So... About NOED...

DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

In my recent discussion I made a post asking everyone what past/present updates or perk, ext... they hated. Now I've read quite a few but then I saw someone (won't mention name) saying NOED and they Don't know why it was added in the game. Even in previous post I saw someone asking for NOED rework.

So today I am here to tell you for those who weren't around NOED's prime days. I'm going to tell you the history of NOED, and why todays NOED is ballanced.

Back in the earlier days of DBD, they were pallets next to pallets, windows survivors could endlessly use and even certain loops which do some exist today would make it near impossible for killers to win. Even the most powerful killer at that time ( Hillbilly ) had trouble winning, and the genrush at that time was ridiculous. Sure is still bad today but those times Gens hardly lasted long, it would be a miracle if you catch 1 survivor.

Killers needed desperate help and it came in the form of a perk. So was born NOED . NOED back at it's prime days gave the killer 8% movement speed and aside from the expose effect i the perk could never be removed. This means that you now had a fast killer who could insta down you. Let's not forget camping, camping was a must at those times. The perk received so much hate from survivors that they also cried out to the devs to nerf the perk.

So came various of changes to the perk. NOED would become a temporary perk of 120 seconds and the speed was nerf down to 4% . Latter on it would only give any value when level 3. Latter on came a sort of nerf/buff to NOED as it became a totem perk that could be cleanse at any time or not spawn at all if no totem were left. NOED now gives the expose on all levels and it's higher level counterparts would just increased the speed.

While NOED today is a delicate topic, is at a relative ballanced state. A powerful killer perk that could be cleanse at any time. So unless survivors choose to not cleanse dull totems they would experience the full wrath that is NOED.

Today NOED is still doing its purpose. To be an alternative to counter genrush and to be a sort of handicap for killers who either had a bad match against very optimal survivors or if they're just bad. End of the day, NOED is now more of the survivors failing to cleanse dull totems. Sure one could argue that it should be reworked or removed, but as the game is now. NOED needs to stay as it is.

For once be grateful that the game now is much more playable and that most killer perks have a counter measure. Because as of now the devs did do a much better job at fixing many core mechanics that needed changing. Instead of screaming to the devs to change NOED or outright remove it. Just be grateful, because last I checked the devs are real people too. Very talented people with different experiences and are all here to try and expand this community to greatness.

When the game becomes more fair for both sides to the point that Nurse, Spirit and Billy aren't as needed in the high ranks as they are now, then we can talk about a NOED rework or removal. Until then, just cleanse all dull totem you find. You get points for cleansing them anyways so do it.

Please as always keep the comments civil and kind. We don't want hate in this community and as always...

With love, DoomOrb



  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    when i started playing dbd i used to run noed 24/7, it carried me and helped me, but now that i got ruin i feel like i don't need noed anymore, Ruin will get survivors killed early, noed will get survivors killed late, but unlike ruin, noed doesn't reveal itself early on, anyways i think this perk is fine, you don't need to cleanse 5 totems, you may stumble across the noed totem and cleanse it

  • WeaponXMetsu
    WeaponXMetsu Member Posts: 81

    Well, I'm going to say this much. A lot of people talk about NOED being an unskilled perk and maybe it is, but look at it this way. It's to make the killer more dangerous. How well it does that depends on if you can find all totems or if you find it while lit. In most cases I use it because of my playstyle. I more often then not don't camp or tunnel so by the endgame there is always a big possibility that all survivors will be alive. Especially if I don't use Ruin.

    So does this make me a bad killer because I didn't kill all survivors even if I hooked everyone 2 times by the end of the game and have NOED? Do I truly need to hook a person 3 times to deserve the kill? On the other hand. With perks that survivors have that make the killer hit them more (borrowed time, mettle of man, adrenaline) not to mention instant heals. Do survivors deserve to survive after being hit much more beyond the number of times they have been hit?

