Remaking perk system, so itll may work V2. Featuring - perk tiers

Remake of NotSoOld post, that was about ingame perks. Now, as said, with Tier stuff. If you ll have some issues in termins, check old post. THIS ONE

Btw, you may check it. In summary, i suggested that instead of current slot system, game may use point based system (Like CoD), so weak (and not so weak) perks may get an a second breath. You got 3 perk types, but that is quite outdated. I quoted my words bellow.

Whats the idea? Idea is about that you MAY run a few meta perks, and play the same as before, OR you may take a lots of different Low-Midi impact perks. Or you may spend 10 points on Low-Midi perks, and take some viable perks on the rest 10.

SO, whats the stuff. You all know, that every perk in DbD has Tiers (simmilar to my Tears, after 200+ hours of grind), that has some difference on old perks (Iron will), and have almost no impact on the newer ones (Deliverence). So, there is some use to that tiers in my suggestion.

Lets adjust the previous post. Instead of using constant price per perk, lets use dynamic one. You have 3 tiers of each perk, so Price of every perk will be like "base price + 0to2". How this may work? Lets descript.

For example, you still has the same 20 points. You want to manage your Stealthy AF, doing gens build. So, what perks we will take - Iron Will; Calm Spirit; Quick & Quiet; No Mither; Resilence.

Iron Will is Midi impact perk, it costs 3 points as base (50% reduction). Then goes Calm Spirit, its the same Midi impact perk, cost 3 points at base (Even at tier 1, you still aint gonna scream). Then goes Q&Q. Again, Midi impact. Costs 3 points at base (higher tier = lower CD). Then goes No Mither, its high impact perk, so it costs 4 points on base. We are gonna take tier 2. It ll cost 5 points. Then goes Resilence. Its midi impact perk, cost 4 points. We ll take tier 3 resilence, cause we can. It ll cost 5 points.

So, in total, we spent 19 points, and may take one more lowcost perk. Numbers may be tweaked ofc.

If i could take DS, you ll see the difference more clearly. Thats all i had to say

And Rizzo, dont kill me for that. Thx.

Share your opinion bellow, etc. Also, i hate mosquitos. Just to say


  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    Omg, sorry for the second quote. That thing aint supposed to look like that