Is the game slowly getting less fun?

Rouge Member Posts: 102

I don't know about you guys but every time I hop on I just keep noticing things about the game that I don't want to play against but I can't seem to avoid, and it's really frustrating. I really love this game, I want to get everybody to P3 and someday hope that I can say I'm a vet and actually get to rank 1 and be good at the game. But every time I get on with an urge to do well and have fun I just run into the same things that are just ruining the game for me, day in and day out. I causally just brush it off and continue on and have fun, trying to learn how to solve the issue and have fun.

Recently I have been enjoying playing survivor, super fun twist from my normally killer only play style. A week or so of just playing survivor and having an absolute blast and now I'm just really being bothered by these two issues. Noed and the nurse. Please don't go an explain how stupid I am for disagreeing with you or whatever, I really don't want to start arguments or anything. I just need help with trying to overcome these. No mater what I do I always get beat by things like this.

In my friend group I am usually the one who loops the killers and tells everyone what to do as I am the most experienced. Even in solo I actively try to get the stress off my team so they can get their stuff done. With noed I always go out of my way to try to find the totems and I get one or two of them, never can find the rest or I get chased and don't get time to actually get them all. Making it so when I am eventualy looping at the end of the game I am the first one hit with noed, even if I bring adrenaline I just get followed and bloodlusted down, every time. I really am running out of ideas, when I ask for distractions I get tunneled, I actualy get away and my whole squad dies. I don't know what to do.

Now with the nurse I just don't get how you beat this killer, they just seem perfect and I don't know what to do about it. You can't loop them, you can't run from them, you can try to hide but if you get caught you die, 80% of the time. Hiding just doesn't nateraly come to me, I don't understand how people just become invisible lol. They just don't really seem fair, they are just too good at everything. They just aren't fun to play against, or even be for the matter of fact. I used to main them in the very begging and then I played leatherface of all characters, I don't even like leatherface it just showed me how stupidly unfair the nurse really is.

For the record i'm not an idiot. i'm not bad at the game. I keep up with the community and everything.. I just have a tendency to die to these.. at an outrageously high percent compared to my other deaths.These two things are like single-handedly killing the game for me since I can't beat them, no matter how hard I try. Maybe the game is just going in a direction I don't like? Maybe I am actually garbage? Someone please give me some advice.

Please, if you don't have any advice maybe even share what is making the game unfun for you. We all might be able to help eatchother out instead of screaming like children.

(TLDR; Nurse and noed are ruining the game for me, give me advice. Share what is ruining the game for you as well.)


  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    I mean thats what happens when they try to balance a game thats not meant to be balanced it takes the fun away people fell in love with old dbd not this wreck that they call dead by daylight now it might be more balanced but its less fun compared to old.

  • thedevalex
    thedevalex Member Posts: 283

    What rank are you?

    I personally love versing nurses because they really test my skills in juking using line of sight and mindgames.

  • Catbucket
    Catbucket Member Posts: 335

    Ive actually been liking this game more and more with almost every patch lately.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    It’s gets a little stale after a while but usually I get more excited when the new chapter is released. I’m especially excited for the new archives/rifts and ranking changes within the next year.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Nurse: A very good Nurse will down you once she found you. Play stealthy, waste her time by making her look for the survivors.

    Totems should not be a problem when you play SWF. One or two players in your team should run Small Game. Since you are the experienced player who keeps the killer busy, the less experienced teammates can go for the totems.

    And personally, what is making the game unfun for me: Too long queue times, too many people dc'ing and game-breaking bugs.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    I know I'm only responding to a small portion of your post here but:

    "I really love this game, I want to get everybody to P3 and someday hope that I can say I'm a vet and actually get to rank 1 and be good at the game."

    You're one step closer to being a vet. Being sick and tired of a lot of the stuff in the game and feeling unsatisfied but still playing because you love it despite all it's glaring flaws is a huge part of what being a vet in any game is, especially the rough around the edges lovechild that dbd is.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I just go for totems.

    Now if you spend 14 seconds on breaking single totem you get way more buck for your time compared to rushing that gen.

    If you go against the nurse try to get unpredictable as soon as you get out of her LOS but that comes with experience.

    If you get tunnelled by the killer just increase the chase as long as you can to help your team,.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    I wouldn't mind, if I can have in return my old Legion back. But I need to say... The most time I have spent in dbd was just for fun.

    I had never the goal "to stay forever at red rank 1", or that "every surv. has to die".

    I was happy when I could do a bit pressure and chase with the freedom, the old frenzy has give their players.

    When I can get that in return, I would even have nothing against a "automatic survive the match perk" for survivors^^.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited August 2019

    No one said that bud but it actually took a lot of skill to win back then as killer the game was not in your favor if you dominated that meant you were good compared to now its not hard to win with all the perks that actually assist you in winning.

    But yeah lets throw words in my mouth when they were never said.

    Also you clearly didnt play back then because you forget the part where half the community had legit no idea how to play until they learned about infinites.

  • HiDeTHeB0dies
    HiDeTHeB0dies Member Posts: 18

    Thank you for admitting how easy it is to play killer..i play both..and it's a true story lol

  • Rouge
    Rouge Member Posts: 102

    Currently rank 12 on survivor, stuck in a loop of pipping and getting farmed/tunneled for a de-pip, slowly climbing out though. As you could expect every nurse I play against at this rank is either coming back from reset and whoops me or are just babys and usually get their teeth kicked in so it's pretty inconsistent.

    As for killer my high was 8 but I'm currently at 13 since I haven't been playing killer at all for the past month. Nothing too hard there, just trying to get some better perks so I'll pip more often. I think i'll climb here without much assistance.