Some ideas for killers i have. Feel free to critize as much as you like.
His ability would be:On the hunt! And i have two version for this killer.
A)You have charged plasma canon (Kinda like Rabbit axes) but instead of aiming it, you just need to stay 12 seconds in vision for the survivor for it to automaticaly shot. Recharge is every 20 seconds. Addons can make it 1 hit down or add charges, reduce the CD
B)You have infrared visor, which means you can activate it, and disable it as you wish, however using it will drain charge meter which will need to recharge overtime. You can see survivors this way even trough walls (Just like in the movies) and hear anything in adirection you are looking right now. The maximal time of use would be 8 seconds and full charge would be 5. Or something along these lines.
His power would be "Trough the vents"
This ability will be a bit similar with Demogorgon, but instead of creating those, these vents will be fixed on the map, each time you enter the went, you see all the went you can teleport too. Maybe add new mechanic to see the map? I dunno, but each time you teleport to another went you are really fast, and make a little noise, after entering the went, if survivor is withing 10m readius from vent you crawled off. You will do a tail attack on them.
His power would be:Hungry for fear
Survivors will see IT as different killer (Maybe each survivor would see different one?) as a passive. Each time you chase survivor and let them escape you get token of fear on each survivor. After they reach 3rd token, they will suffer from exposed until they are hooked. After you hook your first survivor, the passive will be removed, but active will stay, one token is removed each time survivor repair generator, heal himself/others or is unhooked.
4.The monster from silent place
His power is:Trough the sound we see
You can hear ever footsteps, but you can only "see" when the sound is present, you use second mouse button to make sound like sonar, to see around you. If you are close enough to survivors or generator which is being repaired, you are seeing clearly to the path. Also as a results of your thick skin and biology. You vault 20% faster, are imune to decisive strike and destroy palents 20% faster. (This would be to compensate the lack of good vision and high skill cap.
5.Pinhead (Hellraiser)
His power is:Chain them up!
You have chains, something similar like in game called Darkness next to you, two of them. You can charge it and hit suvivors with it. However they cant escape from your chain range. If you hit with one chain, you have timer 10 seconds to hit also the other. If you manage to hit both, survivor will be put into dying state. Chains can be removed trough not being long enough and survivors looping. And they dont apply damage until both of them are linked.
I like the IT idea. Though, maybe instead of the Exposed idea, give him special hooks that teleport them to the basement. You can call it "We All Float" or something!