Forgotten Truths Fan Chapter: Surv Perk 1

Mis5_ Member Posts: 3

Hi there! I'm relatively new to the Forums, but decided to share a Chapter concept that's completely fan created - I worked on the survivor whilst my friend worked on the killer - and I wanted to share one perk, and see people would put for the values (as I am struggling).

The status effect could be up for change, depending on how and why you explain it.

Director's Training

Due to the history of chasing criminals and protecting the innocents, when chasing the killer while they are chasing another survivor for ??/??/?? seconds, this perk becomes active. When this perk becomes active, gain exhaustion and gain a temporary speed boost for (time here) seconds. The perk remains active to a further (time here) seconds. Any damage that would put you in the dying state during a chase where this perk became active would instead apply the Mangled status effect. Being hit again will put you in the dying state.

Director's Training has a cooldown of (insert time here) seconds, and cannot be used whilst exhausted. The cooldown does not count down if you are being chased by the killer once the perk becomes inactive.

Exclusive to the Bloodweb of Nicholas Hayrus until Level 35+, where it can be unlocked on the bloodweb of all survivors.


  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2019

    I’m not sure about this.... if you chased a killer chasing another survivor until this perk activates, and they down and hook said survivor, you go for the rescue with this perk activated alongside borrowed time and now you’re both immune from dying state. Which isn’t good and is the whole reason old borrowed time was changed.

    Also, a whole SWF team running this perk, all chasing the killer during a chase is toxicity waiting to happen. If all 3 others are able to gain a speed bonus and essentially a free hit, just by following the killer, which would be very annoying I might add, then it will be too easy for them to rush the hook.

    I’m not sure what benefits this perk would have when it is activated by chasing a killer who is not interested in you. It could be used to try and protect whoever is being chased, but would you really go to the length of chasing the killer for x amount of time to do that when you could just take an ordinary protection hit/try to get killers attention some other way. Plus if the killer has the choice of continuing their chase or abandoning to chase someone they suspect of using the perk (basically someone running after them), it’s a no brainer.

    If maybe you could clarify the intended use of the perk, I could help with the figures. If it’s not supposed to benefit the current chase in any way, there could still be the issue of farming others with your increased speed and immunity. Also, being faster and being able to avoid one dying state hit might not be worth the exhaustion, after the killer applies the mangled hit, if you are not at a safe palette or loop then the killer can easily land another successful hit, as you won’t be able to use dead hard, Lithe, balanced landing etc.

    EDIT: this is constructive btw I’m not trying to say it’s a bad idea or anything like that - More discussing its benefits and how viable it is :)