New killer: The Mummy

LuluTheLion13 Member Posts: 52
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

The Mummy Difficulty Hard

I was in Egypt at the time. I was on holiday. I was having a tour in a deserted temple until a massive sand storm occurred. Everything started to tremble until I couldn’t see. My leader was no where to be found. Even after the storm was over. No one could find him. But legend says. He is still alive today. Known as......... The Mummy.

The mummy’s power:

The mummy will do anything to catch it’s prey. Even a bit of sand in the eye will help. Every 1 min 30 secs, The Mummy can create a sand storm that will blind every survivor for 5 seconds.


Hard rock sand.

When the mummy creates a sand storm. One unlucky survivor will become injured. And can’t heal for 30 secs/40secs/50secs.

Sand dune.

When the mummy creates a sand storm. Sand dunes will form over every generator. For every survivor still alive add 1sec/2secs/3secs to the sand dunes timer.

Boiling sand.

When the mummy creates a sand storm. If a survivor is more than 24/18/12 metres away from the mummy, they will scream in pain for 3 secs.


Hex: A Mummy’s repair.

For every survivor you put on the hook. You receive a token up to a maximum of 5 tokens. Each token slows down the survivors repair speed by 4%/5%/6%. The perk persists until the Hex Totem is destroyed.

A helping hand.

When a survivor is put on the hook. All generators are blocked for 40secs/50secs/1min. Unless another survivor rescues and heals the survivor straight away.

Hex: Slippery sand.

For every generator that gets fully repaired, you receive a token up to a maximum of 5 tokens. Each token makes the survivor more and more wobbly until they can no longer run.

1 token: makes the survivor wobbly by 10%/12%/14%

2 tokens: makes the survivor wobbly by 20%/22%/24%

3 tokens: makes the survivor wobbly by 30%/32%/34%

4 tokens: the survivor can no longer run. But isn’t wobbly

5 tokens: makes the survivor wobbly by 10%/12%/14%

The perk persists until the Hex totem is destroyed.


The Mummy wraps the survivor up in bandages. Head to toe. And suffocates them.

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