The only way to curb DC's

One glaring problem with this game is no repercussions for poor gaming etiquette. I will persoanlly suffer with poor maps and "abusive" survivors because I want my blood points and there's always the chance to catch cocky survivor's off gaurd with blood warden, but i digress. I feel that if a player willingly leaves the game after load up, one perk at random should sacrificed as payment to the entity, and then burried back in the blood web. I can only imagine that most people would rather potentially loose a game rather then deffenetly loose and obviously beloved perk. Thoughts?
No. That's too harsh considering people can be DCd on accident.
Increasing timed bans.
5 min, 15 min, 30, hour, 3 hours, 24. Resets every week of two.
Accidental and irl issues wont be bothered because what's 5 mins if your power flickers?
The people who do it constantly will be unable to even play or make it worse.
It works on rocket league, r6 siege, and a few other games. DCs are almost nonexistent now.
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Thats an idea too, but I was targeting the people whole pause the game and choose to press the leave game button. Im no computer wiz, but there must be a way to track when someone intentionally leaves a game. If they want to reset to avoid this penalty then they should suffer from your suggestion.
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That sounds like a terrible idea. If I found out I lost a perk because the power went out in my house or because I was trapped in a bugged game, I would be upset.
The only thing that needs to be done is to be more strict about banning people for excessive DCing.
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The operative clause here is that if INTENTIONALLY dissconecting came with massive repercussions, maybe it wouldn't happen. Power goes out or bad connection, no loss. Choose to circumvent by restating, congrats on being crafty. Don't like the map you're on, pause the game and press triangle (i think cause i never use it) peace out perks.
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Breaking my WAT rule here again, but: There is no way anyone can detect this in the way that you're describing. You might have disconnected because you clicked "Leave Game," because you pressed the reset button on your PC, because you pulled your ethernet cable out of the wall, because the power went out, because a server crashed somewhere between you and Behaviour, because something was getting DDOSed, because the game crashed due to a random bug, because Windows crashed, or any number of random things.
Punishments for DCs are -- broadly, in pretty much all games -- relatively lenient because there is no way to reliably predict the player's own fault or intentions. If you could find a way to do that, you would be a wizard, and it would literally change the way software is made.
And in any case, I'm all for coming down harshly on cheaters and poor sportsmen, but locking something critical that players had to commit effort and Bloodpoints to is not the way to do it. I'd rather just have them banned for a period.
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I agree with this entirely.
I hate the way BHVR try to use de-pipping as a punishment or motivator (that includes rank reset IMO). Some people want to de-rank, so they can play against lesser skilled or experienced opponents - especially SWF teams who play with the same people most of the time.
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"Choose to circumvent by restating, congrats on being crafty."
And this is why your idea won't work.
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So if the leave game button, looked more like a loose perk button once a game loaded, do you think it would be used? That is the only situation im purposing should be punished. I agree a which hunt on DCing is a bad idea.
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If there were an outsized punishment for leaving the game in that specific way, DC'ing players would just disconnect a different way.
If I go to my task manager and force quit DBD, how does Behaviour know the game (or my PC) didn't crash? If I turn my PC or my PS4 off, how do they know my power didn't just go out? This is what I'm trying to get across: There's no way that the systems on their end can determine what factors caused a disconnect to happen, or whether it was intentional.
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And thats fine. We cant expect a fix all solution, but we can expect all that can be done to be. And like some one else had suggested, they could then be subjected to and increasing time ban for any DC in general. We're all playing the same game with the same problems.
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Yes, it would. If using that button would cause people to lose perks, they would reset their console to circumvent it.
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Lol now the next question is, how badly would the survivor base shrink?
Someone gets into a match with potato teammates and dcs. Bam, sprint burst is gone. They try again and next round get tunneled and a face camped.
Two weeks later all the threads: "the devs messed up matchmaking, killer lobbies take 40 mins"
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I get the frustration with DCs, but your idea is altogether way too extreme, and the bottom line is that it would never work as you intend.
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In literally most games. DC = you have to wait x minutes before you can join next match. I dont know why this was implented into this game already.
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It would work exactly as intended. Choose to leave a game, get punished heavy. Circumvent by alternative means, A drastically reduced punishment, but one none the less. If people quit playing all together because they cant pick and choose which games to play and finish, and the game dies, I'd loose no sleep.
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You wouldn't lose sleep but you would lose games 😂 swf might be OP but solo survivor alternates between good teammates and torture of teammates who play like golden retrievers.
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Why would you implement a less severe punishment for an arbitrarily different means of leaving the game?
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"Why would you implement a less severe punishment for an arbitrarily different means of leaving the game?"
Because thats the best they could do. If some one is so concerned about maybe not doing great, that they'd rather get absolutly no progression, then let them restart and face a time penalty. As far as i know a player can "loose" but still progress. So why leave a game that 4 other people have been waiting who knows how long to play. Either shafting the team or ending the game entirely. Dont like it, dont leave.
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The best they can do is ban people for excessively disconnecting. No need for this weird Entity punishment thing.
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"The best they can do is ban people for excessively disconnecting. No need for this weird Entity punishment thing."
Well it looks like we have to agree to disagree. I'd like to think that in game leaves would drop to 0, which isn't a bad thing. And it might bring down the over all numbers.
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If in-game leaves go down and console resets go up at the same time, you haven't combatted the problem so much as shifted it.
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But its a step, and where we do agree is that exsessive resetting could probably be met with some sort of ban. Say after x DC's in y time equals z time ban.
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"But its a step"
How? Would teammates be more relieved to find that at least the DCer went through the trouble of resetting their console?
If you want to deal with the problem, you remove the people repeatedly causing it. You DC or console reset too often, you get a temporary ban. Continuing to do it in spite of being previously banned = permaban.
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You're looking at this through an incredibly narrow, cherry-picked lens. Consider it from the perspective of someone who is worried about the impact on player retention due to excessive punishment, and extreme customer support burden due to what would inevitably be a huge upswing in false positives.
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But what if they just didnt DC because of the rammications. Cheat the entity and suffer a loss. There are people who just wouldnt care and restart and go make dinner and have no loss. Cant change that. But there are people who'd rather not loose a perk or 30min of play time and then just stick the game out.
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The people who disconnect enough to be part of the problem are the people who would not care about resetting their console or cutting off their connection to the internet to minimize the penalty of DCing.
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this is the stupidest thing i have ever read. so the other day my ethernet had a fault on my router. ive a new cable now and i got dced when i hit someone as killer because the clasp keeping it in the router was broken. i didnt dc intentionally. i was annoyed as #########. anyway so issues do arise. remove peoples perks like that for unintentional dcs or peoples net dropping or faulty equipment etc etc. this game would be dead in a ######### week. and the playerbase would drop. it would be bye bye dbd .... think about this logically ....
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Any one who DCs is a part of the problem. And something like this would deffenetly be a deterant. The only people who would get salty are the one's DCing.
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It's not a good deterrent if people have an easy way to sidestep it.
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So you missed that part that mentioned you'd only loose a perk by willingly leaving, and it's not on your quoted text but that would only be implemented if they used the leave game button.
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Id say its a pretty good deterrent if people are avoiding using it. They could then focus on other ways of "banning" exsessive DCs that fall in the grey area lost connections and intentional restarts.
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If you start at the "ban excessive DCing" part, you don't need the "start removing perks" part.
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So how often do you disconnect? Cause it was never why would you care?
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I've disconnected exactly twice since I started playing the game. Once when the power went out, and once when I was trapped in a game that was glitched in such a way that there was no way for the game to end (every one else was either dead or gone) and I was forced to DC.