VS high rank

Okuu46 Member Posts: 93
edited July 2018 in General Discussions
I don't know why; but am i the only one who thinks facing against high ranking survivors is a real pain or really stressful?

(Preferably rank 10 to 1)

Going up against high ranking survivors there's just nothing enjoyable; especially when 90% of the matches in those ranks; your dealing with generators getting popped left and right in less then 30 seconds; teabaggers, loopers and such.

Do you guys sometimes purposely depip, so you don't have to face any of that?


  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    Okuu46 said:
    I don't know why; but am i the only one who thinks facing against high ranking survivors is a real pain or really stressful? Preferably rank 10 to 1

    High rank survivors; especially when 90% of the matches in those ranks; your dealing with generators getting popped left and right in less then 30 seconds; teabaggers, loopers and such.

    Do you guys sometimes purposely depip, so you don't have to face any of that?
    Never give up, never surrender... And definitely never purposely throw a game because youre frustrated. I've turned it around and gotten 2-4 sacrifices after the gens were done. Just got to keep at it and play smart. You'll still get owned every once in a while, but that's alright.  
  • Okuu46
    Okuu46 Member Posts: 93
    But why though? When your just gonna lose like 90% of the matches; what's the point of even facing them in the first place?
  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478
    Just keep at it okuu, adapt and learn every match. Then you will end up getting like Billy said, "getting owned some matches" but destroying most.
  • @Okuu46 said:
    I don't know why; but am i the only one who thinks facing against high ranking survivors is a real pain or really stressful?

    (Preferably rank 10 to 1)

    Going up against high ranking survivors there's just nothing enjoyable; especially when 90% of the matches in those ranks; your dealing with generators getting popped left and right in less then 30 seconds; teabaggers, loopers and such.

    Do you guys sometimes purposely depip, so you don't have to face any of that?

    Noed is your friend at this rank & once you get to a higher & as you get higher rank espcially around 1, the pool is small and you'll learn everyone's playstyle.

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    To be honest you’re going to have to change up your tactics. You may not like it but slugging is a VERY useful tactic. Also have some perks for end game (if you combine remember me with blood warden it gives you an extra 2 minutes) 
  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @Mr_Jay_Stark said:
    To be honest you’re going to have to change up your tactics. You may not like it but slugging is a VERY useful tactic. Also have some perks for end game (if you combine remember me with blood warden it gives you an extra 2 minutes) 

    Two perk slots for the possibility of changing the game at the end? A possibility, mind you. Not an eventuality.

    I personally am no good at slugging one and keeping them in visual without deerstalker so there go three perks slots.

    I played the DOC to flush them out like quail once whispers goes off. M&A, Distressing, BBQ and a random like BS or others if i feel like experimenting. Worked for me till i started running into teams far better than me over and over again at or around rank 15. From then on i would be given teams that where i would not rank up and be faced with an endless stream of games where i was obviously outmatched, outsmarted and out-cheated via voice coms.

    But, as it stands now. I dont get frustrated anymore. I dont get high blood pressure from playing this game since i dont play it atm. Job done. I am having more fun posting here than playing. Playing killer is somehow very frequently not a fun experience.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Been trying to get the new Trophy/Achievement on PS4 for Adept Clown. Considering that his perks kinda suck when not paired up with better ones, trying to do this in high ranks (4) is just dumb. Flashlights, DS, BT, and Adrenaline all around. I'm about to just de-rank to give myself a chance.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824
    It gets pretty boring at high ranks because a lot of the survivors know how to loop and I’m not that good with Nurse. Typically I’ll hook someone, BBQ will lead me to someone else, my Ruin pops while I am chasing person two (usually the obsession) and I end up getting looped by this person for a long time, so much so that I end up triggered and tunnel this person when they get unhooked. 

    So we’re at end game and I have one kill. I then rely on NOED to get another survivor hooked and then hope for over altruistic teammates. Survivors complain that I use NOED, but it works, especially against good loopers. 

    Its pretty meh in high ranks as survivor, too. Too many BBQBillys and a lot of camping.