General Discussions

General Discussions

Wait????? I see why Survivors run the meta that they run.........

Member Posts: 366
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

This is simply my opinion and if you get butthurt over it something must be ticking.

I've went through my Perks checking and seeing what other builds I could do since my usual build (Stake Out, Small Game, Self-care, and Urban Evasion) and the thing I noticed is there are tons of useless perks that you wouldn't use in your average build. Can we do a rework with them or at least buff them?

Useless Perks:

Deja Vu/Mettle of Man/Object of Obession/Premonition/Sole Survivor/Diversion/Slippery Meat/Wake up/Autodidact/Left Behind/ Buckle Up/Virgil/Alert.

Semi-Useless Perks:

Decisive Strike(counter easily by simply not picking you up)/Deliverance(circumstancial situtations)/Technician/Lightweight/Open-handed/Boil Over/Flip-Flop.

Like I said its an OPINION, leave your OPINION and let me know what you guys think?

No-Biased Zone

Post edited by StupidButTru on

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  • Member Posts: 366

    DS is useless now because most killers just wait out the timer just like Borrow Time, and Deliverance is only if you haven't been hooked and save someone. It's too rough in gameplay to run anything different when Killer meta is too strong for a average survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    It's not too rough, overall survivors are very strong, it's just based on skill. Decisive Strike can be forced by jumping in a locker and really is only fully countered if you're downed immediately off the hook without opportunity to run at all. It's still very powerful, can waste killer time, and is run by a lot of people now. Deliverance can occasionally misfire if you get hooked first, but in that case just play stealthy early game. Not hard to do.

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    I am triggered that you believe lightweight i useless paired with my build the killer will never be be to track you (unless they are a T1 mirror Myers)

  • Member Posts: 366

    Thats why I say semi-useless once you get hit they no longer need the marks just your bloodstain.

  • Member Posts: 366

    I play against a lot of campers so DS is useless for me hence why I say its just my opinion, the only time DS might go off for me is during rank reset after that kuuuuput.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    DS and Delivarence "Semi-useless"... Why isn't Unbreakable there then

  • Member Posts: 366

    We did have a anti-camp perk but that got nerfed to dirt (Borrowed Time)

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    Oh also you forgot some perks. Don't know if it was intentional or not. (like Boil Over, Flip Flop)

  • Member Posts: 366

    Not gonna lie I tried Boil Over and Flip Flop so many times but got hooked immediately since the hooks spawns so close together.

  • Member Posts: 366

    Those beginner perks have two huge differences Deja Vu is a literal waste of a slot once you start getting better perks, Unrelenting allowed killers to recover quickly and pursue chase. You are correct though there needs to be beginners perks.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Why aren't any of the perks you use on those lists? Sorry, but I dislike self-care and it's probably one of the most useless perks. Most of the time survivors are found before even finishing self care, it's easily countered by things like Sloppy and Nurses (granted so is being healed by an alli but it's faster than Self Care still). Also, compare how long it takes to complete a gen vs it takes it heal with self care. It's only good for finishing off a heal when the killer finds someone healing you and chases them first, otherwise, just go work on a gen and get good at looping so you won't be downed asap when you get found.

    Also, Urban's not on the list either, it only counters Hag. Even then, crouching in general counters Hag and you don't need to be faster. It only encourages hiding most of the time which most people don't like because those types of people barely do a thing.

    And then there's also a full list of perks that could use a buff that are not on your list. But you can't expect Behaviour to just do that, in return they'll have to do it with every single killer perk. If you don't like a perk, don't use it. Don't expect anything to get a buff. Not everything can be OP the way you want it to be.

  • Member Posts: 366

    Key word here OPINION clearly you purposely ignore that sentence to start spazzing, but you're entitled to your OPINION bud. ggs

  • Member Posts: 366

    OoO is a stupid perk to run unless you can run the killer all game, Alert only works when the killer kicks a gen, DS is easily countered by camping, Deliverance like I said circumstancial. Lightweight is useless once you're hit because since they've upped the audio and all you need to do is follow blood trails LW is countered. Whole point of an opinion isn't meant to be wrong so don't be a smart ass about it. But in your words your wrong opinions are your own.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Who said I ignored it? When you think a certain way it usually reflects what you want. So you said you feel those perks could use a buff, it seems to me like you expect Behaviour to just buff all the perks you think are useless (some aren't actually crap and people usually are skilled enough to make the best of them) which isn't going to happen, like I said, not everything can be OP. Perhaps these perks are left alone in their current state for a reason.

    I mean I gave my opinion too but now you're calling me a spaz for it basically. So... I guess I'm not the only one at fault.

