Dear Salty Survivors..

To the survivors that that DC on their first down/hook or when they face a killer they dont like.. you aren't going to get better doing this and you are not doing your team any favors. You just make the game easier for the killer to win. you get no points for dc'ing and the bp's of the other survivors and the killer suffer. plus, you just end up looking like a horrible person.
That is all. <3
Edit: since there's lots of people going on about "well if killers..", id like to make a disclaimer saying that i wrote this from a survivors mind set because 3/4 games i play as a survivor, someone DC's. i dont see as many when im playing killer.
also dont forget about dedicated servers that are coming soon:D
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Speaking of salty DC's, I saw this in a streamer I watch.
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Dear salty killers when you DC because they are SWF you aren't going to get better doing this and you are not doing yourself any favors. You just make the game easier for the survivors to win. and the bps of the survivors suffer. Plus you just end up looking like a horrible person.
Post edited by ceridwen309 on28 -
XDDDDD lol you are touched
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You're here making a salty post while they are in another game.
Who is the salty one here? I'm not saying DC's don't suck, but think about this my guy.
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The point is that it goes both ways.
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Of course..just disliked his snarky way of saying it
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Theres 0 excuse
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I love DCโing knowing that everyone suffers. Oh well. Report me? Naaaah devs donโt care about the game anymore. Oh well ๐๐๐
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and what about the ones who DC against all the other killers too? ive had people DC against clown ffs A CLOWN with lvl 1 clown perks and no addons... or the vids of people DCing against a killer with NO ADDONS AND NO PERKS AT ALL? not slugging or camping not a nurse or spirit no ruin... so what exactly is the excuss then?
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Didn't you know it?
Clown is the top killer and even worse then every other killer could be :).
They won't get the upper hand on the dcing guys until they start to radical ban everyone who is dcing, since they have encourage the dcing guys in the past.
Also it couldn't be wrong to make a dev thread and post every month there, how many people got banned for dcing (names are not necessary), to avoid the "they do nothing" argument.
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It's not about the killer usually. When I see a surv DC I know I'm playing against a camper/tunneler killer or he has a mori. I'm not saying it's ok to DC, but I barely find survs that DC because of a map or a killer they dislike.
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I'll admit, I'm one of the survivors that'll dc if I'm being tunneled. The obvious kind of tunnel, not 'o, I can't get to that other guy due to 'insert perk here/environmental object here' type deal. Especially if it's early in the match.
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Lol you think dcers give a #########๐๐
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Goes both ways.
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Yeah ok, but I guess killers DCing because THEY can't accept defeat and make it so survivors get NO bloodpoints is fine.
I guess DCing against a SWF team is fine.
It goes both ways buddy, survivors aren't the bad guys, killers aren't the good guys ๐
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A lot of comments here are talking about how killers DC as well. And I mean, that is certainly true 100%. Survivors aren't the only people who DC. The difference is, it is statistically more likely for a survivor to DC than for a killer to DC. In a way at least.
Say 1 out of every 8 survivors DCs. That means in the two matches you play, one person DCs. Costing their other survivor teammates a much harder round in the fact that they now have to do say 5 generators, and they have one less person to help.
Now say... 1 out of every 8 killers DCs. That means playing as survivor, you get 7 good matches for ever 1 Killer DC.
I honestly think survivors should wtill be awarded. Not fair that Killers can DC and punish every survivor with little to no BP.
But so many people in this thread are taking sides and arguing that "It's not fair for the killer to DC either!"
True. But why does nobody understand that when a survivor DCs, BOTH sides suffer! The survivors side just lost 25% of their man power! They have one less person to do gens, but still have the full amount of gens! They still have to open gates and escape!
Please stop turning this into Us Vs. Them. Why can't you just recognize that a survivor DCing is generally worse than a killer DCing, because at least when a killer DCs, you don't have to suffer through the rest of the match a man down. And a killer DC generally is less likely to happen due to the numbers.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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Wdym? Survivors get bloodpoint after a killer D.C. and a Pip if you gained brought points.
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It's not about a us vs them mentality. My comment was mainly a joke thread while also stating that we can't forget that killers DC as well while a small bit of seeing if some would apply a double standard. You are correct survivor DCS are more noticable due to their larger numbers. I find a killer DCing as bad as a survivor DCING due to a couple of things low bp gain,kills the mood for everyone including the dcer,lobby simulator can be demoralizing and sometimes depending on the situation survivors are subject to depip. Both are about as bad. Most people in this thread aren't side picking although I can see why it looks like that.
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The entity didn't choose you. :)
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No they don't, don't know what you're on about buddy. Survivors now have a 1/10 chance of keeping their bloodpoints, now when a killer DC's 9/10 it'll say disconnected from host and the survivors will lose their offering, bloodpoints and only keep their item.
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Exactly. Just bring NOED to the party and feast on the altruism.
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Cool, what's your steam name?
On an unrelated note, if I block someone on steam does that mean I won't get paired with them in any games?
Also I've found a way to stop DC's, remove the Leave Game option. Why is it even there?
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That's why I stay, even if I'm getting my Nea cheeks clapped hard by a tunneling Spirit or Nurse etc. I'll at least make it where I last long enough in our chase to have my team pop most, if not all, the gens to escape.
It happens more than I can count where the killer will ruthlessly chase me throughout the map where gens are popped left and right; I'm still their special one. In the end though, no one but the survivor gain from that experience, if that. That would be close to no BP, and a de-pip because only person who interacted with the killer was tunneled all game. Killers gain nothing from this and I don't know why some do this when I encounter them.
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Yeah I'm so suffering from all these quitter bonus points
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Hoes mad
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Thems facts
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Actually there is no game if the killer DC's...... soooo
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Ok, cool. It's hard to tell at times, because there are threads with less controversial a topic that turn into complete flame wars over the Us Vs. Them.
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Yes you'll still get paired with them
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Only reason I do this is because Iโve been found first in literally every game prior, so when I go down again and DC, itโs because Iโve reached my breaking point ๐๐
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This happens very rarely. Vs survivor disconnects, which you'll see every other match, at least.
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I played the game over 5k hrs
if Im tired of rng spirit I just leave and have a way better time in the match one minute later. So enjoy your ez game as killer (and I know that it doesnt feel satisfying enough because 3v1 is bs) and the others can also enjoy their lifes I dont care. Im here to have FUN
and oif the killer is just boosted af I'll leave by killing myself on the hook. or if the killer denies I dc.
It's not about git gud
It's not about my poor teammates I left in the fog
It's about having a good time. (not by bullying the killer in a toxic and unbalanced way)
So bbye spirit or 50 meter hits, 20 second after I fast vaulted, bbye any toxic behaviour.
So many games I got tunneled by omega blink nurses, then got slugged for 239 seconds, got grabbed until the EGC timer was running out, just to hook me last second. And what did i do? I got found that's all.
So yea, ######### you Im out.
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this is more in regards to the person who dc's on their first down/first hook or if the killer finds them first.