Build in ruin (basekit)



  • Lavernne
    Lavernne Member Posts: 98

    Hey. :)

    Why are there no bp in good skill checks with hex:ruin? Without hex:ruin there are at least 50 points in a good skill check. Is there ever going to be a change?

  • meepee
    meepee Member Posts: 44

    While we're at adding that every perk should just become base after all why not

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Good skill checks don't advance gen progress with ruin active

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    If you are going to force players to get good with skill checks... They will.

    Then you'll be complaining about ruin doesn't effect anything, since gens will still get done fast.

  • Lavernne
    Lavernne Member Posts: 98

    I know! ... but still you hit the skillcheck, just not perfect. I think it would be nice if it would also give points for it.

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109
    edited August 2019

    Yo the ruin thing as a rank thing sounds like a really good idea bro, it still gets the job done of stalling the game and it progresses based on rank which if you rank up i dont see why it would be a problem if the game got a little harder.(isnt that the point) if anyone complains bro its str8 up cause they dislike ruin.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Just run NOED and punish those gen rushers.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
  • MattRiles
    MattRiles Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2019

    So killer lobbies are not great as they are. That’s partially due to a lack of survivors playing because of unfun Ruin and killers in general. I can definitively say this would be one of the worst things to happen to the game and could kill DBD. Killer is easy enough as it is. If this ever happens, I’m sure many people will stop playing because the game wouldn’t have any form of enjoyment on the survivor side and killer would be so incredibly easy. Absolutely no need for this.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886


  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    good idea but actually no

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I've said the same many times, technically it is something extra for the survivors to so, hunt down that totem or it's more difficult

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Maybe not ruin in it's full form, but something like it would be excellent. I see ruin as a band-aid and a useless perk slot used to make the game enjoyable and longer. Please!

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Ruin functions as a band-aid secondary objective to slow the gens down in a game where the gens go too quick and there's no reason NOT to do gens.

    While making ruin a base given kit would work as a bandaid fix, the solution to slowing the game down is really to give survivors something else to do besides gens, so a killer like Trappers' game isn't decided in the opening three minutes of the game

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131


    The moment skillchecks are smoothly moving in every game and not stuttering then I don;t mind them adding ruin as base kit for killers. I can hit greats most of the time when the skillchecks are moving smoothly so it won't bother me.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Ruin is by far the most annoying perk to play against, and it should be, which is exactly why it's on a totem.

    Without the totem there is no counter play and you're essentially just making the game frustrating with no downside.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    But you agree that gens popping to fast when optimal survivors play? I would love to have fun second objective for survivors cuz that's what I want as survivor aswell. But we all know the devs. It's gonna happen. To much work for them.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526


    I've been to rank 1 every season since I started playing two years ago and have never ran ruin in my builds unless someone has given me a build or a span it in a roulette.

    Ruin is unnecessary and wasted, survivors doing their objective is fine.

    Far too many killers give up when 2/3 gens pop before their first down but I've had countless games snowball from that as all survivors move in for saves and get closer because they're on the edges of the map.

    Killer mains want it both ways, they want to sit and complain about how fast ruin gets destroyed but also say it's necessary, which one is it?

    Gen time is fine, no secondary objective is coming, unless you want killers to be nerfed, and ruin certainly shouldn't be mandatory.

    ACEvHEARTS Member Posts: 403

    It’ Facepalm.

    I know people meme about the devs a lot, but they work their butts off. If you think otherwise, go play a Triple A game 3 years after its launch and tell me if the devs still give a crap about it.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Well I would like to see you playing. Seems like you are one of the top 0,01% of the best killers. Do you record your games? Would appreciate if you upload how you verse some optimal survivors and still manage to dominate them without ruin.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Yeah they might work their buts off, I'm not denying that. But only for DLCs. The really issues of the game are staying untouched for years. They have the wrong priorities imo.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Screenshots aren't showing anything really. I'm specifically asking for videos. You might be versing a lot of potatoes which blurrs your opinion.