  • Member Posts: 366

    If you can show me the percentage of people who runs these perks I deem useless actually having a decent survival rating then I'll retract my statement but It's true most of these perks I never see majority survivors run due to perk being circumstancial or just flat out useless. You mean to tell me you actually run Deja Vu, OoO, Sole Survivor etc? If not meh that's your prerogative. Also I don't need Behaviour to make perks OP just usuable if a killer can run noed at t1 and one shot down everybody why can't Deja Vu and many other I named get some kind of decent buff or rework?

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Some opinions are pretty bad, especially when they're not well-justified. You should expect to see bad opinions get criticized when you put them out in public.

  • Member Posts: 366

    What about my opinions that are so bad, I'm not sitting here saying these perks needs a game changing buff or anything I just said they need some tweaking, I already know you're saying my opinion is bad because it goes against your beliefs hence I made sure to state its my opinion. I don't need justification for my statement when I can easily gather the Developers data showing most useless perks and the perks I name is right on that list.

  • Member Posts: 89

    Lightweight is useless to me strictly because you're wasting time on stealth these days. Unless you run iron will, no mither, lightweight, and distortion the killer will ALWAYS have a way to track you. At that point though, you're squandering your potential in helping the team.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Well, regardless, I'd be curious to see developer data on this stuff!

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    My only issue with deliverance is the broken effect... Its hard enough to get it active that the broken effect is just too much ontop of it imho

    DS should have the 60 second timer but it should pause when youre in the dying state - this would prevent slugging and waiting it out. Its only counter play as is should be not tunnelling off the hook. (you can still face camp and grab survivors off that try saves at endgame. It will just punish tunneling and not camping)

    MoM should go back to PTB changes where safe unhooks granted a stack. Safe unhooks are a limited resource but more stable than protection hits. Would ensure not everyone can get the stacks while still making the perk reliable.

    Vigil should reduce exhaustion while running (Add while not in a chase if you want but it should still tick down while running).

    Boil over/Flip flop, Technician need general (slight) buffs.

    Alert, OoO, Premonition and Diversion are fine as is.

    Left Behind and Autodidact need to burn in a dumpster fire...

  • Member Posts: 366

    My only problem with Diversion mainly is that you need to be around the killer to gain it I rather you have a 60 second cool down or more.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    I think for Autodidact we need a perk that increases skillcheck odds at base without any condition(or at least make Autodidact increase skillcheck odds while healing). then it would be like Self-Care+Botany Knowledge, except a bit better. If we don't ever get that kind of perk, Autodidact should work with Self-Care so it isn't completely useless.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Yeah, true.. That and it should at least gain while in a chase...

  • Member Posts: 608

    I definitely agree that diversion should be on a cool down rather than having to earn it by being near the killer...

    but I love lightweight AND urban evasion... Without those two I would probably never lose a killer.

  • Member Posts: 867

    Useless? If they're waiting out a 60 second timer that's almost an entire gen. You have 3 teammates. If they do gens, that's 3 gens done because you have that perk.

    If by waiting it out, you mean they slug you, crawl away and someone will come pick you up. There is nothing useless about 60 seconds of "don't touch me" The biggest problem is other survs don't know when you have it active (like they do with Borrowed) so they don't know they can play around it all the time but it's not hard to make an educated guess.

  • Member Posts: 867

    I do agree Mettle, Slippery, Vigil, and Left Behind are useless though. I'd transfer the rest over to useful or semi useful in the case of buckle up and wake up

    I agree with your semi-useless list mostly. Though I'd move Technitian to useless (a quieter gen is pretty useless when most killers will walk all they way over to it anyway)

    And I'd place Decisive in useful. It's obviously not as ridiculous as it use to be but it's certainly not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be.

    Oh, and I'd add "THIS IS NOT HAPPENING" to the list of useless perks. It makes your skillchecks bigger when you're injured. Amazing because it does the exact opposite of help the survivor. It makes it harder to actually hit a great and it's almost impossible to miss a normal skillcheck unless you're going for a great most of the time (if you're actually trying).

    Though maybe it should be semi useless instead of just useless because it can be nice against impossible skillcheck Doc. But only against him.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    It’s definitely not useless LOL. Even if the killer runs out the timer, that’s still a ton of time wasted and, if the team is good, that means that the killer loses a gen.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    60 seconds you're on the ground is 60 seconds the Killer is camping you, or 60 seconds in which DS does it's job: Prevent tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    That's why I have it paired with SB, and spinechill

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    I've never had a problem, and my build is LW, SB, Empathy, and Spine Chill you have to know what each killer's aura potential is.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    From both sides, I would call Deliverance useless.

    Its only real practical application is to unhook yourself when others cannot. Generally this means when a killer is camping really hard. This both makes it incredibly difficult to charge it up in the first place, and often means you'll go back down if you manage it anyway.

