Can we just remove keys?

Keys are just another nail in the coffin as to why it's unfun to play killer a lot of the time. I've accepted that the hatch is always gonna be a thing even though I initially thought it was a stupid idea, but keys are the real stupid idea. They were supposed to be in the game for a limited time (which was a lie) and toxic SWF teams are all the more grateful that they weren't. They know that they can get a 3-man escape without completing the gens as long as they find the hatch. Tell me: What is the point of having gens and exit gates as an objective if there's an item that allows the same number or more survivors to escape? That just shouldn't exist. Let me know if you agree or if I'm just crazy.



  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    You need to specify what mori, bud. If you mean ebony, I'd change it to only activate on the third down, instead of second.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Lol. Getting three gens done makes them skillful. That's funny.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Mori and key is equal. Each remove a player from the game. Key is only useable once, but multiple can escape for a short time. Mori (ebony) is useable all game.

    No to removing either. Would not mind seeing both tweaked though. Perhaps 2 hooks for the mori and purple key only lets holder out, while pink will let others out, but only a 3 second window.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Moris have a counter, simply don't go down, not sarcastic that's it. If the survivor are good enough they can win against a mori. Yet, even if they cuck themselves up with a three gen situation, they can still get their sweet second chance and win the game, and differently from moris, they don't have to bring keys in the match, so that the opponent know what he's facing, they can find it randomly.

  • Aceonfire
    Aceonfire Member Posts: 304

    IMHO, the biggest problem is how common they are in the bloodweb. These things need to actually be something you see in 1 in 30 games and not 1 in 5. That's not even uncommon at that point and approaching normal.

    The devs really fortnited it up when it comes to the stats on these things. pink mori's are even more common than green and yellow which is just so stupid. Just remove the titles of "ultra rare, rare etc.." they mean nothing at this point.

  • seven1red
    seven1red Member Posts: 3

    >simply dont go down

    Enduring + Spirit Fury: Am I a joke to you?

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Tell me we are memeing please. The combo can easily be countered by dropping pallets early, and survivors can easily loop efficiently. From what i read, and the amount of post, you're probably somebody that started playing the game. If not, well you're just bad (and you're bad even at having a discussion, since by not quoting or tagging me, you're making real difficult to me knowing when you replied me).

  • Faceless
    Faceless Member Posts: 121


    Git Gud.

    Close hatch - Franklin demise - Memento

  • thekate
    thekate Member Posts: 37

    Like tunneling survivors and mori them makes you skillful.

  • Impala
    Impala Member Posts: 145
    edited August 2019

    As far as I'm aware, both moris and keys have counters. They won't simply remove one of these just because one salty player demanded it after a not so fortunate game. Even if they think of removing one of these (which they won't), they will probably make a poll and I assure you the majority will vote them to stay. It's a more diverse game with these 2 in it. You literally have Franklin's demise and/or a mori to counter keys. Use them instead of whining.

  • ArcticWolf
    ArcticWolf Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2019

    I don't even see keys as a killer and i haven't used one ever since i got the achievement of all survivors getting out in the hatch so almost a year and half now. So keys I dont think are needed as much but if they were removed something new should be added in.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Remove Moris and then remove keys. Problem solved.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Leave keys and moris alone.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You, as in the key holder, don't have to do jack squat to make use of it. You can just wait for other people to repair gens.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    It's true, but I like bloodpoints. So i do gens and chase. The killer literally can hit a survivor 3 times and mori him. I played a match yesterday against a nurse with an ebony. They hooked a decent rando. I unhooked him. They immediately tunneled him. By the time he was downed again (and mori'd) we completed the 3rd gen. We finished a fourth and got out with a key. The killer had the gall to complain about the gen rush after the match. Great stuff. Now if the killer actually applied pressure to more than one player maybe it would have been a different story.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I would be very happy if devs would remove both, Moris and Keys + Instant Heals as well.

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    I had two toolboxes and a key in my match the other day and they wouldn't stop complaining because I mori'd one of them on what would have been their third hook. It wasn't even a quick down after the second hook. The complaining was after they made their two man hatch escape too. Some people...

