DLCs are not as exciting as they use to be

DLCs use to shake the meta and add diversity to the game. This has not happened lately.
- The new killer is usually seen during the 1st week and then it totally disappear. 90% of the games are the same killers over and over (red ranks).
- Meta never changes. The perks are rarely as good as the meta perks that people use. BHVR seems to be afraid of creating new perks that match the power of the most powerful perks of the moment.
- New Survivors are cute but they are really just a new skin with a body that you have to grind for the Nth time in order to get the perks you want.
- The really interesting thing about DLCs is the new maps but those are available to everyone so they are not really part of the DLC.
I wish BHVR would take more chances on creating more actual competitive perks and worked and putting all killers in the same power level so we could see more diversity in the matches.
At this point I feel BHVR is just adding meaningless content. These licensed DLCs might be good to bring people to the game but they are not convincing me.
There's more to the game than whatever restrictive perk meta you're trying to limit yourself to. If every perk were as strong as Bond or Borrowed Time or Hex: Ruin or whatever, that would be some ridiculous and unmanageable power creep.
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Have to disagree on two points:
New Killer-->You might not see the new Killer(s) that much at High Ranks, but at lower Ranks, it is no problem to spot them. Also during Rank Reset. But it is fun for people who play Killer, testing out new stuff and more variety. So new Killers will not get boring, as long as they have unique mechanics that are enjoyable.
Perks--> What you are writing goes for Survivor Perks. There are no Survivor Perks from the last 5-6 DLCs or so which are actually good enough to be called Metaperks. But for Killers, some Perks are in use:
Clown-->PGTW (post Buff, but even before it was used on Billy or Nurse), Bamboozle
Spirit-->Spirit Fury is Meta, Haunted Ground is also used from time to time
Legion-->Discordance used
Plague-->Corrupt Intervention, Infectious Fright (on Nurse)
Ghostface-->Thrilling Tremors
So at least for the Killer Side there is at least one Perk which can be considered on some Killers.
But for Survivors, yeah, it is a little bit pointless to buy the DLCs. No Perks are really good and they are Skins, after all. And even if the Grind will be reduced, getting all Perks will still take a huge amount of Time, so people switching their main to a new Survivor will be quite rare.
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I think the fact that its number one on trending disagrees with you. The problem is that just no killers show up because nothing but like 4 of them work at high ranks which is a game balance problem.
Also, almost every, at least killer wise, has at least one or two good perks to use.
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I wouldn't say that. With the exception of Ghostface every chapter has come with some great perks especially Plague who's Corrupt Intervention is to a Trap killer what Monitor is to Michael
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This one is actually very exciting. The new map looks very climatic <3
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i'd have to say you are right on most points since the release of Legion
The upcoming chapter looks promising though and can include some very interesting gameplay changes!