Hannibal Lector as new killer.

b100dmoney Member Posts: 2

I was thinking about a new killer and Hannibal Lector came to mind. His sleek psychotic persona would be such a nice addition. His weapon would be a steak knife or a kitchen knife but personally I think a steak knife would fit better after hitting a survivor he would then stick the knife in his mouth and clean it. His look would be a white T-shirt with the brown leather muzzle from the airport scene.

His ability would be centred around the fact he was an amazing doctor and a cannibal. I was thinking of something like he gains bloodlust 100% faster and for each tier of bloodlust all of he’s action speeds are increased by 20%. The second part is if he gets the survivor into bloodlust tier 3 then they either get put in the broken state for 2 minutes or they get exposed. His ability would be very good at high ranks making insta-heals useless and ending chases fast but not stupidly fast like nurse.

The names of his abilities would be (Clarice), (favs beans and a nice chianti) or a big amarone but I think chianti because it’s better known and finally (It’s always very important to try new things)


Clarice: you gain bloodlust tier 2 for 16/20/24 seconds after putting your obsession into the dying state. It will automatically go into tier 3 if chasing a survivor when the time runs out. After putting your obsession into the dying state the obsession is changed to the furthest survivor from you because Lector likes a challenge.

I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti: The hindered status affect is given to a survivor for 6/7/8 seconds after being hit because DR.Lector knows where it hurts.(this goes along with the name because the liver is associated with smoking which would lower you stamina and in hand speed).

It always important to try new things: having 1 survivor injured gives you a 2/3/4% speed boost. Having 2 survivor injured grants the killer 6/7/8% decreased cool-down on successful attacks. Having 3 injured gives the exposed affect to all survivor for and it lasts for 20/25/30 seconds if the survivors all heal while this timer is going down it is disabled, if 1 survivor is still injured the exposed effect will last till the time runs out. Having 4 injured will reveals survivors locations this effect lasts 30 seconds and is disabled if all survivors heal.

I think he would either have put them into the broken state and move at 115% speed or he would put them in the exposed state and move at 110% speed at tier 3 bloodlust.

For anyone that doesn’t know each tier of bloodlust gives every killer a 5% speed boost and it would take Hannibal Lector 7.5 seconds to go up each tier so 22.5 seconds to get to tier 3.

His add-ons could be gain bloodlust from the obsession faster, attacks cause Haemorrhage, mangled, exhaustion, blindness and deep wound. Survivors he hits gets the broken effect in tier 2 and a purple ass-on for tier 1 . If getting the exposed effect at tier 3 bloodlust was OP then it could become a purple add-on. Finally an crazy OP add on that lowers you movement speed to 90% and each tier of bloodlust takes the normal amount of speed to get(15 seconds to get each tier) you Mori people you catch at tier 3 which means you moving at 105% like tombstone Myers.

The perfect Mori would be scalping them and eating there brain or tearing out there throat with his teeth but it would probably be him cutting there throat with a knife. Just look at the animation of the saw traps. 

Jodie foster would be a great survivor but she hated doing the movie and I feel like whoever has the right would just use Edward Norton instead from Red Dragon but I can dream so I went with Jodie Foster.

I would like to here everyone’s opinion because I put a lot of effort into this and I’m genuinely interested on what you have to say. Please judge the killer and the add-ons separately, I don’t want someone screaming it’s OPPPPPPP in the comments just because 1 add-on or perk is to strong.

I did this because I really like the idea of bloodlust and I think they should capitalise on it by adding a killer with it. 

I’m done no more promise. Plz say what changes you would make to. 

Height: tall

Lunge: long because it just needs to be 

Speed: 110% or 115% unsure.

Terror radius: 32 meters 

He is stealthy in some movies like Hannibal but I’m a bit sick of stealthy killers so I decided to not make him stealthy and because I liked the bloodlust idea so much.

This is the Antony Hopkins Hannibal Lector.


                   Clarice starling

Constantly pushing though hard battle and risking her life FBI.

She would were a grey FBI tracksuit that she was wearing while running in the forest.

Her perks would be 

Closer: while standing in the killers terror radius all survivors on the map are highlighted this effect persists for 6/7/8 seconds after leaving the killers terror radius or starting a chase.

6th sense: the killer is highlighted for 5 seconds after damaging a generator and the generators aura is revealed for 8/10/12 seconds.

Butterfly effect: failing a skill check will have a 12/14/16 second delay and will not cause any pause of progress this also applies to the pause for hitting a good on a generator with hex ruin.(this does not change the amount the generator is set back by just the pause).

