New Chapter - Oblivious in the Oblivion
Name - [Anonymous]
Killer Name - The Oblivion Walker
Height - Short
Terror Radius - 32m
Speed - 4.6 m/s
The year was 2016, life was going good. People made breakthroughs everywhere and life was expanding fast. It could all be traced back to Dr. Fredrick Eour. He discovered something known as the element "Legacy". It was referred to in scripture as "Intervention of the Corrupt Gods".
It turned out to be referenced in all most all religious scriptures. The knowledge and power one could claim if they were to shout the waking words and bring the god into the realm. This man would be famous historian [Anonymous]. He worked day and night and deciphered the words. He waited days to speak to the science community about his break through.
That day came and went, no one could remember the specifics. All they know, is that [Anonymous] bailed on the meeting as Spider Legs took him away.
power - The oblivion plane
You wander the Oblivion Plane endlessly, searching for new life to remove all meaning from. You lure survivors into the false hope of safety then drag them into your territory.
Each Survivor starts 50% Traversed. By using 'Activate Ability', The Oblivion Walker may start to drag the survivor into the Oblivion Plane 3%/1s. The more Traversed a survivor is the more you form to them and them alone. You will be able to inflict them with your power when they are fully in the Oblivion Plane.
If the survivor does any of the following -
- Stun you with a Pallet (-10% Traversed)
- Leaves your Terror Radius (-1% traversed/3s)
- Wiggle out of the Killer's Grasp (-25% traversed)
- Finds a Break (-75% Traversed [Only Appears if Fully Traversed])
- Getting Hooked (Sent to 50%)
They start to traverse back into the trial. At 25% Traversed they can no longer be hit. This is shown with a blue bar on the bottom of the HuD. Upon being hooked, a survivor goes to 50% Traversed again and emits a 5m radius where survivors inside gain Traversal with a rate of 1%/5s.
If a survivor is fully in the Oblivion Plane, the following occurs.
- Their status is not revealed to the other survivors until they come out.
- They cannot interact with generators.
- They can no longer interact with Hooks, Chests or Totems.
- Other Survivors cannot see fully traversed survivors nor can the fully traversed see the Other Survivors. However Fully Traversed survivors can see each other.
- Healing is 50% Slower, cannot be stacked. Will overrule any healing debuffs.
When a survivor enters the Oblivion Plane. You gain 2 Additional Abilities that effect the Traversed Survivors.
- Alter
- Remove
You alter the objects in the plane to deceit your prey into making a mistake. Do the following if aiming at the object.
- Wall - The Wall appears to get a window. The window cannot be vaulted and vanishes if in a 3m Radius.
- Pallet - The Pallet appears unthrown but will appear thrown if in a 3m Radius.
You cast the object in the plane out of existence to help you close in on your prey. Do the following if aimed at the object.
- Window - Window is blocked off and remains blocked off for 45 Seconds.
- Pallet - Pallet is instantly destroyed (Can be thrown or unthrown) but you suffer a 15% Speed Reduction for 5 Seconds
- Jumbled Words - Survivors who are not in the Oblivion Plane are 2% Slower in actions that involve Alturism
- Safety Goggles - Hooks recover in 30 Seconds if a Survivor is in the Oblivion Plane
- Broken Calculator - Injured Survivors suffer from a 15% Chance for more skill checks with no Great Skill Check zone.
- Torn Cloth - Survivors start 60% Traversed.
- Chemicals - Survivors suffer from the Hemorrhage status effect for 25s if fully Traversed.
- Burning Web - Survivors cannot see Hex Totems in the Oblivion Plane.
- Safety Mask - Survivors in the Oblivion Plane cannot see nor interact with Hooks.
- Page of Calculations - Survivors who are 75% Traversed get 35% Smaller Skill Check zones.
- Lab Coat - Survivors start 70% Traversed.
- Shattered Vials - Survivors suffer from the Mangled Effect if they are fully traversed.
- Burning Spider Leg - Survivors cannot see the Red Stain if they are 75% or more traversed.
- File of Equations - Survivors cannot interact with anything other then vaults until they are less then 80% Traversed.
- Hazmat Suit - Survivors start 80% Traversed.
- Spilt Container - Survivors suffer from Exhaustion for 25s longer if fully traversed.
- Burning Spider - Survivors make 75% more noise if they are fully traversed.
Very Rare
- First Word - Survivors are given 4 notifications where Hooks when another survivor is hooked. One of the hooks has the Hooked Survivor. The Hooked Survivors Aura is not revealed to the Survivors. Bypasses Kindred.
- Second Word - Survivors who are more than 50% Traversed cannot see the amount of Generators that are left. Generators make no noise to the Survivors who are fully Traversed.
- Third Word - Upon a Generators Completion, all survivors who worked on the Gen has their Aura's revealed to you for 15s. Survivors who contributed to the Generator's Completion suffer from Exposed Status Effect for 15s.
Ultra Rare
- Severed Leg of the Entity - Survivors cannot escape the Oblivion Plane once fully traversed. Survivors on the Hook, progress 15% Faster.
- The Oblivion Blade - Survivors suffer from the Broken Status effect upon hit until: a Generator is done, or an Exit Gate is open. However only 2 Survivors can be in Oblivion Plane at a time. Cannot be paired with Severed Leg of the Entity.
The Oblivion Walker grabs the survivor and drags them into the ground before emerging without the survivor.
Hex: Playing with Fate
Survivors suffer a 1% Luck Penalty. Survivors attempting to escape/search a chest adds a token, every 2 tokens increases the penalty by 1%. Successful Escapes do not add tokens. You can carry 2/4/6 Tokens at a time.
Unseen Terror
Your ability to silence the screams of those in pain helps you in fueling it into their worst nightmare.
After a hook, you become cloaked for 5 Seconds and lose your Terror Radius and Red Stain for 10/13/15s.
Echoes of the Dead
You hear the screams of the deceased in your head. Survivors are 15%/13%/10% quieter.
The Hatch, Other Survivors and Generators are 25%/28%/30% quieter.
Name - Sam Doverik
Size - Average
Breathing - Quiet
Groaning - Average
Sam Doverik, the lead scientist of developing the world's cures and medicine. He never doubted his efforts as the world clearly appreciated his efforts. Sam enjoyed every second of what he done and heard news of the breakthrough with that tome.
Sam Doverik personally approved [Anonymous] to show what he discovered to them. However things went wrong and a spider appeared and pierced [Anonymous]. Sam jumped down and tried to help but was dragged along side.
He woke up to the cackling of the fire and the screams of people. They needed him, they needed him now.
Last Chance
You call upon the strength that remains in your body to help yourself in a dire situation. Upon entering the Struggle Phase on the hook, being unhooked activates Last Chance.
When being Transported to a hook, you are given 4 Tremendously/Considerably/Moderately Hard Skill Checks, each successful Skill Check giving 25% Wiggle Meter.
Here to Help
Upon entering a 24m radius of a Hooked Survivor, Here to Help activates. You become 25%/28%/30% Quieter and leave no Scratch Marks.
Delaying the Fall
You need to help those in the Last Stretch. Upon opening an Exit Gate, Delaying the Fall activates. It takes the Endgame Collapse 60/80/100 seconds longer to trigger. This effect is cancelled if the other gate is opened. Survivors gain a 5% Wiggle Speed when a Gate is Open. However you are inflicted with broken and become Injured due to the Entity forcing the Collapse.
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