    I think these are questions everyone needs to answer themselves. I personally don't think a good survivor needs adrenaline or mettle of man. Borrowed Time I understand. DS I understand. Instant Heals I don't. Especially since most of the time survivors are cocky because of such perks or items.

    So that goes back to NOED. If survivors have an instant heal is it ok to one shot them? If they use adrenaline what is wrong with a one hit down?

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    edited August 2019

    I think they should buff "Small Game" with a totem counter OR Rework "NOED" like "When the gates are powered, all dull totems get lighted and the gates can be opened, when all totems are cleansed.".

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    We can get another perk for survivors: NOWD No one will die. An object is hidden around the map. If the killer don't find it when gens are done or at EGC the survivors automatically escape. Looks balanced too.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248

    What people often fail to realize when they claim that NOED just saves killers from bad games is that running with 1 less perk can often lead to a bad game. NOED isn't this all-powerful, oppressive perk that guarantees a win. Despite how much survivors claim that cleansing all the dulls isn't feasible, good survivors often do just that. I get called out for crutches when I run Remember Me, Bloodwarden, and NOED. You don't think I might have had a better early game with 4 perks?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’m playing solo mostly rn and I say break the totems. People need to stop blaming being a solo survivor as why noed needs changed.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    NOED does not need to discussed ad nauseum. But, just like DS, it will be. Forever.

  • OldManGloom
    OldManGloom Member Posts: 51

    A totem counter for Small Game would be a great addition to the perk, especially for solo survivor. I try to be very totem conscious during my games but it's pretty easy to lose track in the heat of things.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    I only play solo. So that kind of blows your theory away.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I think that would be a very bad feature to implement as there are already a lot of totem placements that are nearly impossible to spot without Small Game. Requiring all totems to be cleansed to open the exit gates would be an unfair killer advantage that the devs would take one look at and instantly deny. They have c-c-cosmetics to release.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    As it stands now, NOED is entirely unbalanced in the Killer's favor. They get a movement speed boost and permanent Insta-down attacks if the totem is never found. NOED has recently been popping up in every survivor match I play, along with an ebony mori. This combination makes it impossible for survivors to escape if they find themselves in a chase unless they're one sneaky Nea or Claudette, or if they happen across the hatch. The perk is even appearing in high rank games I'm in such as a Freddy I went against yesterday with top tier NOED and an Ivory Mori. He was rank 7. Games like this show that certain perks are completely unbalanced and that killers don't want to have a fun time playing and learn how to mindgame survivors. Instead they want the game to be on a sort of easy mode. I personally see this as a pathetic attempt at a win.

    As it stands right now, NOED doesn't need a buff or nerf; it needs a complete rework.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    A killer with NOED is playing with a worthless perk slot until the last gen is done. The killer is playing with a handicap. If you see a dull totem break it. Don't ever walk past a dull totem.

    If NOED activates you've got about 2 million things you can hide behind when the killer is close by. Us deliverance, dead hard, borrowed time etc. Throw a pebble, 360 the killer, Protect the guy opening the exit gates, Look for the hex totem. You've got options.

  • Cayde1342
    Cayde1342 Member Posts: 96

    You can still escape NOED, sounds like you can't escape that, and NOED doesn't down everyone instantly. Flawed logic

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Sounds like the problem wasn't NOED but rather the Mori. I am completely fine with NOED because it has a clear and easy counter that people just refuse to do for some reason (I play 99% solo as survivor so in my experience "solo" is no excuse). Now as for the Mori offerings I do feel they are simply not fun. I only use them if I have a daily because they offer the most BP but I think they do need to leave the game along with instant healing.

  • Rouge
    Rouge Member Posts: 102

    I really don't get it, just break the totems.. If you do all 5 gens really fast, you have time to do the totems. If the game drags on and you barely get all 5 done and can't get all the totems done then you were outplayed by the killer, you wouldn't have even gotten this far if they brought another perk. Think of it like this:

    You barely make it through the match and the killer is running Enduring, Noed, Ruin and BBQ or whatever kind of combination of perks you want. That killer playes against you all game getting semi-bullied by pallets while you guys do gens. By the end of the game there are three of you left, one dead on hook. Noed and he wins, whoopdy do.