(There could also be some backstory about the lambs)

The map is a very difficult one to pick the options are a bungalow with a well, house in a big garden, a map like strode’s, a insane asylum, a airplane hangar, a pig farm or what I think is the best two are a 2 tiered cathedral with a unique basement that is actually an attic with a generator a bit like a tower or a building that he brakes out of in silence of the lambs(it’s like the prison, hotel, restaurant, asylum thing). There could be a original map that was like, the ambulance went off-road and hit a tree Hannibal was never scene again, maybe it was the mist maybe he is living in 

Zihuatanejo, no body knows.

The killer would be strong to matter the skill but never crazy but could definitely beat an amazing player after wasting time getting bloodlust 3. He would also make instant heals useless and would slow the game down JUST A LITTLE BIT by stopping people heal. He also gets stronger as the chase progresses.

The survivor would be a new type of survivor by distracting the killer without getting in a chase or having to hide as quickly as possible and risk getting caught, or running urban evasion and it has an added bonus.

With a new map that could involve a attic basement or a highway or a elevator and I new play style. 

Criticise all you want and please do if you have any questions or opinions on anything mentioned.


  • Fropps
    Fropps Member Posts: 66

    Hey, you might want to post this in the wishlist and suggestions subforum, this is the bug reports section.

  • Dwight_the_Locker
    Dwight_the_Locker Member Posts: 15

    Ok, let's deconstruct this Concept.

    1] Capitalising on Bloodlust.

    -Bloodlust as a mechanic is ment to aid Killers in ending a Loop. The fact that the killer has a speed boost and the Exposed/Broken on the chased survivor makes the game unfun. It forces the killer to just be patient and give time so the survivors can do gens.

    2] Perks -

    • Clarice - Bloodlust (Again) is not a general mechanic. It has one straight purpose and that is to end loops or long chases. The obsession thing is a minute detail. To fix this you would have to make it so, the killer gets a speed boost for 20s and the Obsession becomes the furthest away. This would fix the perk.
    • 2nd Perk (long name) - Bloodlust is lost upon a hit. Hindered slows down survivors. It guarentees a 2nd hit if you boil it down. Make it so the hit sets survivors into the hindered state after the hit speed boost.
    • 3rd Perk - Make this a Hex Perk or it will not be appreciated by the community. It is way too overpowered. Thanataphobia is the closest we have to this and it works due to the way it was made. If this effected one thing like movement speed it would be fine. But currently it covers way too much. The buff to Blood Lust also makes this an overpowered perk.

    3] Add Ons

    I am just going to save time and list all problems

    1. Tombstone Myers moves faster then Survivors in Tier I
    2. The fact he can inflict all status is kinda broken. Even Doctor can't inflict Deep Wound because it would be broken. And due to the Blood Lust buffs he needs no more there.
    3. Myers Tombstone is fair due to the Time it Takes to get. It forces the Killer to Intervene but not pause the Survivors efforts in order to keep the match under his time flow.
    4. Being Able to Mori after being in a Chase with a 60% Movement Buff in 45s is so painful. Myers (again) is the perfect show of Balance but Powerful. FLoH and Tombstone take MINUTES to get. But the Tier III is rewarding as it shows the Survivors are on a Time Limit and must hurry.

    4] This Quote

    The killer would be strong to matter the skill but never crazy but could definitely beat an amazing player after wasting time getting bloodlust 3. He would also make instant heals useless and would slow the game down JUST A LITTLE BIT by stopping people heal. He also gets stronger as the chase progresses.

    Let's break this down.

    The killer would be strong to master the skill but never crazy

    The fact the killer can use a counter measure to punish is crazy and the OP mori add on doesn't really say this. It's a Killer whom can be bullied harder by loops and can bully survivors for just staying in the chase too long.

    but could definitely beat an amazing player after wasting time getting bloodlust 3.

    This statement is entirely false. The fact the base killer is strong due to blood lust buffs is poor. As it ruins the element of wasting time for the survivors. They need you distracted to make sure they could safely work on gens. 'after wasting time getting bloodlust 3' is also false. Bloodlust 3 is an aid for THEM wasting YOUR time.

    He would also make instant heals useless and would slow the game down.

    Instant Heals are useful as they can save survivors in many a dire times. This killer has nothing to counter Instant Heals so I am baffled on this point. The fact survivors won't heal doesn't slow the game down. It just makes their main goal "Do Gens". They don't have to search for healing, search for friends. It's just Gens. Gens open Gates. So infact it speeds up the game.

    He also gets stronger the longer the chase progresses.

    This shouldn't be the case. It punishes him for not finding survivors. He can't gain bloodlust when not in a chase. Killers are told to end chases with the Pip System, so this Actively hurts the Killer in a Category.

    The Killer needs to be thought over. RN where I am it is 4 AM so i don't have the energy to go over the Survivor. Take this as criticism with a side of salt as I main Survivor.