Killer perks over powered much?

At this stage in the games life it is in my opinion ruined on the survivor side especially. Theyve made it ridiculously difficult with over powered perks some of which in anyone with common senses mind should not be allowes to be selected together. And even certain abilities combined make no sense like the wealth being able tongo invisible and have no terror radius at the same time? Whos bright idea was that? And how are killers still able to hit you when youve jumped through a window and carried on running theres so many more things wrong on this but I dont have the time to even begin. But these as a start need sorting out because you can't have any fun as a killer when you can literally do while eating your dinner at the same time and its no fun as a survivor (or should i say sacrifice) because theres about a 15%, 20% chance at a push that you'll survive which is decreased if your up against a hook camper its all become abit laughable anyway which is a shame as this game was amazing on release :(


  • BadassLaurie
    BadassLaurie Member Posts: 27

    Yeah op pls nerf

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    What moron decided they needed to buff Surveillance? It was already OP as it originally was.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    When will they learn?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    No perk in the game is OP.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Your usual whining post. Nothing to see here. KiLlErS ArE WeAk

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    @ArecBalrin has the right idea

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Your usual post as well, everyone else's opinions are wrong.

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    Are you new??

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    "...Killers have 4 perks against survivors 16.." I saw it so many times, but it's not true. Survivors' perk usually affect only 1 survivor or can be used only once, while killer perks affect all survivors and can last all the game

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Hey Hollowman

    This is not ment to be offensive, but you seem to be new in this game, right?

    Copy the Link of your Thread, safe it somewhere, and re-read it in like 8-10 Months. Or go ahead and play killer for a while, you will see how "OP" Killer perks really are ;)

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    “The wealth being able to tongo invisible”

    ...what am I reading??

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Biggest thing I took away from the OP is that I now want The Wealth as the next killer.

  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    C'mon dis haz 2 bee a joke

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Just because you're bad at the game and can't adapt in that time period doesn't mean everyone else is.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    If you are basing it on Monto's vids they you are ignorant yourself.

    He himself mentioned many times that these builds usually need few games to even show a decent game.

    You want to know why you don't see many survivor perk builds? BECAUSE THERE ARE EVERYWHERE!!!.

    Most streamers play survivor, not many will play for example doctor with ######### build on crap map against good survivor because they will get destroyed.

    On the other hand, survivors do indeed have perk synergies.

    Many perks affect survivors when they are close by which increases repair speed a lot, Adrenaline synergizes with other end game perks like hope.

    You have Q&Q, head on combo, Lither with Dance with me, Urban Evasion with the pebble.

    Just going off the top of my head. Most of survivor builds everyone can try as you don't really need any perks for survivor.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Give it time dude. You'll be making killers rage quit in no time.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I think the format where a person chooses to respond with selective-quote followed by counter-point, then another selective-quote followed by counter-point and so in, that's a very obtuse way of making a reply. It becomes an entire house of cards of bad-faith.

    I choose what my points are and how I frame them, not you. If I attract supporting upvotes, it's not necessarily because they all agree with me; some might appreciate that I have a particular stance on how I engage with others directly. I might use hyperbole and rhetoric when I'm discussing ideas and general points-of-view, but when it comes to individuals; no matter how much I may disagree with them or think them misguided, that they have personal agency is sacrosanct.

    If I ever set out to demolish the genuine express views of someone, I first assume I know nothing of them. Then once I am confident I have a good idea, I will get clariifcation and specification from the person. When I have an accurate picture of what they really believe and why, that's still not good enough: I will then assume it has no inherent flaws internally even if they are obvious. I will set myself the difficult challenge: of arguing against the strongest possible version of their viewpoint, with no assumption of bad-faith on their part.

    People have noticed this and I am striving to be consistent with it: I want better standards of discussion than what currently exists here.

    Reading your own post and trying to sum-up it's entirety; I'm not even sure if you're arguing with me, or for an audience.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Can't wait to play some goof ol wealth. His tongo ability kinda sounds like wraith but more terrifying.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Wraith OP😂😂😂

    What's next, Left Behind needs a Nerf?

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    This thread should be ignored at this point. OP never even stated which Perks they consider OP.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    The problem here is, many of the points in your post are nothing more than mere victimizations and focus on extremely rare situations that almost never happen

    If my post is so vague and poorly written is because i dont usually write rants so big, i had to this time because so many of the points you made were stupid.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    When you selectively quote anything, it will usually look stupid.