    There is optimal survivors. There is a difference when you selfcare in a corner with sloppy butcher or rush the last gen with adrenaline. Just to name one example.

    So, do you have some gameplay to show me?

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 943

    i think just buffing gen regression speed would be better than making gens slower to complete. yes this would buff the 3 gen strat but that all depends on the survivors and if they don't know what gens need doing

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,221
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited August 2019

    Well if I'm versing a lot of potatoes at rank 1 so it's everyone else, very little amount of survivors are actually good, lol

    and you're certainly not the person to impress considering you want ruin built in, you struggle WITH ruin, I do just fine WITHOUT it.

    Take it in, sis, you're just not as good as you think you are, like most killers.

    Post edited by Seanzu on
  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    I've often thought that a simple change to how the gens get repaired would shake things up a lot. I like the idea of needing to bring gas to the gen, i also think that there could be spark plugs scattered across the map kind of like totems. And each gen would need one, or 8 and thats what takes time. Find a pack of plugs and start installing them (the repair phase) while someone finds gas. Filling of them gen with gad could only take a few seconds, but survivors cant run with the jerry can

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited August 2019

    I don't think so entirely, too many killers are fixated on 4Ks and disregard all their 2/3Ks and then when it comes down to it chalk them all up as complete losses and act as if only 4Ks matter, when they don't.

    even the fact that some killers act as if they lose if they get kills because of altruism is cause for buffs "Damn, I only got a 4K because these survivors like to save each other" is some whack thinking imo. People aren't usually altruistic unless they think they can win the action of saving + escaping, you as a killer still had to earn that.

    If you can't agree that getting 2Ks & 3Ks is the preferably way then you don't really have a case imo, this game shouldn't be balanced around 4Ks nor should it be swayed towards more 4Ks than 2/3Ks.

    This game is both a Survivor & Killer simulator, if you're going against the best survivor in the game you should expect a majority of matches to be 2Ks, some to be 3Ks and very rarely getting 4Ks.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited August 2019

    You mention specific maps, that's more the problem than the strength of the killer or the skill of the survivor.

    I'd be quite happy if they gave thompson house the swamp treatment and moved everything closer together to make traversal and gen patrolling easier.

    and for what it's worth I don't play ruin and preferably play wraith on lerys. I don't touch Myers that often because I'm just not very good with him.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    "I'd love to play as immersed Myers to give survivors a scare once or twice and roleplay a little bit but I can't."

    So basically, you want to piss about in a match and still do well? lmao, ok dude, you go put your overalls and myers mask on and have fun with that, but thinking killers need buffs or survivors need nerfs or whatever you think because you want to roleplay & end up on top, you can't have your cake and eat it too, this is such a bizarre conversation.

    Killers can also put about 10% effort in and still get kills, catch one survivor, camp survivor, survivor dies, run noed, get another survivor end game because survivors didn't have time to do all gens and all totems because the killer was camping.

    this is ridiculous, I'm sorry but I don't get your point at all.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    So if I played 100 games as vanilla LF and won the majority of them then would killers need re-balanced? Back when the de-pip squad did their experiment survivors were OP but they’ve received nerfs and aren’t OP currently.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    They did 100 games a year and a half ago.

    They played rank 1 killers, the same rank one killers that are here on this forum, asking for more and more ridiculous things each day, asking for DS to be nerfed, or loops to be removed, or pallets to be blocked, or adreanline to be nerfed, or noed to be buffed, ruing to be permanent.

    Most rank one killers are not good, most rank one survivors are not good.

    Most players are not INTENTIONALLY trying to make people depip, or derank, or have a hard time.

