:

    NOED is an endgame perk designed to increase the difficulty for survivors by allowing the killer to attempt a POSSIBLE comeback by giving them the ability to instantly down a survivor as long as the totem is lit. Cleanse all 5 totems before all gens are completed to be rid of your worry of this perk occurring, but if the endgame has begun and NOED is known to be present, be hopeful that

    A)you avoid and escape the killer immediately


    B) find and cleanse the totem in short time.