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New Chapter: Lost At Man Hunt. Killer (The Shadow) Survivor (Aaron Price)

LuluTheLion13 Member Posts: 52
edited September 2019 in Creations

Killer. The Shadow


It was a warm, sunny Sunday in the middle of Summer and Me and my friends were playing ManHunt in a forest. We were in 1 large group, until the others thought it would be funny to run off when I wasn’t looking. But 1 stayed behind. There was no internet and our Hotspot was not working. So we couldn’t get any maps or anything. We tried to track our footsteps in hope that we could get back. Time passed and we were still walking. ‘Aaron. I think I see something’. He could not see it... Without looking, my foot fell down a rabbit hole. ‘Oooowww’ I yelled. ‘I think I broke my ankle!!’ As I limped my way through the forest, I could tell there was someone watching us. There was a shadowy figure in the distance. Yet, Aaron couldn’t see it. ‘Wow!’ I screamed. There was someone... someone with no face. Blood. Bones sticking out. Aaron could not see. I was frightened. All of a sudden, I got dragged away from Aaron. By the neck. All Aaron saw was me being dragged away by thin air. He couldn’t see it. ‘Help!!!!!!!’ I screamed to Aaron but there was nothing he could do. I could no longer see him, I was being dragged down a cave. The whole entire group was there. The group I thought ran away from me!!!! OMG. OMG. OMG. Sellotape stuck on my mouth. Rope tied to keep my arms behind my back. What is happening? I thought. What is this? The group started hitting me with bats. Kicking me in the stomach. Stamping on my head. Then they left me there, My face was deformed and swollen, all bloody, just to starve to death and die. I wanted revenge so bad. But there was nothing I could do. I didn’t do anything to them. I was usually the one that trailed behind. I probably was a shadow to them! But here I am now. Someone with no face. Blood everywhere. Bones sticking out. My only friend I had was Aaron. But even he didn’t help me.

Power. Shadowed

While looking at a survivor, press the Active button to choose a survivor. That survivor will have no clue who you have picked. The rest of the survivors will not be able to see you but you can see them, you cannot hit them. When you are chasing your chosen survivor, you have the ability to be immune to one pallet stun, you can jump over one vault at the same speed of the survivor and you can go through one wall. You have to be in an 8 metre range of your chosen survivor to do this. This power can last up to 1 minute 30 seconds unless you press deactivate. Once Shadowed is deactivated, your chosen survivor is no longer chosen and you have to wait 1 minute to use Shadowed again.


Shadow stone.

Once you have been immune to one pallet stun, jumped over one vault and gone through a wall, your chosen survivor will be in the exposed status effect for 1 minute and you see the aura of every survivor for 3 seconds.

Black figure.

Once you have chosen a survivor. Every other survivor will still be able to see a black figure running across the map and if you have downed your chosen survivor, every other survivor will suffer from the blindness effect for 1 min.

You don’t see me.

You become obsessed with 1 survivor. If you choose a survivor to chase, every other survivor will be able to see you except from your obsession. Your obsession will not be able to see you but you can now hit them. Once you hit your obsession, your obsession will be able to see you. You can hit any other survivor that can see you.


Come to me

You start the trial with 3/4/5 tokens. Whenever a survivor is crouched behind a tree, vault, pallet or even a wall whilst in your terror radius, that survivors aura is shown to you for 3 seconds. Each time a survivors aura is shown to you, you lose 1 token.

Dropped too slow

When chasing a survivor, if that survivor jumps off a hill, a balcony or even out of a window. That survivor will run 25% slower than usual for 3/4/5 seconds.

I know you’re there

Once you have put someone on the hook and you are at least 24 metres away, any survivor standing in an 4/6/8 metre radius will have their aura shown to you.

New survivor. Aaron Price


Will was a nice person. When everyone said they wanted to hurt him, I felt really bad. I didn’t want to. Why would I. I’m not that kind of person. Everyone ran away but they wouldn’t tell me where. And there I was, standing there with Will. We didn’t know how to get home and there was no WiFi, so we couldn’t get maps out on our phones. There was no signal so I couldn’t call my parents. I didn’t know what to do, so we ended up trying to track our footsteps in hope to get back home. Will, without looking fell down a rabbit hole and we think he broke his ankle. He was in lots of pain. All of a sudden, Will froze in shock. He muttered to me saying there was a shadowy figure in the distance, I couldn’t see it. Yet we took no notice and thought it was just our group playing tricks on us. As I walked and Will limped, he froze again in horror. He told me how the shadowy figure was standing right in front of him. No face. Blood everywhere. Bones sticking out. I thought he was going crazy. Until I watched him being dragged away by thin air...


Fast and friendly.

You become friends with another survivor. (There will be a sign showing which survivor in the bottom left) When working on a gen with this survivor, the speed will go 5/6/7% quicker. When standing in range with this survivor, anything you do like searching chests, opening the gate or sabotaging a hook will become 5/6/7% quicker too.


Your wiggle bar will determine your chance of unhooking yourself.

When your wiggle bar is 50% you will have a 25/32.5/40% chance of unhooking yourself.

Thin Air

The nice breeze has always been on your side.

Whilst being chased by the killer, the killers vision is shortened by 5/10/15%. This effect will happen for 5 extra seconds when you are downed or you have escaped the chase.

Post edited by LuluTheLion13 on