An idea to punish facecamping



  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Heck no! Sometimes I avoid tunneling someone, chase off their friend, and then find the unhooked schmuck 3 feet away self-healing. All these half-baked fixes would punish ME for his bad play.

    I should in NO WAY be punished with less bloodpoints because they were too silly to actually run away. People would abuse the hell out of this.

    And on a 1 minute & 20 seconds counter? NO!

    Or giving the Survivors MY bloodpoints? Double-bloody-NO! Do you know how many Survivors would try to abuse that mechanic and steal bloodpoints?

    I will say it again:


  • Azurlynx
    Azurlynx Member Posts: 222

    Just give survivors ability to unhook themself if killer is within certain distance for certain time.

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2019

    hi, thats funny man, after I posted the comment, i remember that possibility and went edit asap, take a look in my new edited, i will paste here:

    "Also, when i'm playing killer, there are times (quiet often) that I don't want to camp or tunnel someone, so i just go forward and, in that point, someone unhook the survivor and that same unhooked guy goes directly to me and I stick my fork in him, since we can never refuse free food, so in that case, the algorithm should be added with a merge of meters, like, altho the clock ticks every 10 seconds, if that same survivor runned or walked for more than 45 meteres from where he was hooked the points will count as a full 8. 45 m in a line, not running in circles and while not in a chase!."

    But, that was not a punishment, that was a reward, each point will be considered in the end, and if you get points, basicaly for doing nothing, this points will generate BONUS in hunting + hooking category, so this is the opposite of punishment.

    Altho i suggested one little punishment for tunneling survivors when there's 5 gens LEFT. Because i have already played this game, hundred of hours, some hours as survivor and others as killer. And i know how frustating is in the beggining of the match a noob killer tunneling me, just because he can't control the match against 4 survivors, in the end i get -2 pip and riddiculus 3k bloodpoints...


    But about the survivors knowing the system and abusing of your good will, just ignore the bonus in that match and bring them hell


    Altho i think that, survivors critic so much that everytime devs needs to boost some good encouragement to the killers to avoid some kind of attitude, in the end you will see that, playing killer you get, almost always, 20k or more of bloodpoints, even a bad one (where everyone survived). While the survivors get 2-5 k for a bad match, because of a tunnel for example.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Sure. And if Survivors teabag at the exit gates, they should teleport onto Hooks.

    Once again; Survivors would camp JUST outside a Killers Terror Radius and force him to camp until the Survivor can unhook for free.

    Or the Killer would have to leave and GIVE the unhook to the Survivors.

    Either way: The Killer is punished for doing nothing wrong & the Survivors have an abuseable mechanic.

    Just stop. Camping is fine. All these ideas are terrible attempts to force a biased playstyle on people and shoehorn in Survivor-sided mechanics to make the game easier for them.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Camping doesn't need a 3rd party punishment. Its up to the survivors to punish the killer, do genes or coordinate to make a safe unhook. Its not just the killer that factors into the outcome.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    I have 133 hours in DBD. I've been tunneled and camped from the first second of a match.

    I mean, to the point that the Killer actively ignored Survivors poking him in the chest. Literally. My friend prodded his chest with the 'Point' emote repeatedly and he just STARED at me.

    Another person got caught in a bear trap? He just STARED at me.

    I got unhooked when he went afk a moment, and when he returned, he ran past TWO Survivors to hunt me down.

    I did not bring a single item into the match. I did not have meta perks. This guy just wanted me dead so badly. He rehooked me and resumed staring. His soulless eyes boring into mine.

    Did I suddenly think camping was OP and needed a change? Did I complain how unfair it was?


    It was ONE bloody match. The Killer decided to play My Little Stalker and turn me into a shrine for his tsundere love. I had a laugh and moved on. It happens.

    Stop Asking For Biased Changes Just Because You Dislike A Legitimate Playstyle!

    Anything you suggest will be abuseable. Stop.

  • Azurlynx
    Azurlynx Member Posts: 222

    I didn't say anything about terror radius. And what problem with giving unhook? Just go patrol gens or go back and smack em.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    So basically 'Walk away & give them an unhook or they get a free unhook'.

    If you can't see what's wrong with that idea, there's no point in trying to reason with you.

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 41

    You are just thinking about yourself, if you are good or not. When you say: " I had a laugh and moved on. It happens." is because you had only one bad experience in that day/week or whatever, some players doesnt have that good luck and find themselves with the most noob killers, i'm not saying anything like "camping is a crime to humanity" or tunnel, i do that myself sometimes, it all depends on how the team will act after the first hook. I dont facecamp because is rude or it will just give too much credit to that survivor, but i explained the scene and yet you decliened, because in your great experience things happens.

    I only suggested one more encouragement to killers, at least, altho that should be clearly explained to the players, since the biggest problems must be with killers rank 13-17 and some noobs of better rank. If there are so many people complaining that must happens more than 1 time in a day. I know, because (not facecamping) but bad tunneling in a not organized team, is a crappy match. 0 fun 0 rewards 0 brains.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    What I'm saying that while, yeah, camping sucks, there are just too many reasons to do it. The 'Human Factor' behind camping is so much a part of it that you literally cannot program in every legit reason a Killer has to camp.

    And if a Killer has a legit reason to camp, punishing them for it would be profoundly unfair. I'd rage if I got slowed/teleported/a free unhook/lost BP/whatever because I camped for 1 or 2 kills in a match where everyone was a 3- or 4-man meme-build meant to bully me instead of win.

    So, overall, camping just CANNOT be punished. It sucks, but that's the way it is.

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 41

    yeah lol, i totally agree with that. Ok, i respect your opinion ^^, i will stick with that single scenario that i mentioned... "if there are still 5 gens left, tunnel should get punishment", not camping, since even camping doesn't mean anything, because 1 killer vs 3 survivors + 1 hooked = survivors win anyway, if they are organized.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If the killer hasn't hooked anyone, survivors should be punished for repairing generators.

