Is there any tips on playing spirit better?

How can I get better at spirit I need tips.


  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    use ears

  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301

    Pay attention to environmental disturbances such as crows flying away or returning, or movement in the grass.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Ok thanks

  • DevourerOfSoap
    DevourerOfSoap Member Posts: 17

    Bruh. If you are doing bad as have issues. If you at least don't get 3 kills a match, your doing something completely wrong.

  • DevourerOfSoap
    DevourerOfSoap Member Posts: 17

    No. Spirit is a S tier killer. Playing her is like having a handicap on at all times. Lower tier killers really need the added help from others.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'm just using your logic. Just because a killer is S tier doesn't mean some don't have trouble,your just being rude for no reason towards OP

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272
    edited August 2019

    200€ headphones not good enough on DBD masterpiece...

    Should I buy 1000€ headphones?

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Fix ingame sounds.

    I rly think the devs messed up sounds, because spirit.

    In 1 patch the sounds were great, but it was a bug.......

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    Depending on your add ons, phasing can have multiple uses. Quicker activation time and increased reappearance allows phasing to be used to quickly close chases and loops especially around a palette. Increased duration and movement speed allows phasing to give spirit insane map control, getting between gens and hooks quickly.

    Even without add ons, spirit still has the ability to control the map and close loops with mindgames. You gotta anticipate where the survivor thinks you’re going to go, it’s not always as simple as cutting them off, as smart survivors will expect that and double back/head the other way. Getting good at mindgames is just practice, and sometimes you get it wrong, but if you try and think what you’d do if it were the other way round is a good start. Fake phasing in front of a palette/window can also work as survivors come straight to you.

    In terms of finding survivors, following scratch marks is your best method but be aware of survivors who turn back/walk when they see you phase. Injured survivors (without iron will) are much easier to find because of their grunts of pain, and you’ll know whether they’ve turned back/which side of palette they’re on etc, if you’re having problems using hearing, Stridor could help however don’t become too dependent on it. It’s usually easy enough without it to hear people.

    For spirit I think any perk that helps you find survivors is a good perk for her. My build is Nurses Calling, Surveillance, Thrilling Tremors and Pop Goes (Ruin could also work but I prefer Pop). Other good perks for her include Discordance, BBQ & Chilli, basically anything that gives info on survivor locations.

    I think the final tip is knowing when to phase. You don’t want to miss an opportunity, because it’s on cooldown. Use it to catch up to a survivor it you think you can make it, if not, wait until you reach a loop. Use it to travel long distances when you have a reason to, such as an unhook or because of a perk’s info, again because this gives the biggest cooldown. Once you have phasing down to a t, everything else becomes easy :)

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    *asks for help*

    *gets crap for it*

    Why even bother commenting if you have nothing useful to contribute. Just because base Spirit is strong, doesn’t mean everybody can use her immediately, especially depending on which killers they’ve played before as she is very different. Guys asking for help, don’t be a [BAD WORD].

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    edited August 2019

    A. This isn't true.

    B. Stridor will screw you over more than it helps.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    Some advice for playing Spirit:

    - Wear headphones

    - Watch environment changes during phase chases, especially grass

    - Use phase-walking strategically.

    - Practice with her and be patient until winning mind games becomes natural to you. Anticipating where the survivors will go during chases is a big factor when playing Spirit.

    - Perks - Nurse's calling / Sloppy Butcher / Stridor / BBQ

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Spirit players need to learn to counter IW on their own, using other methods like footsteps. Stridor can make a Survivor sound closer than they actually are, thus making you suffer a cooldown because you broke phase too early.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    If you learn to play with Stridor, you'll never be able to play without it, so you'll always have 3 perks.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    We'll I don't phase as much. Should I do that alot?

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Here is my advice when it comes to Spirit's add-ons :

    Phasing add-ons are more gimmicky than anything. You can make survivors confused with them and get hits even without your power, but you usually want add-ons to make your phase walking stronger.

    Power recovery are her weakest phase walking add-ons. They are still decent, but they are outclassed by duration add-ons.

    Duration and speed add-ons are good, allow more map pressure and you can use your power in short bursts better ( and you want to use her power in short bursts, because if your cooldown is shorter if you do so ).

    Charge time are her best add-ons, you don't waste time charging your power, so survivors can't get too much distance on you, and they can help you to catch survivors before they vault strong windows which counter your power, like the ones from Grim Pantry.

    Reappearance add-ons are also very good, especially in combo with charge time add-ons. You can get easy hits with them and they can also help you to correct wrong phases.

    Mother Daughter Ring is also extremely powerful, but you need to become more experienced with Spirit before using it, because it's harder to track them without scratch marks.

    Prayer Beads is broken and you should only use it against survivors you really hate.

  • DevourerOfSoap
    DevourerOfSoap Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2019

    Just setting the standards. People can interpret it as they will. I am just basing this off of experience.

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    The first time I played Spirit, I got a 4k. It's all about when you choose to use your phase walk and using your ears. Also...she's amazing at shutting down loops.

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157
    edited August 2019

    Get a great pair of headphones for starters, they help tremendously tbh with directional sound. When I first started playing with Spirit, the biggest mistake I made was using phasing too little. Use it, use it, use it. Even if you're making the wrong guesses, keep using it. With practice you'll get better at predicting and you'll start guessing better based on what you hear and see. I also wanna note that survivors in your terror radius will not hear your phasing sound.

    Add ons: personally I love the charge time add on. You can phase quickly with it, that add on, movement speed add on and moderate reappearance speed add-on are all GREAT to use on her. I also like recovery speed add-ons so I can keep using her ability. If you're making the wrong guesses then reappearance speed add-on will help with correcting your mistakes - but play around with different add-on's to figure out your own playstyle and what works for you.

    Iron will and Quick & Quiet hurt Spirit a lot. It's the best counterplay for her so just keep it in mind, especially if you aren't able to hear people.