I've changed my mind about the worst killer in the game.

It's Legion. Without a doubt. At least Leatherface's power has SOME usage. FF does piss-all. Damn shame...
feral frenzy just gives the survivors free sprint bursts
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Legion is the definition of a bad killer. The power is counter productive.
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Wraith. Legion at least can have first hit easier and damage more people.
Wraith is just M1 Killer and his power is not helping him in chase unlike Legion and Bubba.
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Hey leave my main alone lol wraith isn't as weak as most claim it's really about the hit and run tactics with him
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Legion can actually be a threat if you use him correctly.
I'd love to argue that Leatherface is actually worse than Pre-Freddy, cause Leatherface can be bullied so easily, that its not even funny. His one useful perk combo is Enduring + Spirit fury, and his only REAL threat of a add-on combo is Beast Marks + Tuning Guide.
Seriously, change my mind...
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Do you playing him with good add-ons or not?
Because I am counting base power level and not add-ons.
Sorry but I found Legion slightly more dangerous than Wraith.
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Not changing your mind but freddy 1.0 wasn't even that bad to play
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Use term "reworked legion"....
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It really wasn't, if you knew how to use him he was actually a threat... dare I say... fun?
Like seriously, he was truly very unique, but most people wrote him off as the worst killer because he wasn't the most... "noob friendly" I suppose? Like don't get me wrong, he had huge issues with his power and design with progression in a match... But at least you can have fun with him, Leatherface? Hes just a headache and should honestly get a rebuild as well.
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*Clown starts laughing and coughing*
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I think no matter what version he is, people will still despise him.
They could remove his power entirely and make him the easiest Killer to beat, and people will still hate and complain about him.
Legion doesn't get a break, and most likely never will.
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Clown is not the worst killer. However, he is now very overshadowed by new Freddy. Clown needs some love for sure.
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I play him base and with any addon i want to throw on him be it; all-seeing blood+windstorm blood, beast+windstorm, coxcomb/bone+ghost. he is fun and reliable regardless
@FireHazard I agree freddy 1.0 was the most fun killer that was ever in the game and if you knew how to use him he was quite the challenge to over build. (i p2 him and stockpiled class photos and red paintbrushes so I could use my all seeing ninja build) had survivors pop into the dream world with me on the other side of the wall they immediately stopped stopped every time
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My favorite was the mile long rope to use on Survivor to sleep them from across the map with both Sketch add-ons.
Freddy 1.0 was truly something special, but its for the best when we're talking about the majority that he was reworked, but I'll still have a special place in my heart for Freddy 1.0
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I agree nothing could replace him but I guess the community deserved the rework on him (I JUST REALLY MISS HIM 😭😭😭😭)
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Pretty sure the majority of players play killers with some form of add-ons, so why would you ever not consider the killer with add-ons? Add-ons are what makes a killer go to their fullest potential so it only makes sense to judge them on their fullest potential.
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I'm going to be honest it may be because i am trash but I dislike using vomit girl though all I do with her is spray and pray.
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Keep practicing, you can always break someone in the first puke you just got to make sure every drop hits them (I've done it maybe twice but then again I never play her)
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Legion seems fine to me, just takes time to learn now
psst, just do the same thing and not hit the survivors twice and you will have progress
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Ok so YOU know how to play them right ?
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Legion can stall a game long enough for everyone to die of malnutrition if you keep being successful with the stabbings. His ability to instantly find survivors makes him dangerous too.
Clown's worse.
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well he is the definition of an M1 killer if he wants kills but you cant really complain about him being dogshit because of how annoying he was before he was updated i mean ######### i would end up being super toxic tbagging etc just borderline harassment using object and more because if their playing him they probably wanted easy games becasue of people who would dc
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Yeah but Wraith is the King of Campers. Camping wins games. Or at least kills the unlucky sap who Wraith got first. Legion is by far much worse from a killer standpoint because he gives survivors so many second chances.
I actually think the new Freddy is terrible. I feel like I'm just fighting an M1 killer all the time who I can always see and who can't see my every move. Old Freddy was definitely harder. The biggest problem I have with Freddy2.0 is the framerate drop I get when he punts me into the dream world.
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Good Wraith mains can boost around loops with the right add-ons, plus some spoopy mindgames. With Windstorm, you also have decent map pressure.
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I would say Bubba
At least Legion can get ONE hit off...
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Base power ? If I was to make a tier list based w/o add-ons, I would have at least 6 "unplayable" killers. There are too many lackluster killers without add-ons and almost nobody plays killer in red ranks without add-ons.
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Legion can be good/annoying if they combine Thana/Sloppy and can run fast
Wraith can be also good with Nurse Calling/Sloppy, has no problem with BT, can run fast
and campingLetherface can be good insidious campingClown has.... Buggy bottle, very busy man with reloading bottle every minutes and has no map pressure
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I feel like there isn't a weakest killer in general because people are better with certain killers than others.
For example to me playing as killer the weakest killer is The Hag because I am just so bad as her.
But playing as survivor the weakest killer to me is Plague almost never get sacrificed by one.
There definitely is more viable killers than other but weakest is in the eyes of the beholder everyone will be different.