Has NOED changed??

Hey survivors!

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed a change with NOED - or is this a bug for me? Whenever NOED is activated (even before a survivor is hit by the Killer) I get the exposed status effect and there's the sound effect and flash of the black outline on the edges of the screen to let me know. Similar to when Meyers of Ghostface stalked you and gives you Exposed Status Effect.

Before though... NOED use to be a surprise. You didn't know until a survivor got hit.. but now (For Me) there's no surprise. I'm not complaining though, I hate NOED. But I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or is this a new patch and a nerf to NOED. :p


  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    This is a glitch because I haven't seen this when playing today. You might want to report it in the "bugs" section.