Negan from the walking dead as a survivor or killer?

I dont know if Negan would be a survivor or a killer because on twd negan is an enemy and weilds a bat named Lucille. But negan could be a survivor aswell because he could survive a zombie apocalypse.
Seeing as how he's apparently a good guy in the show now(I don't watch it) he's probably more in line with a survivor now then before.
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I would have allows put him into a Survivor since everything he does is just a planned out thought on how to survive.
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Ash is in the Game i dont think we need another smartass badass
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I tried making a killer from walking dead, tell me what you guys think!
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I’d rather see someone from the Telltale series than the TV series. Like Lee or Kenny.
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Why? Id love to see negan.
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I see were your going but i think negan would be a great character
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Because it doesnt make sense to add a character from the walking dead. It would have to be a standalone survivor. It would just be fan service. And if they are adding a character for fan service TWD probably isnt high on the list. Especially a character that most people dont know because most people have stopped watching the show. If I had to pick I would choose Lee.
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Wouldn't make sense ? We are getting stranger things ffs! XD
So yeah walking dead why not ?
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He would have to be a survivor at this point. It just wouldn’t make sense for him to be a killer when he’s made a turn in the show. However, I think there are better choices for survivor (Rick or Darryl) and a clear better choice for killer (Governor).
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It doesnt make sense because he would be a lame killer. Stranger Things makes more sense because there's stuff for a killer and survivor(s). I dont understand your confusion. TWD fell off. Makes no sense to add a character like Negan.
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Oh I'm not talking about him specifically, I thought you meant TWD has a whole.
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I mean the governor would not fit because he does not have a melee weapon. He uses guns, negan has a baseball bat named lucielle. Negan would be a better killer than governor.
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Sorry, hes just not interesting enough. Especially as a killer. He would be a lame M1 killer if anything. We already have a few of those. All of which are more interesting. TWD just isnt a good fit for DBD.
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I don’t think the lack of a weapon matters really, can just give him whatever. I found him to be a better villain than Negan myself, and was written to be pretty damn tough as time went on. I think he would beat the ######### out of Negan lol. But yeah I do understand what you mean with the bat, I guess I just can’t get by the fact Negan is a good guy now, and very likely to be that for the rest of his time on the show. Merle would be cool with his obvious weapon, but again last memory of Merle is performing a noble act.
Actually, now that I think about it I think Abraham would be perfect for a survivor role. He has a kinda cartoony look to him anyway so it’s a perfect fit for a video game.
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I just think Negan would be a better fit instead of govonor because he is more rememberable then the govonor.
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Better off as the killer. Entity could just pick him up right from when he was evil. And his mori would be insane. The "taking it like a champ" one. Should be one of DBD's way of introducing a cutscene mori.
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That would be pretty cool, beating the survivor's brains out.
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People forget that mutliple times throughout multiple comics and/or episodes, the governor killed more than 3 people with Michonne's Sword. The weapon isnt an issue if you look under the covers of the perfect bed.
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Lee or the final season Clementine, or both, I would love that.
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I can’t argue that he’s not more well known. But I still can’t get passed having someone as killer who’s very likely to die a hero in the show. (NOT a spoiler btw, I read none of that crap and don’t read comics! Just an educated guess based off his current redemption arc). I’m probably in the minority though.
Guess it would depend on the survivor too though. Something like Governor/Michonne would definitely work, especially with Governor having her sword as killer. If you do Negan, the expectation there is Rick or bust I think.
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I think that the entity will probably pull the season 7 and season 8 negan then the season 9 or 10. I think that dbd will just add the more memorable villian which is negan.
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He was one hell of a cold and ruthless bastard in earlier seasons. As villiany as a villian can be lol