What to do about our M1 killers

Accorn Member Posts: 89

As it stands, we all know the tier list for good and bad killers. Just about every game, especially around single digit ranks, you can bet you'll be against Spirit, Nurse, Billy, or maybe even a surprise Huntress. The same old same killers are starting to wear on most survivors, but pick anyone else against decent players and you're fairly sure to lose. Sure, how good you are with certain killers comes into play, but only to a certain extent. You could be best Wraith NA, but there's a good chance that by the time you see a survivor they'll have 2 gens done. That's good though, they're playing the game how they're supposed to! Sadly, unless you perpetually run Ruin you'll never come close to beating a decently good team with Wraith (Wraith is just an example, this affects others like Legion, Plague, Pig, LF, and the other M1 killers).

So something needs to be done; like a speed boost to certain killers outside the chase, reworks to powers like Freddy (not saying a bunch of teleports, just something to help out) that adds map presence, add time needed to complete generators, reduce the speed multiple survivors can complete a gen in (just spitballing here). What do you guys and gals think could or should be done?


  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    Wraith needs to be handled separately. He needs buffs and QOL changes to make him anywhere near good. For example, he should have his green windstorm speed, I think, by default when cloaked. Maybe his uncloak could be a small bit faster too.

    Otherwise, Bubba is the same way. He is basically punished for using the saw.

    Legion and Plague are not nearly as bad as people say. Plague is good, just has a bit harder time handling loops.

    Piggy is... okay?

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    That's my point in all of this though. M1 killers need something to change, anything really, or they'll become nothing but (bigger) jokes and memes. Survivors don't even really care when you play anyone outside of the big 4. They're waiters serving you your breakfast of pallets, loops, and gens done in 5min.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Ehhhhh, Legion's power hurts him and Deep Wound doesn't do anything, also, his add ons are GARBAGE but that is already being looked at.

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    Honestly his power wouldn't be nearly as bad if they significantly lowered the timer. It won't start until outside his terror radius, standard 32m, so 30sec is FAR to long of a timer when it takes 15 seconds without help, 10 seconds with help, and the mending process stops it from downing you even if 30 seconds pass (as long as you're in the process of doing it, it won't down you). Cut it down to 8 seconds to heal, 15sec timer, same with or without help, down you even if mending as long as outside the terror radius, and automatically cause exhausted status until you get rid of it.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Learn how to play them, thats what we should do

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    Learning how to play a killer is all well and good, but the world's best Wraith or Pig will lose to a decent survivor team every time because three out of five gens are done in 3 minutes. Then only one survivor has to be decent at loops to get the last two.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    The problem I have with it is, it's supposed to be a delay, its so fast to mend but if you make it longer, it REALLY won't be fun

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    A good Wraith/Pig will beat decent survivors, the skill difference between “good” and “decent” is pretty big.

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    I guess I just haven't gone against a good pig, though I've never seen a wraith get 3k since I hit 13 rank. Might just be luck. As it stands though, go to rank one and anyone outside of the big 4 loses nearly every time.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243

    I've played a ton of Clown and Plague without Ruin lately. I'm just not sure why the devs either have a blind spot towards M1 killer problems at higher ranks or why they just accept it. You don't have enough perk slots to cover your bases. I'd encourage the devs to do this fun little experiment at purple/red ranks. Equip Discordance on a killer like Spirit for a few games. Then run Discordance on Clown or Plague to really illustrate the futility of playing an M1 killer. You'll get a nice notification showing you a gen ypu're about to lose, and you physically can't get there to stop it in time.

  • UltraBanana
    UltraBanana Member Posts: 100

    I run ruin / pop if I am actually trying to get pips; but doing some end game builds are fun too on a lot of weak killers since you are probably getting to endgame against good survivors. Noed / bloodwarden / rancor and half the time you don't even care if it's getting to lategame because then you go full beastmode.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243

    Definitely. You can either delay getting to the endgame and take a safety pip against good survivors with Ruin/Pop or accept that the gens are going to get done and prepare for it. I run NOED/Blood Warden on Clown pretty frequently. Endgame builds are probably my favorite builds in the game.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    I think there are 3 routes to take when adressing killer issues:

    1. "Slightly adjust" survivors
    2. Adjust base killer mechanics or variables(stuff that globally affects all killers)
    3. Adjust individual killer abilities/kits

    For obvious reasons, 1. is on this list because its an option, albeit an unlikely one.

    The second option would be easier to implement than the third, while I think that the third option would be preferable, but extremely time consuming.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I have this recurring idea for the Clown (which is the killer no one talks about even though he's not good) where we slightly nerf his bottles in chases and add a secondary power where he can drink a special tonic and gain a lot of movespeed outside a chase.

    That would help his map pressure which is the single biggest weakness he has. Freddy is allowed to do just as well as him in chases if you're good while also having map pressure.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I'm gonna disagree here. The Pig's ambush, no matter how you put it, is an awesome tool to mindgame around loops. Her traps can work wonders to slowdown the genrush. She has the tools to work, it's just a matter of learning to use them.

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2019

    I main Billy but when I'm the wraith I can easily get 3k and a 4k if the don't dc especially on the game map, i don't even have ruin for wraith or my Billy and I'm still somehow managing to climb the ranks, difficult yes but I'm still doing it even tho I'm on rank 13