So devs are finally releasing a non humanoid killer yussss and a new indoor map

So from the looks of things the demmamorgon (did I spell that right) is going to be a crawling killer and with a new indoor map it could be multiple levels going up which seems pawsome
Sorry bud, Demogorgon is humanoid.
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In shape yes but this is the first non human killer and it was crawling why would they do that unless they have it as a mechanic for them
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That's still humanoid. Plus we don't actually know for certain if Demo is gonna be crawling or not.
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Also before you say the hag she was originally human and still has a resemblance the demogorgon is a full non human entity which from the shows lore resides in it's own realm which means the entatiy has grown enough to pull a creater from a separate reality to it's own feeding grounds into its thrall which is scary as beep
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No one is saying the hag isn't humanoid. Also Freddy existed in his own realm too so it's nothing new on that front.
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True but still this is gonna be awesome heck I've never seen stranger things but this seems badass and imaging the mori I really hope it's more gruesome then the hags via head eating
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the demogorgon is going to be the first real moster we get as a killer.
every other killer used to be a human who snapped and went on a massacre, the demogorgon is just a monster that wants to kill its prey, nothing more nothing less.
i think that's what OP ment by "humanoid" - yes, the demigorgon is a humanoid creature, but in no point in time has it ever been human, unlike all the other DbD killers.
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I'm just curious what the ability is going to be. Demogorgon doesn't have the widest array of powers
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The entity could have always just took it when it went to the 'real' world.
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Yes I know I just ment barring stature it's the first fully non human killer
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So what you're saying is......An Aliens chapter with the Xenomorph as the killer ISN'T out of the question? :-)
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You say that but the wraith only truly killed azoroth in rage even was manipulated by his father and looking at the scars on him he was fully broken into a killer by the entity the nurse litterly looks tortured and suffocated into a ghost like killer by the entity after mercy killing people being barbaric tortured to end there pain and Anna grew up alone and stunted by the harsh environment of her home if her mother lived she might have turned out differently which begs a question was the entity itself trying to kill one to make the other insane to use as a killer there
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True but it's still a massive power grab I think in the shows lore the demogorgon is like a god in it's own realm so even if captured when in the human realm that's still like a god tier being turned into a slave
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You need to remember that the entity has its own real where it creates its own rules, the only way to get in is, as far as we know, getting grabbed by the entity itself.
Also the demogorgon is controlled by the mind flayer which means that it is theoreticlaly already a slave
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You should really consider a Xenomorph and Ripley in the future. The Plague, Leatherface, etc don't fit on maps like Lery's or The Game, so it won't be too crazy to have them on the USCSS Nostromo. And a Xeno on other maps wouldn't be crazier than a Demogorgon on them. An Alien chapter would be huge for you guys and us.
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It is humanoid... I mean, in one of the skins wraith has a freaking hole in his chest.
Also we have two killers that crouch. If that thing can "crawl" it will play just like them with exception of slightly different animation from 3rd person view.
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Anybody else think it's going to look wrong seeing a demogordan hooking victims instead of ripping them apart? Not just visually, but also based on it's behavior in stranger things.
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No more strange than Michael Myers doing it.
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Well, it's wrong to see them behave like that, but the entity rules the realm and may torture it until it does what the entity wants.
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Good point.
at least with myers you can roleplay with an instant mori without using hooks.
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Could be:
- Electrical interference (DBD Trailer)
- Teleportation (It can cross worlds)
- Stealth (Crawling, although different to Pig and GF)
Then again, I've only seen snippets of the thing on Youtube, so I can't say for sure...
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Myers hangs people in the original movie. One with rope, and one a knife through the gut.
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They did mention it was untameable in its' description though, so maybe it has a different playstyle then that.
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You should really do yourself a favor and watch the series. It's quite good.
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2 arms, 2 legs, a head, can walk upright. Still humanoid I'd say. If it can or can't be on all 4's is irrelevant.
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@Chickenchaser About the same as Myers and Freddy hooking people, which makes no sense either. Leatherface? Sure. He's done that in the films.
Kind of why I am glad Jason hasn't been added and forced to just hook people.
About the one thing I liked about Friday the 13th: The Game is that Jason gets to actually kill people as befits the character. The hooking in DbD has always been an issue with suspension of disbelief between me and this game.
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But that's just a way he killed them. It's not in his nature to simply keep someone alive.
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the spelling is literally right above u
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That part is true. He doesn't keep them alive. But he has hung people in the past. : P
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Go look up what humanoid means
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Godzilla DLC
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I'm pretty sure humanoid just means human-like other wise it's just human. I mean he's got head, shoulders, knees and toes knees and toes like a human therefore he's able to be defined as humanoid.
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Demogorgon is not a creator, their species are subservient to the mind flayer via a hive mind (which the entity Also has with the auric cells) the entity has grown strong enough to take a creature and insert its self in it's hive mind, (we actually finally can play the entity even it it is technically controlling a separate body lol)
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Technically tho he just highjacked an already existing realm and made it his
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I'm just saying, wasn't it in lore that the entity couldn't visit future times? I don't see a space ship map, if anything we would at best get a map from the AVP movie and have a pyramid
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No, there was nothing to suggest that. In fact, there were hints that it could actually visit and take anyone from any timeline.
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Thanks read some more lore and found that part (also found a nice theory)
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Same difference. Still in a different realm.
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Other than if you look at how they came about
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There's an interesting detail about the Demogorgon's bio in the trailer's youtube description
"The Chapter introduces a new Killer and two new Survivors to the realm of The Entity: the monstrous, otherworldly Demogorgon is the new untamable Killer. Against it stands not one"
It mentions that the Demogorgon is "untamable" which could mean that the entity actually has no control over it. Which leads to the second point "Against it stands not one-" from this description it definitely sounds like the Demogorgon has full control over its actions and is not being controlled or piloted by the Entity
From what I'm guessing the Demo may be the first third party force in the game. If not it's possible the entity just lets it be and simply drops/lets it into a match every now and then
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I do like the idea of the demogorgon in the game tbh. He seems like some mindless creature that kills people to feed rather then someone who takes pleasure/fills a need with the killing. The could of just as easily made the killer a mountain lion and gotten the same result with a creature with a higher body count.