    Same situation but he's running Enduring, Ruin, Spirit fury and BBQ. Now he just outright wins the game before you do all 5 or as the last one was finished without noed since he could get hits out of those pallets.. Whoopdy do.

    Noed is not an outright I get a 4K and a free rank up. If you run it you make the sacrifice of not having a fourth perk until the game is almost over. It is a decent perk with counter play, if you do all totems then they don't have that 4th perk at all. If you die to noed you would have died if they brought another perk that would have helped them get you another way. That's my way of thinking it, maybe someone can sway my thoughts.

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    Do the bones and you don't need to worry about NOED. It's a non-issue unless you decide to just run by the totems you see while doing gens, cause we know you see at least one or two just at the start of the game.

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    The point is that NOED is meta-warping. Saying the solution is doing bones to avoid the 4-5% of games this crops up in is like never leaving your house to avoid getting mugged. I'd like it better if it was just a mechanic of the game that triggered every match instead of being this random 4% chance that a killer is running it thing. It would actually make totems a secondary objective and players would be emotionally prepared for it (causing less forum tears).

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775


  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Do you close the door from your apartments every day? If you do, why?

  • palotheas
    palotheas Member Posts: 118

    They also give emblem stuff too, so really no reason not to cleanse totems.

  • dragobv
    dragobv Member Posts: 304

    now people complain about noed next up they complain about billy and leatherface being able to instadown you

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    So far people were kind enough to be civil, so I see this as an absolute win.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    The problem there was more the Eboni Mori and not so much NOED.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    The killer could just camp the last totem then... gg.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156

    When will they learn that they have too destroy the totems ???

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    That wouldn't make sense for the survivors tbh. Plus your idea is flawed, considering that they are 4 survivors and only 1 killer. The killer already does enough work getting to gens, downing people, hooking, regressing generators and guarding doors.

    Survivors, all they need to do are 3 things, repair generators, cleanse totems, and avoid/loop the killer.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170
  • Mindcraft57
    Mindcraft57 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2019

    What if NOED cursed survivors at one gen left? That way, survivors won’t get ridiculously blindsided, while killers can use it to stop them from popping the last gen.

    Edit: the curse could even effect their cleansing speed, to punish them if the totems weren’t already done

    Post edited by Mindcraft57 on
  • ninjamediness64
    ninjamediness64 Member Posts: 125

    I think the issue with NOED is that on one hand, it feels like a cheap way to down/kill survivors if the killer is bad, and on the other hand it‘s overkill when the killer is good.

    That isn’t to say anything about playing solo and trying to do totems. I feel like I have to run a perk specifically for totems to counter NOED because I don’t know whether my teammates did any or not.

  • Frozen
    Frozen Member Posts: 30

    another "just cleanse totems" braindead thread. please just count how much time it cost you, you most likely lose because of such a time waste, it even worse than selfcare trough sloppy butcher, just please its not really "counter" if it takes tooooo much time.

  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    "just cleanse totems" is easier said then done and an over used argument. Killers shouldn't need NOED since it really is a training wheels perk. If the killers are becoming more and more balanced it is not needed past rank 15. Rank 15-20 sure; you are getting a grasp of the game and might need the crutch to learn the ropes. As you put time into the game you can unlock the MANY other perks that help every other killer in the game. The old argument used to be "Nerf NOED then you have to nerd Self-Care"..well Self Care got balanced (which now has it not being used as much anymore to deal with that issue) but NOED has only been buffed to having the same affect at all tiers. I think it is a perk that should be rank locked; or at the very least only available on killers who do not have an insta down in their kit already. Having two insta down abilities is more than broken.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Although I don't think NOED should be nerfed or anything, a totem counter would be nice to have