    Marth & his friends have thousands of hours in this game, more on killer, sure but lets not be naive and pretend that means they don't know how to play survivor, if one person got hooked they'd intentionally ignore, chug out gens, and leave. Of course they were going to make survivors not get kills, literally anyone right now could ignore someone on the hook, do gens and leave and you'd get the same outcome.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    And I’d like to see the de-pip squad winning 100 games against a good spirit or nurse but sadly it will never happen.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I mean, I'm not very good at the game, and survivors have the same objective, killer powers are all different, it's not even relative, if Marth only went against nurses then maybe your wish would have any credibility.

    But here's a 5 hour video of ScottJund getting 32 4Ks with speed limiter, it's not exactly what you wanted but it clearly proves Leatherface and Speed limiter is op, right?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Absolutely, this is irrefutable proof.

    It was more recent than Marths experiment, too, therefore it is more relevant and more of an issue than year and a half old data or people intentionally doing what they can to give killers as little points as possible.

    When pips were based on hooks it was very easy to just ignore people on the hook and do gens and leave knowing someone wouldn't pip.

  • Guertena
    Guertena Member Posts: 392

    lol obviously no, this idea is great yet for the OWN PERK, not for everyone haha these dudes

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I think we should make LF have 110% ms, his chainsaw has a 15 second cooldown and speed limiter basekit, thoughts?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited August 2019

    YES! Killers love asking for OP things to be basekit, lets do it, there will be no issue with this at all!

    We're basically devs now!

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    They should hire us! We’d have this game balanced in a week tops!

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Totems should be invisible and sprint bust should be 800% speed boost across 12 games 🤤🤤🤤🤤

  • DwikeyMain84
    DwikeyMain84 Member Posts: 107

    na would be better if something was added like survivors have to find a tool or a part before starting on a gen and they have to do this for each gen they work on, just have tools or parts in places around the map and when you find a place that has a tool or part or whatever you have to hold down a button or do a skill check to pull it out then you can go get on a gen.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Killer shack shouldn’t spawn a basement and should have two windows, to compensate for this killers get bloodlust removed. :)

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Both sides should be feeling pressure, this shouldn't be a breeze for anyone, at some point you play against a killer that just decimates, and you're constantly getting saves and doing no gen progress.

    Sometimes you're getting a survivor that jukes you every corner and you get lost on an LT wall wondering where in gods name they've gone.

    It's all relative, but theres a damn sight more killers that don't come to this forum and play just fine.

    People make up their own issues and exacerbate them to no end, I can't count the amount of times I've played solo and have been accused of being in an SWF.

    One of the BEST players in this game mains pig and has like 27K kills or something, a killer that everyone else likes to claim is unviable he happily 4Ks most matches.

    If you want to be good at the game pick a main, stop playing every killer for an hour a day and wanting to be good with everyone.

    The best huntress mains are the best because they play only huntress, some killers couldn't dream of playing huntress as well as they do because they'd rather play a match a day with every killer.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275


  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    ahh yes, I often remember random end game chats from people lmao.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Yea, if it isn't made up to try and make me look less credible, of course.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Ruin is a joke perk. it's weak. survivors power thru it like it's not even there. it's cleanesed in 10 seconds 90% of the time. Ruin is pathetic. The people saying no like ruin is some kind of god perk are really giving me a good laugh.

    Realistically making ruin base would hardly put a dent in gen speed. I say no only because it's so pathetic it's not even valuable enough to be in the game without ruin getting some kind of buff.

    My ideas:

    1. Survivors must repair six gens.
    2. Survivors must find, and install a gen part before they can start repairs.
    3. After a gen is repaired Survivors must find gas cans to fill up the gen tanks. Survivors can throw gas cans in burning barrels to cause a 16 meter explosion stunning, and blinding the killer.
    4. After getting a gen to 100% it does not automatically start. Survivors must pull the starter rope. each pull has a higher chance to start the gen. 5% chance on first pull, 15% on second pull, etc.
    5. Ruin buff. Great skill checks cause 2% regression. Normal Skill checks cause 5% regression, and a noise notification for the killer.