    99 times out of 100 that I've seen people Deliverance, it's when allies are definitely available to unhook, and just an ego move to deny your allies altruism/benevolence.

    Often it also results in a useless teammate for a minute or more because they play like an immersed Claudette until they can self-care.

    Honestly, I just never see this perk do something positive for the game that wouldn't occur anyway. Certainly not enough to justify running it. It's very similar to unbreakable but with downsides.

  • Member Posts: 867

    It's pretty funny with No Mither. No downside for an upside since you're always broken anyway

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    Technician is a great perk for beginners who cannot land skill checks and for when I've had a couple of beers and cannot land skill checks.

  • Member Posts: 366

    You must crouch around the map alot because I have a teammate who dies a lot running that build.

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    Lmao they must suck and I only die at the end cause what's the point escaping lol

  • Member Posts: 869

    Deliverance puts the killer under more pressure because you just unhooked yourself and your teammates should all still be doing gens. By unhooking yourself you just saved some time as well. It’s a situational perk but when it works, it works wonders.

  • Member Posts: 407

    Stake Out: In wich ranks are you exactly? tfuThink

    Small Game: Yea.. I mean it's an efficient totem perk but once you cleansed the optional totems theyre gone and this perk literally is doing nothing for you anymore so the impact on the game of this perk is mostly very low. Not D tier but C.

    Self-care: Yea this is the meta, but the smarter and confidenter the survivors the less running it because it wastes so much time just for one health state. It's super annoying to play with and it also costs the time much time.

    Urban Evasion: Yea.. maybe it's meta in the green and beige ranks. But this perk also just has a very low impact on the game. You can make some stealth jukes to end a chase but the higher the ranks the smarter the killer (hopefully) and Urban Evasion becomes more and more a time waster and doesnt really help in a chase anymore especially when youre injured. You leave blood trials and as last instance, killer use those to track or not lose you ^^


    This guy talks about the survivor perks and puts them in a tier list based on how big the impact of the perk is.

  • Member Posts: 599

    I've chuckled at DS. Here I though getting tunneled means to be killed in very short period of time (what DS counters hard by adding a minimum amount of time you have to live). But it's actually means only to be chased a lot, and DS doesn't counter that, so it's useless.

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    That's a good argument. Some perks are more designed to be good for beginners mostly. Like Déjà vu and Unrelenting. And not meant to be meta. Just good for helping you getting into things until you don't need it anymore.

  • Member Posts: 46

    Definitely depends but I would say a lot of those aren't useless. Just utility for builds. I mean deja Vu tells you where to go not to three gen yourself. I use it sometimes for information. Alert too.

    If you can spare slots try stuff out.

  • Member Posts: 366

    I always hit rank 1 one usually a week after reset that's how sweaty I am as a survivor. Like I said it's an opinion these builds work effectively for me (Xbox btw) due to the toxicity I face in lower ranks, a lot of killers depend on totems so small game usually helps me break them all before end game, urban evasion helps me move around when the killer is searching, and self-care works easy for me because of Stake out which heals me faster. My build fits my gameplay,

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    Isnt decisive like the top 1 meta perk? Its honestly so good....

  • Member Posts: 407

    Yea like you said it fits your gameplay but those arent the meta

    meta is a perk/addon/killer which gets used very often. And I dont see any of these perks very often. I see them sometimes but sometimes is not usually.

    but you mentioned you play on xbox so yea idk if high ranks on xbox playing mostly those perks. Most meta perks on PC is selfcare, DS, BT, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, balanced landing, bond, adrenaline

    those are THE most seen perks especially in high ranks.

    Im running Bond, for efficiency. It's dope for solos it gives you so much informations about whats going on in the game. THe more efficient the worse for the killer ^^

    Also Dead Hard, allows me to make some cocky or crazy plays + i can use it for distance in a chase and that's a big thing.

    Im also running Decisive Strike and Adrenaline. DS is a must because I never liked it getting tunneled. I hate this feeling and DS is giving me a chance to ######### around. So it's more like a quality of life perk.

    Adrenaline - just dope. I wrote a wall of text and now I just cut it completely. That being said: if Adrenaline gets nerfed - Im leaving. There is no reason changing the feeling adrenaline gives you.If the devs seriously care about this perk im leaving.

    and it's okay if no one cares but at some point it becomes rediculous. I dont wanna talk about all the broken things in the game. Things that need changed at first. And Adrenaline, with all the map reworks and so on, is NOT op or unfair.

    And yea it's also good if you're someone who is mostly injured because you dont give a single #########. You get healed for playing that riscy. Thats also very appreciated^^

    (because of thw worse healing changes)

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