We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Came close to posting "I'm done". But find out Game is balanced after all.

Remy Member Posts: 20

So, I came close to posting the usual, "I'm done with this game, and I quit". I wont put a penny in this game cause its so unbalanced.

Until maybe a week ago, I play mostly 95% survivor. And I will say to this day, It is more heartbreaking to play as a Solo survivor.

People wont do gens and just play Hide and seek, people that lead the killer to you, playing a good game only to die cause of Endgame, Players that leave you to die after only getting hooked for the first time, Toxic players, etc.

I've seen so many posts here about this game is so unfair, that up until recently, I agreed. And actually, I did quit for a while. My fiance have asked me before why I dont play anymore.

So I showed how her how unbalanced it is. I almost never play killer, and when I do, I can kill at least 2, sometimes 3, and sometimes, all 4 people. And told her see, there shouldnt be a reason why I can do this when I dont even play as a killer.

So the past week, I started playing as a killer more, and what I found was that, as a killer, you go through the same exact frustration as a survivor. I thought killers were OP cause I guess the few times I played it before, it was with solo survivors and they were easy to kill.

But when you play with groups, they literally will taunt you constantly and run around you and just play with you like you're a joke.

So I just want to say, thank you developers, cause after playing for over a week now as killer, I'm actually enjoying playing that role also. And now, I have fun playing as both killer and survivor. When you play both, you get a better persepective of each side's perspective.

If there is one that I could point out that isnt balanced, I would say, the killer's advantage of hitting a survivor even if they have cleared a window. I think for newbie players, or players who are never gonna get better in the game, that at least gives them a fair play of trying to get away. Cause I do have a smirk everytime I do that and think to myself they should have gotten away.

But other than that, I think the game is balanced and for the developers, Thank you, and keep up the good work.


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,431

    The thing is as killer you have more control over your own actions. As solo survivor you don’t, you rely on others and put your faith in them that they have half a brain to do something.

    Which is why I find SWF balanced. Not because of comms but because I trust them to do the right thing when it comes down to it.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    Think of the window clearance like real life. I can still reach through the window to get you if you are close enough. If you got hit you did not get clear of the killers reach.

  • Remy
    Remy Member Posts: 20

    Agreed completely. That's why I do think that its still more heartbreaking when you play as a solo survivor.

    Even when I have a close game as a killer, and hook someone when the last gen was done, and they they eventually save him and everyone lives, I dont get upset and actually give props for the group for playing so well to have everyone survive in the end.

    But as a solo survivor, like yesterday, I played 3 straight games where we finished all gens, and I did at least 2 gens by myself, and I still died in the end. Its definitely still more hearbreaking playing as a solo survivor.

    But I'm just glad though that I dont think anymore that killers are too OP.

    Man, I was playing last night where I couldnt even kill any surivivors. At one point, It was even so bad I couldnt even hit a survivor. lol.

  • harpuia
    harpuia Member Posts: 38

    I've heard the same thing a couple of times, Freddy was OP because he could see your aura and Wraith because of the boost he gains after uncloaking. lol

    I was like "Dude, do you even play DbD at all??" Haha

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,379

    When its 2 survivors left, Ill normally HEAVILY judge someone for not getting an unhook. If the gens arnt finished, Ill walk WAY away and be like "You are NOT about to let him die on first hook..." Ill try doing this to both ppl and if both save eachother rather than just wait at hatch... Im pretty likely to just let em go. I got my BBQ stacks.

  • Remy
    Remy Member Posts: 20
  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323

    Playing solo survivor is quite often demoralising

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    If you play well enough you can still usually get at least a safety PIP even if your team is playing awful. That can mean not making a mistake that gets you downed even once sometimes but with most of the killer roster there isn't much room for error either at high ranks. Both roles can feel pretty hopeless at times.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    I still think there should be comms and a text chat base game just so that survs can communicate (muteable obviously). Then balance around that. It's the only way to bring solo survs up to swf completely and make it so "nerfs" to swf(I have yet to see a nerf actually change anything to a group with good communication skills) don't decimate solo survs. The downside of course being that you'd have to rework a decent portion of the game to actually allow that level of communication (altering like 50% of the perks and actually balancing the gameplay around regular communication instead of balancing it around zero communication)

    TBH they're probably already planning something like this given they're adding an in game friends list with the dedicated servers.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,379

    communication makes perks/addons that are meant to restict information kinda pointless. Knockout, 3rd seal and pretty much anything that gives the blindness effect would need to be reworked.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,431
    edited August 2019


    The problem isn't pipping. I could care less about rank.

    I was just pointing out that when you play as killer AT THE VERY LEAST, you have yourself to blame for if you make mistakes. With a solo surviving team, you sometimes feel like you are playing a survivor with 1 arm and no legs...

