Idea for Legion

Accorn Member Posts: 89

As he stands, many consider legion bottom of the barrel and for good reason. His power cannot under any circumstance down a player unless they just don't even care about deep wounds (had one just last match, first ever in weeks). Maybe his add-on rework (the buttons) will help, maybe not, but we'll see. For now though, any buff too far will make him nearly as powerful as the nurse and any buff too short will keep him bottom tier.

So my opinion is just a tiny change in how him inflicting deep wounds works. We don't want the old Legion back, but we want the power to feel like it does something other than waste 15 seconds (10 with a friend). Instead of the clock starting outside of his terror radius, why not start it when the chase stops? How about every second of survivor sprinting outside of the chase (or terror radius) drains 0.5 seconds?

Give us something to work with besides "stab 4 times then become the trapper without traps". Thoughts?
