Why lockers can counter Myers with Judith's tombstone?

It makes a killer who can instantly kill you, look silly instead of terrifying. After all the effort to charge the add-on, it makes him feel powerless instead of powerful; plus you depend on survivors not running constantly to lockers if you want the achievement (killing all 4 with it).


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,036

    You don't care if I help you right?

    Run agitation and iron grasp, why? Because this can allow you to drag them away from most lockers and then you can kill them that way

  • Creator
    Creator Member Posts: 360
    edited August 2019

    This is unlikely to help if the survivor has a sprint or a lot of lockers on the map. Better let the developers let Michael kill the survivors inside the locker and there will be no problems with that. Because it is really stupid mechanics and it needs to be urgently changed.

  • Creator
    Creator Member Posts: 360
    edited August 2019

    I agree with the author of the post. At the moment, tombstones are the most useless add-ons for Michael. Easier to take the Eboni Memento Mori. Now there remains one option: to constantly "spam" the forum posts (with small intervals) so that the developers finally see and give Michael the opportunity to kill survivors in the lockers. Tombstones are already too weak add-ons, given the colossal fine of pure evil required to accumulate the 3rd stage + reduced movement speed + the fact that without another addon your stage will not be infinite. In short useless.

  • boostedneamain567
    boostedneamain567 Member Posts: 21

    If they did that vaults would be the next best thing because then you would either down them or grab them unless it's a vault that the killer can walk around easily. If you have to vault it to continue the chase the survivors would abuse it,also I think it would make sense if Micheal could kill someone in a locker with the addon. Or if you stay in the locker until you get three crows you get forced out of it.