So insta heals are gonna get nerfed in the next update?

The devs mention in their stream that the effect of passive healing from perk Second Wind is an insta heal. So does this means that all insta-heals addons are gonna have this effect from this perk in the next update?
No. They were saying that the Second Wind heal happens automatically.
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Why would they? They didnt say anything like that.
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They've mention that in Q&A they would like to change insta heals, so it will now passively heal you over time rather than already heals you.
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Thats not instant heal then. I dont see the point of having heal-over-time add-on if they created this new perk.
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That’s not what they meant. They meant the perk instantly heals you when the broken timer runs out. Your health bar is not gradually going up.
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A heal-over-time medkit add-on is something you can use whenever you want instead of having to fulfill some conditions to maybe have access to it as is the case with Second Wind.
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Exactly, I think because the developers first language is French that the way it was explained may have been a little confusing to some. What he was saying is that the "heal over time" is not slowly filling a magical bar but rather just doing a little countdown until it just applies the instant health state "heal". This has nothing to do with the instant heal add-ons at all.