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Agreed. True ranked mode should definetly be no offernings (other than bp) and items (besides what is found in chests).

    It would probably split the player base too much though.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    There would still be complaints, probably over genrushing, camping, tbagging, tunnelling, sandbagging, swf, and so forth.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    Keys are fine the way they are.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I would actually buff keys and moris, keys work for 2 people max then hatch closes and exit gates trigger and moris can be done after two hooks (as a new final hook WITH AN ADECUATE BP AMOUNT PER KILL). What do you think?

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    And keys have a counter: simply kill all survivors before they get to see hatch.

    Mori is way stronger than a key though.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited August 2019

    Not possible to do on purpose, since the hatch is guaranteed to spawn and open in every single trial, no matter what the killer does or how well they play. If the survivors don't get to see the hatch, it's only because they weren't lucky enough to run past it at some point.

    Post edited by Orion on
  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929
    edited August 2019

    Moris cannot be found in chests, keys are hard to see in the lobbies while moris clearly appear in the loading screen, if you easily win a match as survivor you keep the key, while you waste the mori if you're the killer, keys have addons to save from losing them, to use moris at least you have to won chases and if you want to tunnel you'll to deal with bt, ds, bodyblocks and so on, to use keys just press one button to get your free escape even after playing badly, starting egc isn't a counter either, since survivor can still reopen the hatch.

    No way moris are stronger than keys.

  • Th3Entity
    Th3Entity Member Posts: 35

    You should listen to yourself and see if you can have a straight face while saying that an ebony memento mori isn't more op than a key.If 3 survivors want to escape with a key they have to be a swf so most of the time 1 guy gets the hatch with it but ebony mori's you just need to hook someone once and then tunnel him it's easy to do that as wraith huntress ghostface etc also mori's are a free win for the killer. Btw I don't think either the mori's or the keys should be removed they are fine how they are. Memento Mori in Latin means "remember that you are mortal" and mori's should also serve survivors as a reminder of that.

    Ps: In the loading screen you are never sure if it is a Mori or a bone splinter or any other offering that makes you spawn as another killer.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    Keys are just strong in the hands of tryhard swf groups who also use a map to track the hatch.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I agree somewhat, keys need to be changed. Same with moris honestly.

  • drkiwie
    drkiwie Member Posts: 56

    I wouldn't mind if keys only opened the hatch for said person who opened it. Mori's on the other hand need to be looked at I think...sure animation is cool the first few times but other than that your losing a ton of points as killer by using them. :/ I avoid them as much as I can in my killer blood webs

  • FruityMemes
    FruityMemes Member Posts: 55

    Keys aren't that big of a deal. If you despise them so much use franklins and remember where it was dropped. If you are trapper or hag trap the item. You can also kill the person with the key because it is noticable if they have one. Not to mention you can use a key when downed and the killer can grab the person when doing it

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Keys are fine.

  • Feck3
    Feck3 Member Posts: 15

    I don't want to be rude but y'all complain about the stupidest things, first it was a discussion about the keys than it became about moris, and then on top of that y'all just trash talk one another for no reason. All i have to say is if you don't like something don't complain about it learn how to overcome it and theres no reason to talk crap about someone you don't know.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    “They were only supposed to be in the game a limited time.”

    What universe are you living in?

    Take out all Mori’s, and I would gladly give up all my keys.

  • jorkle
    jorkle Member Posts: 18

    Way i see it as long as moris exist then keys have a right to exist. It's a balance.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    4 man SWF rarely bring keys anyways cause you have to do all the gens for the hatch to appear if no one has died yet

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Keys have a counter, simply don't let gens be done that's not sarcastic that's just it. If the Killer is good enough they can still win against a key. Yet, even as survivor if a survivor plays well and gets gens done the killer can get their free kill because any killer that is half way decent can get two hooks worth. And differently from keys the killer can still put on two very good add-ons AND a mori.

  • Deadbyblake
    Deadbyblake Member Posts: 27

    Can we just remove you?

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Killers can still slug the second last survivor and prevent the hatch from spawning. Even with EGC changes, it's still a very common killer behaviour actually.