    You have a wildly different standard for what 'victimisations' are if you think anything in my post resembles that.

    What reference I make to situations describes the process by which 2nd-chance perk synergy works and it works like this all the time. The more 2nd-chance perks a survivor has equipped, the less chance there is of any single one of them needing to be used; hence the situations in which any specific one is activated is of course rare. That is the point and all survivors benefit from it, not just the survivor who has equipped them.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited August 2019

    "like the wealth being able tongo invisible and have no terror radius at the same time? Whos bright idea was that?"

    Oh boy, okay, here we go...

    • Flashlights stun him if he's cloaked. (NOT invisible btw, he can't be unless he's standing still. (Meaning that, if you can't see him, he's either motionless, or you're not looking around for him well enough.))
    • Keys with Blood Amber will counter his Power.
    • Alert, Breakdown, Buckle Up, Dark Sense, Kindred, Object of Obsession, Premonition & Spine Chill are all Perks that can help you keep track of him regardless of if he's cloaked or not.
    • Sprint Burst is also VERY good to deny him the Surprise Attack.
    • He's one of the weakest Killers once he's in a loop.

    Hope that helped.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    "Killers are weak cuz there are 4 survivors and they all have 4 perks which makes up for 16 perks in total!!! Thats so unfair! how am i supposed to do anything about that?!!!"

    How in the world isnt that victimization?

    The more 2nd-chance perks a survivor has equipped, the less chance there is of any single one of them needing to be used; hence the situations in which any specific one is activated is of course rare. That is the point and all survivors benefit from it, not just the survivor who has equipped them.

    So, you are admitting that sometimes said second chance perks wont even be used in a single game? Then, why insist they give such a massive advantage to the survivors? why insist they are overwhelming to the killer because "they are 16 perks"?

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    False-quoting goes quite a bit further than mere selective-quoting, it in fact crosses a personal boundary into wilful misrepresentation.

    I've told the people who habitually do it that I will be reporting it from now on. Please do not do it again.

    I have already explained how the synergy of 2nd-chance perks work and how the synergy is so great that it means any specific one being triggered is a rare event because of it. It does not need repeating by me now, it just needs some reflection from you.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Perhaps if you stopped writing in shakespeare it would be easier to understand you.

    I've told the people who habitually do it that I will be reporting it from now on. Please do not do it again.

    And no, i am not false quoting you, i am just replying to your points, nothing that is ban meritorious

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    It's not with your time tbh I would just ignore him in all of the threads you encounter him. I already have accepted him as a troll from past arguments I have read from him on his part :/

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    This is the first time you've indicated you're just not understanding. This conflicts with the fact that you responded to one point by taking of quote of what I said and then changing it's tone and character; you understood well enough to make the misrepresentation.

    Misrepresenting someone in this way is personally abusive. Just stop. You don't need a degree in English to understand that; it's basic common-sense.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Is this b8 or are you legitimately crying because you can't adapt?

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    I'm sorry we don't all come here to write a thesis about how unbalanced this game is.

  • bearluvr182
    bearluvr182 Member Posts: 26

    Boo wah!!! Let's just cater to all the survivors who can't and won't do anything to help the teams and make the game impossibly easy for YOU to win every time...That's what's wrong with the game to begin with and why the killers need the perks they have.... Cuz every whiny survivor expects to win every time and when they dont, we end up with posts like this. And for the record, I'm actually a survivor main, and even I get tired of posts like these.... ugh! 😒😒😒

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    You should then, because most things said about the state of the game are poorly-supported. If people somehow hypothetically had a minimum meaningful word-count, they'd have to put a lot more thought into what they're saying rather than making drive-by arguments without any substance.

  • bearluvr182
    bearluvr182 Member Posts: 26

    I agree, on both accounts...I think one of the problems is that we have so many characters to choose from and more that is coming, that it's hard to make one of their "new ideas" fresh, because it seems like to me that all the "new" powers of these new characters are just an extension of some power or ability that alreasy exists, with survivors and killers alike... They just keep adding on to the powers and abilities of the same type and calling them new. I'd like to see something completely different in both categories and then, maybe, then we'll start getting faith back in these "new" characters and what they can do... just IMO tho, that's all.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


  • bearluvr182
    bearluvr182 Member Posts: 26

    Sorry bout that then, lol. Sometimes you can't tell on here when someone is kidding by saying something like that or when they're really serious about saying something like that... Haha.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Drive-by statements hold more water than anything i've ever read from you, to be quite frank.