Springwood ReWork

I can’t complain much, I love that Springwood has a few variations now.
This isn’t a HUGE problem, more of a mild annoyance. Can we reduce the map spawns now? I play console (PS4) as killer only during the night so I don’t have to wait 25 minutes per match as very few killers play between 9p-5a (EST).
Tonight’s run was 31 games, with 19 of them being Springwood. The real number is 22, but I left out the map offerings for obvious reasons.
Just gets really boring looking at the same map for 5 hours.
Do you mean the "new map spawns" or just in general?
If in general, well there are 5 out of x maps (i dont remember all maps) for it to be Springwood. So you either are really unlucky/lucky (depends) or idk.
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I have no love nor hate for any of the map variations, just sick of playing it. I am getting different versions, but still. That many times without offerings just weird.
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Map offerings.
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As I already said, only 3 map offerings were brought of the 22. Meaning 19 of the matches were chosen “at random”. Try to keep up will you.
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And I'm getting Coldwind Farm all day. As Myers. Far worse.
But I would be annoyed to just get Springwood too. For the map is actually fun now.
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they actually said Springwood would have higher spawn rate for a while and that they will tune it down days/weeks later i dont remember the actual date, just check the notes when the posted the changes on springwood
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Roger that