New scenario after dedicated servers
Before the dedicated servers, noob rank 1 killers soft lag-switching/ forcing the lag while in the match with a 200 ping :
(Crying) I think I'm gonna play civilization...
soo basically you play against killer where you have 200 or more ping and yet you blame them because you decide to stay in the lobby instead of finding one with better connection?
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Ehm , well, what should I do if while in the lobby I see an 80ms ping , and then after the match has started the ping goes somehow to 200/250??
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He's got a point. It isn't my fault everything is fine and dandy in the lobby, but the second I load in, I'm teleporting around like it's Portal 2.
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Lagswitchers and cheaters are a minority, and were much more present in the early days of 2017. Dedicated servers will not fix the major problems of the game.
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Lagswitching proper isn't common, but it's not uncommon for people to manipulate their ping or deliberately run settings that are fine in lobby but more taxing on their CPU in the trial.
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Wanna see the crying on the forum when people realise that their precious MLGA doesn't work anymore?