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    Totems in general take about 5 seconds to cleanse . This isn't counting thrill of the huntas it add an extra 1 second per totem perk on the map. Assume it takes at most 30 seconds to find a totem plus the 5 seconds to cleanse dull totem. This at the very max takes 1 survivor 175 seconds to cleanse all dull totem. About 3 minutes and 15 seconds. Remember this is just 1 survivor as if others cleanse dull totem too reduce that time, plus perks like small game , detective huntch and maps reduce the total tracking totems to 5-15 seconds. At the very least this cleansing totems takes about 1 minute and 40 seconds at the very most if everyone does their part or if 1 person brings one of the 3 things said above. sO no don't give me the excuse that it takes so long as it really only adds 2 minutes in the game . Most likely less iF swf or using certain perks or items. IT Doesn't takes much time, you are just lazy. with ALl do respect you're just lazy.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    Just run a perk or map. I do it when I'm on totems duty.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170
  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    'Unbalanced in the Killer's favor'

    *Can be denied from ever activating if Survivors look around*

    Boy, you don't know what unbalanced is. You're whining because you're too lazy to do Bones. You want your 3 minute genrushes and get all pouty if NoED stops that GGEZ twerking in the exit gate.

    You can literally turn NoED off before it ever becomes a threat, and you call it unbalanced? Really?

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    Yet we haven't arrived in ballanced land. Return to This poSt when the 3 musketeers (Hillbilly, Spirit and Nurse ) aren't as needed in the high ranks, then we'll talk.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    You are a ridiculous individual. Noed is fine. I'm sure you run dead hard, ds, borrowed time and adrenaline, and youre the king sh!t survivor that when noed is active and your buddy is on the hook runs up to free them in the killers face.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    TBF, asking for a nerf to a perk YOU CAN TURN OFF if you're not stupidly lazy is also braindead.

    Braindead demands like 'Nerf NoED! WHAAA!' deserve braindead answers like 'JUST DO BONES!' Seriously. Stop licking the Generator and look for totems. Stop being lazy.

    Of course, Survivors want them 3 minute games. Doing bones is sooooo unfair because it slows down the GGEZ twerking.

  • Frozen
    Frozen Member Posts: 30

    cleanse take 15 seconds not 5, so only cleansing takes 75 seconds, to find it all usually takes 2 minutes on most easy small maps and 4 on hard maps(the game, swamp for example), so this actions give killers 3-5 additional minutes - for experienced killer it's HUGE difference, and guarantied loss for survivors. it's only easy if killer don't understand how to play and tunnel vision on good runner who have strong map set up. So - NOED don't have any counter play, no matter what survivors do it always give huge advantage to killer - decent additional time or instadown and speed boost, and all this for free nothing you can do about it

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    Why do people keep being so toxic in these threads? Oh you have a different opinion? You must be "lazy" or "braindead" or "stupid". Stick to the facts instead if weakening your stance with ad hominem attacks.

    Everytime someone argues that instead of not doing bones as though the killer did not have this perk, they should always do bones as though the killer did have this perk just shows how meta-warping it is. Every thread just devolves into arguments about the merit versus risk of doing bones, but fails to look critically at that argument in the first place. There's no other reason to do dull totems in the primary gameplay loop, and can be detrimental. In the secondary gameplay loop, they are worth bloodpoints, but you'd get more bloodpoints by letting it trigger and then cleansing it.

    If the point of noed is to make players do bones, they should just make noed a killer mechanic instead of a perk. The best play as noed is now is to ignore dull totems and have a time advantage 90+% of the time in exchange for losing half your team the few times a killer takes noed.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    "Just break the pallet"

    "Just mindgame the safe loop"

    Compared to that crap, "do the bones" is an actual hint or advice.

    If you fear the noed, precautiously break them.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626
    edited August 2019

    If there's only 1 or 2 gens left and you see a totem, don't cleanse it. Wait until the gen is finished. As survivors were cleansing the totems they found, you have more than 50% of probability that this totem will be NOED's one, usually 75-100%.