    Does that sound fair to you in any way? That's because it isn't. Neither side should be punished for playing efficiently.

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 41

    "if you see somebody going for unhook go get him, don't camp just because you 'think' somebody is around." .

    You just describe camping, and that's why a killer should camp in that scenario.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    So what rewards for not camping do people have in mind? Since clearly the existing ones aren't enough does anyone have suggestions for additional ones?

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306

    Camping isn’t efficient though. All you did was secure ONE kill while everyone else did the objective and escaped. Camping does nothing for either side

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450

    A rank system that isn't worthless

    Camping gives less pips, but pips are worthless so it doesn't matter

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    What about ingame rewards? Ranking systems don't exist to judge you as nice or a dick but in terms of how good you are at the game.

    Say what you want about the requirement of execution but if a strategy is effective then Good players should use it.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Just add it into the Tutorial & make a loading screen tooltip.

    'A Survivor takes 60 seconds to go from Hanging on the Hook to Struggling. And another 60 seconds to go from Struggling to Dead. It takes 1 Survivors 80 seconds to repair 1 generator. Camping a hooked Survivor is not an efficient way to please the Entity!'

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 41

    Camping is the best strategy if the team comes rescue that hooked survivor:

    If one stayed reparing and the other 2 comes to the rescue, you basically already won that match.

    If 3 survivors comes to the rescue, you are F. (considering they know what they are doing)

    If none survivor comes to the rescue you are F.

    have you ever heard of the "BASEMENT" place, top place to sleep over.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    Reminder to you all to keep this civil - you are free to discuss the point, you are not free to insult one another!

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    What about endgame and you have no hook kills I camp then tbh

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    So what I'm reading here is facecaming and proxy camping are making people mad. So let's think this way if you were in the situation the game is do you really think the killer will leave you alone if your not dead? Probably not your gonna get murdered before they move on.

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    And if the killer so chooses to camp. Screw it and go do gens and get point they only hurt themselves camping.

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 41

    I'm not saying that, i hope that was sarcastic... or just a like bait

    "Neither side should be punished for playing efficiently."

    Man, don't you know how to interpret? read my thread again. Nobody should be punished for playing bad or playing good, your skills is up to you, unless you are destroying the other people games, since, you must consider that, in this game there are no bots only players and some boundaries must be sticked.

    Even with those boundaries i believe you should have the option to do whatever you want, even if you are an as**, because while i say punishment i suggested that giveaway bloodpoints and to other situations a simple no BONUS, (to me that's not even a punishment is just a "I told you"), if you don't feel like following those cultural rules, you just don't get the bonus. Let me be more clear::

    My Quote: " if there's still 5 gens left, if you tunnel the survivor, he should get your bloodpoints lefting you with 0 untill that point. But if there's 2 gens left and no sacrifice yet, tunnel is a great way to balance things and must NOT be consider a way of disgrace "

    -> If you are camping one survivor, that's ok, even in the beggining of the match.

    BUT if you are Tunneling, efficiently, a survivor AT the BEGgining of the match, (remember that you start with 0 points) and you stick with that one survivor (while not his obssession, because that would explain something) and kill him in the first minutes, BECAUSE you tunneled him, HE should get all your points (those you earned chasing and getting him) and your points should be reseted to that point, -- altho i think it's ok to let the emblems to pip it up (is a more efficient way to punish him, because he will play with the big boys, hahaha)--, after that, probably 2/1 more gen (s) will be done and life goes on, no more punishment because of the gens., only more bonus to the killer.

    So what i'm trying to say is: "Killers are OP compared to survivors in a not organized team" When the game give you 60 seconds to wait for the entetity and more few seconds to completly die, and considering that (without mori) you can't even kill a survivor, that means the game is telling you to hook, give the guy a chance and go hunt somewhere else.

    I'm on for the punishment against the "baby" killers that Tunnel WHILE* there's still at least 4-5 GENS LEFT, because that means you are just chasing the same dude quickly to get 3x1 and get an easy match, that's not a crime, but have you though about that one survivor, what if he was you and that kept happening at lEast 3-5x a day, would you be happy with those idjits? because there's nothing to do about it, unless getting better at running, but if that's true the game is saying "This game is like school, if you are weak you get bully, after u get rich/good job you bully them"

    I know what i said had flaws, i was hopping someone upgrade it, anyway, bye. I hope my ideas were worth in some way to, at least, gives someone a better idea. Im done with this subject

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I mean, you never said the killer had a valid reason to camp the hook. That's a different story.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Killers always get punished for bad survivors. Dont bother man.

  • UltraBanana
    UltraBanana Member Posts: 100
    edited August 2019

    Tunneling, camping, and slugging are totally legitimate strategies and as a survivor you should really be playing like you only have 1 hook; because sometimes that is all you are going to get. If I am killer and say get 2 people in the basement, what real reason is there to leave? Or say there are 2 people left and I hook one right next to the hatch, no reason to leave either.

    There are a ton of second chance perks for survivors to choose from and the game can be ended in just a few minutes by a competent team; and that is without people running toolboxes. A good survivor can run safe pallet to safe pallet, maybe getting some infinite window action in, and that is all it will take for half the game to be over if not more.

    Killers don't have too many crutches I can think of (spirit fury / enduring) and noed; and the characters spirit and nurse because they are just overpowered. All the loopable killers have to put in some real work to take down survivors who know how to loop.

    SWF is also grossly imbalanced in the hands of very good survivors, where you will have 1-2 people running object of obsession calling out your position for the entire team all game long. The game is clearly balanced with solo Q in mind.

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306