Lag Switchers

DoomOrb Member Posts: 170
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

Hi, it's me, DoomOrb. Today I'll be talking specifically about Lag switchers. Now for those of you who don't know I'll tell you what lag switchers are.

Lag Switchers are people who usually mess with their internet on purpose so they have a significant advantage in game.

Now usually I get lag switchers as survivor, killers who lag me on a window so badly that I stay frozen or when I think I'm far away I appear in front of them and get hit. While is not exclusive to killers, survivors can lag switch too, but less effectively. Lag Switching survivors tend to teleport in front like some sort of infinite dead hard. While sure is less effective as a survivor is still there and thus an unfair advantage.

Now I'm unaware where they are more lag switchers, I tend to find them more on console than on PC personally, but hey they still exist. Now I might be a mid salty survivor player but I imminently disconnect when I'm facing a lag switcher. Never in my life will I allow myself to give a bbq stack to a lag switcher. Is not even worth being there.

Now I understand bad connections, but when you face a lag switcher, you know what they are when you play against them. You can just feel the difference when playing against a lag switcher vs a person with bad internet.

Now I have heard that when dedicated servers come, this will solve this issue permanently, and I do hope it does. I do hope and pray that the devs do solve this with dedicated servers. Because when they do I would actually play more survivor than killer. Because I'll be honest, we can all agree that is never fun to play against a lag switcher. Like ever.

Devs if you're reading this, I wish you success in making sure these dedicated servers are a success. The game depends on it. We're counting on you. You've done a good job so far, so I'm expecting great things.

With love, DoomOrb
