Match Info Additions

So I have some ideas, one i've seen posted before but the others I haven't.

First idea: make it so the previous match results can be viewed after the match ends and you exit the match details screen. I've accidentally exited before seeing my stats and emblems because I pressed 'back' on the spectate screen just as someone escaped so it forwarded my click to the 'exit' button and I didn't get to see my match results. Make it so we can view them after! Even if it's just the last match played, and not your entire match history. (i've seen this idea somewhere on the forums before, so the credit goes to whoever first thought of it. I can't remember who it was)

Second idea: display the length of the match. Sometimes i'll play a match that will go on for a while (more than 30mins) and I want to be able to see the time and go 'wow that was a really long game', instead of 'that felt long, I wonder how long it was'. Nobody times their matches, and only people who record their games for videos or those who stream can go back and see how long their games are. This could simply be added to the post-match screen somewhere.

Third idea: give us a stats page! This can include matches played total, matches played as survivor and matches played as killer. To get more in depth, total sacrifices (killer), total generators fully repaired (survivor), total health states healed (survivor, can include healing others or just you), total time spent injured (survivor), total time played (matches), total times escaped out the hatch (survivor), total times hatch closed (killer), etc. This would be very interesting and wouldn't be too difficult for the game to record.