noed on ghost face

so ive been playing around with some perks for ghost face and when i tried noed it worked really well. although i started getting messages about me being a coward or noob for using it. so i was just wondering what yall opinions about noed on ghostface is. is it good or bad? should i switch or continue using it? please let me know. all answers willbe good and read
noed is good on any killer, as long as the survivors dont cleanse totems that is.
but like you said: survivors do not like that perk. cuz why cleanse totems if you can also complain, am i right?
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Here's a Survivor perk:
Anti-Hex: NoED
The Lazy Survivor's nonstop whining about NoED have finally drive the Entity to give the hell up. While you CAN easily do Totems to stop NoED, the Entity understands you're lazy & expect everything handed to you. To that end, when you use this Perk, any Killer using NoED can no longer put any Survivor in the dying state for the entire match.
Now let's whine until they make this base kit. I want that perk slot free! - Lazy Survivor #4507
(Note: I'm making fun of the lazy Survivors who claim NoED is OP 'because clearing totems takes time!'. I AM NOT calling all Survivors lazy!)
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You should keep using it if this perk fit your play style. Survivor mains complains about EVERYTHING in this game. I saw a survivor complaining about phasing add-ons on Spirit ! And I was like LOL, these are arguably the weakest add-ons for Spirit and yet he still calls them "toxic".
Post edited by Marcus on1 -
You must be new. I'm not trying to be mean or anything by saying that. It's just that anyone who's played this game for any length of time will be familiar with survivor salt. Here is a small list of things survivors don't like:
Camping: Different people have different definitions of what actually constitutes camping, but the general gist is if you are staying near a hooked survivor
Tunneling: Chasing after an injured survivor that just got off a hook.
NOED: Survivors feel it is unfair to go down in one hit. There are other perks that have an exposed status, but the conditions to meet this one are very low.
Franklin's Demise: Forces survivors to drop items when hit. It's no surprise survivors don't like losing their items.
Strong Killer Add Ons: Huntress one shot axes, Spirit no noise phasing, Shape unlimited EW3, etc, etc.
Mori's: Especially iridescent mori. No surprise that survivors don't like being killed after being hooked once.
But none of this is against the game rules. If you want to be a killer in this game then you need to have thick skin.
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ignore messages make your own rules u wanna camp someone u wanna tunnel or play fair its total up to u whatever fits ur playstyle use their salt as ur fuel
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NOED will stop being as useful when you get to around rank 8 or so. At that point, at least on PC, survivors either do the totems or cleanse NOED after you down one person. Run it if you find it fun. I personally love endgame builds.
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I use noed sometimes:D
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Noed allows you to get kills without learning the killer (or playing killer in general). I recommend not to use NOED and try to learn the killer. You will get much much better without it. Trust me, it's not coincidence that many people can call out when a killer will have noed. They are all bad and heavily rely on that perk to activate.
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NOED is necessary for any m1 killer. If you are playing spirit or billy probably not necessary unless you are just starting to learn to play with them. But Spirit and Billy can create enough map pressure that it is easy to win games without NOED and filling that slot with a different perk will probably help you more.
But any m1 killer and often times your best will just not be good enough as it will be too easy for survivors to rush gens, so NOED gives you a fair chance.