What other licenses would you want DBD to get?

For me, I would love if we could get a Remothered chapter. Rosemary as the Survivor and The Red Nun and the killer.
Hotline Miami would be cool TBH.
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Jason..that's all lol
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Either SCP 096, more fan service like Mr Chuckle Teeth or general community killer ideas. I think the ideas the community proposes could really work in this game, but they are overshadowed by companies and BHVR themselves. I think the inclusion of a fans idea for a survivor or killer would be excellent.
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Carrie or The Shining
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Candyman (I'd prefer original, but could tie in nicely with the upcoming reboot/spiritual sequel).
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The Fog (w Adrienne Barbeau)
Freakin Pumpkinhead!!!!
Demons (Tony The Pimp)
Phantasm (W Reggie)
Rawhead Rex
Some are a little niche to say the least, but I feel they would be a great addition to the roster! :)
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Left 4 Dead's Tank.
Would only make sense.
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None. Licenced killers put bonds on the power, the creativity and usually the killer itself is either based on the reboot (like freddy not being robert englund) or a major disappointment (like Ghostface, the wallmart mask™).
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Dying Light would be a cool chapter imo
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K: Pinhead.
S:Kirsty Cotton
M: Leviathan Realm (hell)
S:Ellen Ripley
-Friday 13th
K:Jason Voorhees
S:Tommy Jarvis
M:Camp Crystal Lake
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The Shining
Imagine going against a killer, all of a sudden all pallets, generators and chests turn into blood and you become mad. I feel like awarding Jack psychic habilities would make him a very nice killer.
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SpongeBob's boating license. The scariest of the all.
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I would love a Resident Evil Paragraph
One Survivor and cosmetics for the original 4 Survivors like Left 4 Dead
They've once said that they would love to get Joel into the game in one of their previous streams. Last of Us Chapter maybe?
Survivors - Joel and Ellie
Killer - Clicker or a Bloater.
Map - Quarantine Zone? Bill's Town? University?
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Your post has sent me to a dark, dark place. I remember seeing the toilet stall scene in demons when I was little and it freaked me the hell out.
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Movie licenses
The four off the top of my head are Alien, Friday the 13th, Pumpkinhead and The Thing.
Game licenses
The only two that instantly pop in my head are Resident Evil and Silent Hill.
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HA HA!!! Puss-a-geddon!!! But Tony totally sorted it out afterwards! He is a totally unsung hero of the Genre! :)
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I've got a curveball for everybody
Captain Spaulding
Captain ######### Spaulding
I know we already have a clown character, but hey, we have two chainsaw dudes too.
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Candyman candyman candyman candyman candyman (i need this killer in my main menu)
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s mr krabs
k plankton
m krusty krab
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Honestly I'd prefer more original killers, but if I had to take another licensed guy I want Candyman. I want to cover survivors in BEEEEEEEEEEEES!
Also, Jason.
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how about penny wise abillity to disguise as a survivor
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Buffy the Vampire slayer
K: Spike
S: Willow
M: Sunnydale high or UC Sunnydale
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Pinhead is a a horror icon must.
Pumpkinhead would be an unstoppable force in game.
Any of The Buckners (undead redneck torture family) from Cabin in the Woods, just because they were scary and just pure evil to the college kids in the movie.
The Pale Man from Pans Labyrinth, Damn that guy's creepy!
And Finally,The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers, but alas, it's not likely to ever be a part of DbD due to the fact that the Director is a convicted pedo, and BHVR wouldn't want to give that guy any deals or Licensing money. Such a shame when a good and creepy horror movie loses all credibility and franchise opportunities because of the bad reputation of its creator.
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1.The Ripper from Assassin's Creed Syndicate
2.Xenomorph from Alien
3.Pyramid Head from Silent Hill
4.Chris Walker from Outlast
5.Mr.X or Nemesis from Resident Evil
6.Jack Torrance from The Shining
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I'd like The Tall Man from Phantasm, Jason from Friday the 13th, Candyman, Chucky from Child's Play (The entity could pick up the survivor for him?), and The Clown from IT.
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Is license hunting something bhvr needs to be doing rn? Honestly it's a drain on their resources which could be used in more productive ventures, and imo original killers are better anyways
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We're honestly just missing Jason and Chucky, but Chucky is too small to be a killer and Jason has a whole lot of licensing issues...
Especially with the previous times he was used in games lemme tell ya...
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Instead of the infected it should be Ellie and David,that would be the biggest plot twist since...something,I lost my train of thought
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Imagine Nemesis slowly chasing survivors around a loop
The death of horror lol
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Jack doesn't have psychic abilities, his son Danny does.
Jack is simply a puppet for the overlook Hotel to capture Danny and eat his shining
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Buffy Pls 🙏🙏🙏
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None. At least not for some long time. We allready have so many of them. Give me some original Killers like Plague, Spirit, etc. that are very unique.
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Nemesis from resident evil, pyramid head from silent hill, or one of the necromorphs from dead space would be cool.
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Since we have monster capabilities I would want pumpkinhead to be on here he is absolutely horrifying can you imagine being in a chase with him
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I still want the grudge dammit!
Or a combination of Sadako and Kayako
Just imagine it
No terror radius, but instead, you hear the gargling noises.
She uses her hair as a power to pop survivors at a small distance, or even slow them.
She's invisible unless you're within the radius of her gargling!
Or instead of her hair doing damage, you have 7 seconds before it injures you!
2 maps, the hospital and Kayakos house area!
2 new survivors from a wide range of the japanese cast.
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Honestly I'm a bit tired of licensed content I want something orginal again.
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I would never touch this game again, the grudge terrifies me
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Child’s Play, hands down.
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The last of us
Joel as survivor and a clicker as killer (or maybe a bloater)
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I would love "The gang" from Scooby Doo in the form of original survivors skins. That would be so cool.
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I would love to play as one of those alien telly tubby things from Happy!
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The Thing.
Not the 2011 remake/prequel, the one with this beautiful bastard.
RJ Macready. Who doesn't want that beautiful hair in DBD?
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Persona 5.
You can tell me it's not a horror game all you want, but Kamoshida's existence and the horrific Adult and Abused Child Fear he instills would beg to differ, to say nothing of the rest of the plot.
Plus, Goro Akechi just fits the killer mold like he was made for it. Dude's got a tragic backstory, he's mentally unstable, he's got a yet unknown number of murders + at least one attempted murder + multiple psychotic episodes under his belt, and a pretty killer (pun unintended) costume lined up.
Come on. He was born for this.
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Haven't played this game since I got my ultrawide monitor but i will always recommend PUMPKINHEAD!
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Yes, i am quite aware. I just said the dbd killer could have the hotel's "powers" imbued on Jack's to make it more interesting.
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until dawn with sam as a survivor and wendigo killer.