DANGER: Toxicity for new players

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

Ok... I've played SWF for quite a whyle and I've discovered that if the killer is rank 20-13 they tend to camp or tunnel, and as killer, from rank 12-1 survivors tend to infinite loop and prank killers for 5 gens in a row.

When being killer I actually believe it's the killer's fault when they become obsessed with catching the looper instead of focusing on doing their job and getting the weak first, but this knowledge will not apply for the new players, cause they WILL NOT face high rank survivors.

BUT, when being a new survivor, going against a toxic killer is practically a rule... HOW are the devs gonna fight this to make new players STAY in the data base of regular players? Any ideas to help them?



  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    My killer is rank 14 and yet the lowest survivors I get are rank 9-10 so...idk man seems a bit odd...

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    No, but maybe they could add some information ingame explaining why camping or tunneling gives less BP than not doing so.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Back in the day when I started playing dbd I got mori spammed as a non-toxic solo survivor for minutes (in fact the killer [it was a Hillbilly] spammed his mori for so long I thought the game was bugged) and I got looped for 5 gens, tbagged, messaged etc. as a new killer every now and then.

    2 years later I'm still in the game and still playing both sides. If people can't deal with toxicity and rude behaviour in a pvp game Dead By Daylight isn't for them.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    They shouldn't have to, yes i know you need to be thick skinned but some people will completely out of their way to be toxic to other people for no reason.

  • ohmydaisies
    ohmydaisies Member Posts: 8

    As a mere player all you can do is gently nudge new killers in the right direction. You'd be suprised that a lot of new players are apologetic when you explain why camping/tunnelling is unfun for survivors. I've actually had some nice informative conversations with campers/tunnellers where I gave tips about effective BP gain. Sometimes being patient helps.

    As for the devs all I can suggest is some sort of tutorial on BP and how camping negates it. If we wanna keep these new players we'll have to work together as a community to make them feel welcome.

  • ajbustetter
    ajbustetter Member Posts: 70

    I personally have never run into anything I would consider too toxic.

    Yeah okay that guy is flicking his flashlight and tbagging so he wants me to chase him. I do for about three seconds then phase walk(spirit), stealth/ambush(pig), or what have you the guy who is on the gen 10 ft away thinking I'm just gonna let this guy loop me. I get a message cause i upset the killer with loops or survivor cause i didn't fall for the 360 vault pallet combo. Its a right of passage and even if we tone down what others consider toxic the majority is just gonna carry on with what they do.

  • rayoxium
    rayoxium Member Posts: 112

    I feel as if the majority of killers don't know that they lose bloodpoints for camping. Besides checking the emblems at the end of a game, they won't know that they lost bloodpoints due to "proximity to hooked survivors."

    Making that information more known should help, a lot of new players don't know much about the game.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    AFAIK You don't lose bloodpoints for camping/tunnelling. Only emblem points. So for killers it seems a win-win. Get bloodpoints and not rank upso you can torment lower rank survivors...

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    I'm a level 14 killer, this last week I've gone against level 2 survivors about 4 times and almost every match i go against at least 1 purple rank but more often it's at least 2. They need to fix this because getting bullied by high level survivors when you're a low level killer will turn you off to this game real quick.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    If bhvr really like that ppl stay after a free weekend, or a new dlc, they should imo buff solo survivors and 13, maybe in a few weeks (or whenever the dlc comes out) 14 killers, so that their major playerbase has a chance with them at red ranks.

    Imo, the people leave not really because of the toxicity - that we find in every game (more or less), but they leaving because they either feeling helpless, or they have first thought that dbd is might a good game for them, but then they needed to realize that many things in dbd are the "same".

    Feeled 90% oft he survivors use the same counterplay and feeled 90% of the killers are the same (looking at you m1 killers - survivors counter them mostly always with the same tactics and they kill mostly always with the same tactic).

    Variety would be healthy for dbd, on the long run. People certainly would not rush in dbd, because the devs code new killer archtypes, counterplays for survivors and objectives in, but I am more as sure, that under this conditions more people would stay in dbd after a free weekend and similar events as usual.

  • May_Be_AFK
    May_Be_AFK Member Posts: 46

    The game isn't that hard to learn, just a lot of things to learn.

  • OGOzSnowChimp
    OGOzSnowChimp Member Posts: 247

    You'd still get Killers like me that don't care about the blood points or getting into higher ranks or any of the technical crud. I'm in this to chase people down with a machete and watch them die. If you don't like it I hope you get a killer that plays the way you wish they would next time.

  • MimiDallas
    MimiDallas Member Posts: 45

    Camping and tunnelling killers punish themselves and gens usually pop out quickly. Its very easy to level up as a survivor at least to green rank even if you are a bad. Its much harder to level up as a killer in low ranks because you will face deranked survivors and swf in a lot of matches.