Killer idea: UFO (Alien)

TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
edited August 2019 in Creations

Map: UFO crash site or area 51

Killer: Alien entity (similar to a tall Grey)

Speed: 4.2

Height: Tall

Terror radius: 26m

Lore: As usual ****** was harvesting organs and playing with the animals of this planet.

One female screamed really loud as it took her reproduction system, does the ape even know how much this is worth ? Probably not.

As it was trying to piece her back together, to send her back to her "Earth" a loud noise and shacking could be felt throughout the entire ship.

As ***** rushed to the helm, it realized humans just used a nuclear missile on its ship and although equipped to deal with such events in space, his shield padding were down for abduction. The sauver took critical damage and was now falling down on Earth.

Somewhere in a Pocket dimension around the planet's core.

The entity felt a soul akin to the likes of his nightmare. With just a thought the Alien was brought to the entity's realm. And promised that within his domaine, the Grey could harvest and play with the animals as much as he'd like!

Powers; The alien is a superior being and thus can read minds and move certain objects with its own will.

Mind reading: Whilst concentrating on reading minds, the alien is slowed down and cannot attack or interract with anything. Any survivor within a 50 meters radius will have their aura revealed for 3s. Use a ressource gauge.

Telekinesis: During a chase if a survivor drop a pallet without stunning the alien, it can lift the pallet back up and block it. It last for 10s and needs 30s to recharge.


1- Rough probing: When the killer hit a survivor they get injured, blind and nauseous for 20s/25s/30s.

2- Remote telekinesis: The Killer can destroy a pallet already dropped from a 20m/25m/30m distance. It takes 60s/50s/40s to recharge.

3- Genius: The killer can see generators aura that are at 75% if at least 120m away from it. For 10s/12s/15s.

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