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited August 2019

    Oh absolutely, playing both sides is essential so you don't become bitter or biased. Every-Time I feel frustrated playing Killer I play survivor in so doing I remind myself that survivors have a lot to deal with too. Thus I can keep making my lobbies fun for everyone and not become a toxic Omega Nurse with eboni mories because I had bad games

    My motto is it doesn't matter if you won if you were a prick, ungrateful and had to ruin the fun of everyone else. Better to have sportsmanship then to be that P3 Claudette running the meta perks and immediately leaves her team to die so she can shout "Ezgame-EZkiller get owned"

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,379

    Ive noticed alot of PS4 players on these forums...and here I am on PC...

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,798

    This is a very well thought out post. While I don't think the game is perfectly balanced (certain perks, items, add ons and killers need various kinds of tweaking), I do not think that one side is heavily favored over the other in general. There are way too many factors that go into each trial, especially due to RNG, to make blanket statements such as killers or survivors are OP. But certain killers, like Trapper, do need some buffs and QoL changes that would greatly improve their standing (for him: holding multiple traps by default, being able to reset traps when pulling survivors out of them, etc).

    I have great games and terrible games on both sides. Sometimes I destroy survivors, sometimes I get destroyed. Sometimes I am able to run a killer around or juke them endlessly, sometimes they outsmart me and I'm practically useless to my team that trial.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    Yeah, I know. I touched on that in my post when i said like half the game would need to be reworked. The issue is that, as long as swf exists, the only way to balance it is to balance around complete information on Surv side. Might as well make every party essentiallly swf so that that is easier and hurts less solos.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    the problem is also when there are 2 survivors left and let's say there need to be 3 more gens completed (or more). I felt at that time there is no point in doing gens cause u're never gonna get them done with 2 remaining survivors. It's like waiting for the other one to be found and hoping for a hatch.

    It's just not fun and i think it's very flawed. At least before the endgame change you had to do 2 gens At least to spawn the hatch now it will always spawn no matter the amount of gens done. I think they made a mistake there to take away incentive to do anyting productive.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    Wow imagine playing both sides and actually using your brain for once

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    And also to add to the discussion i feel the same way playing as a long time solo player. There is so many times i thought the killer should never get a 3 or 4k and yet he gets it because of you know a not so great team that wastes time doing anything but gens. I feel like gen rush as some killers call it is the only way to stand a chance as a solo player. Time is kills and it's a race against the c lock both for surivvor and killer

  • Remy
    Remy Member Posts: 20

    Thanks. True, indeed the game isnt perfectly balanced, as most games like these will always need some improvements. But basically, I was referring in General, the game is more balanced than I thought. When you play 95% of the time as a survivor, and up until recently, didnt really care to play killer, it can be frustrating, and you start to think that developers are only listening to hardcore players that frequent the forum. I'm more of a casual player, and I was starting to feel that developers didnt care for those players.

    I usually dont mind paying dlc's to support game makers that I feel are doing a great job. So when I first started playing this game and was enjoying it, I was buying dlc's and skins, etc. But for awhile when I thought this game was broken, I said to myself that I wont invest anymore penny on this game.

    But now that I realize that the game is more balanced than I thought, then I certainly wont mind putting more money into the game if there's something that I end up wanting in the future.

  • Remy
    Remy Member Posts: 20

    The problem with the old Freddy was that 8 out of 10, at least the ones I encountered, were Campers. If they caught you, you get hanged...they wait til someone unhangs you, and you take a few steps and sure enough, he's right behind you. Hang, and he'll just wait there until someone frees you and chase you again until you die. After I die, I watch the game, and he does the same thing to next player. Rinse and repeat.

    so I'm actually glad about the Freddy's new powers. I've yet to encounter a camper Freddy since the upgrade.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    New Freddy seems awesome. The snares look surprisingly useful and the gen teleport is unexpectedly good in a chase (but very clearly bad for initiating a chase).

    Basically, his lullaby doesn't tell you how far away he is unlike the terror radius which does. So if someone is asleep then you can gen teleport to the other side of them while LoS is broken without them knowing.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,379

    Old Freddy was literally the worst killer to camp as, since you had to wait 7 seconds to hit the person. Thats usually enough time for someone to reach a pallet or window. I could see someone keeping an eye out for an unhook so they could sleep the unhooked person and the unhooker, but not to actually camp.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,379

    Did you watch Tru3s video today where he does that ALOT?

  • Remy
    Remy Member Posts: 20

    Probably Old Freddy that was played on the PC side. Maybe since there's more PC players, most of them know how to utilize his powers.

    I play on PS4, and maybe most of these new console players dont bother to learn how to play him, so they resort to just rinse and repeat camping. I would joke about it that Freddy is the bane of my game experience.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I did. It was super satisfying to watch. New Freddy might be viable.

    I'm only using uncertain terminology because I don't actually have Freddy so I can't try him out for myself.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,379

    I mained old Freddy, but this new one...its a whole different beast. I gotta get some hours in on him to get the hang of it.