Nightmare on Elm Street Chapter Perk Changes


Now that the Freddy rework is out and everyone is very happy with it, I had some ideas on how to update his perks and Quentin's to more fit the game in its current form.


Let's start with Quentin:

Wake Up: Easily one of the worst perks in the game besides No Mither. At level 3 of this perk, it can only take off 3 seconds of the exit doors when opening them. Leader at level 1 already does this and that perk isn't specifically for opening doors. How does that perk do a better job of Wake Up at level 1 and not be specifically for doors?! I would suggest making Wake Up be anywhere from 35% faster ( 7 seconds off) to 50% faster ( 10 seconds off). This very situational perk can only be used twice and only at endgame if you survive that long. Buffing the speed could really make this perk shine.

Pharmacy: This perk is really good and has the potential to be a better alternative to the meta perk self-care. The only thing I would suggest is to change the speed from 80% to 100% at level 3 because of the added requirement to pick up the item after this perk came out. This would make it as quick as it once was before.

Vigil: This perk used to be one of the best perks in the game hands down. It allowed you to get your exhaustion perks back much quicker while running and saved lives many times. Now though, the exhaustion nerf put this perk way down into the bottom of viable perks. You have to stand still to really use this perk and that is something you never want to do while in a chase. I would suggest making Vigil anywhere from 25-35% faster recovery and make it affect the exposed status affect to help counter perks like make your choice and haunted grounds. In turn, this perk would become much more viable and used by more people. 



Fire Up: This perk used to be very bad but it got changed and is now a very good perk. Well done! Keep it like it is. Perfectly balanced and viable.

Blood Warden: This perk was situational when it came out and even more so now. The end game collapse makes survivors want to leave as soon as possible and most will leave as soon as an exit gate is open, preventing the chance from this perk ever being used. On top of that, you have to wait until the end game to even have the chance to use this perk. I would suggest allowing this perk to be activated if a survivor is on already on a hook and someone opens an exit gate. Blood warden would not trigger because the exit gate was not open before this survivor was placed on the hook. With his change, it would become more viable and allow killers to have more chances to catch survivors before they can escape unless they have a key...

Remember Me: This perk also got reworked and was nerfed. I think the nerf was needed because it took too long to open an exit gate with this perk at full stacks but I also think it was nerfed a little too hard. I would suggest added an extra token to increase the total time of opening an exit gate to an additional 20 seconds at level 3.


These are just my thoughts on this and I would love to hear what you think about them. I will link my steam profile so you could see that I have been playing since 2016. RIP my legacy.