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General Discussions

All of Steve's perks are really bad while all of Nancy's perks are really good.



  • Member Posts: 1,273

    Well, they aren’t going to wait the full 14 seconds. They’ll give room for error and pull them off at 10 seconds. 10x4 = 40. It’ll be the one person going for the save, they may even be being chased. Even spending 10 seconds to finish a Gen that’s nearly done right next to the guy who’s struggling on the hook.

    Just working once is enough to cut healing time in half. Neither needs a buff, they will cut healing time down no matter how you look at it.

  • Member Posts: 748

    Finally, someone I can agree with!!

    I usually run Adrenaline, DS, Dead hard and then any other perk but that 4th perk slot will definitely be either babysitter or 2nd Wind now :D.

  • Member Posts: 157

    I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that every survivor will unhook 10 seconds into Camaraderie as hardly anyone counts the amount of seconds for anything in the game, especially since you have to be dead accurate. It also depends on the situation really. If a killer isn't camping or patrolling the hook then you can save them right then and there. Any good killer will defend a gen that's almost finished, especially when it's next to a hooked survivor so that'll simply never happen. Plus, situations where you'll need Camaraderie to get saved is so minuscule that it's going to be useless in almost every game, especially when the effect is so short.

    As for Inner Strength, using up a perk slot just to cut healing time by half once is just not viable in the current meta. I can see it being very useful if you can get it to work during a chase because that's when you're trying to survive. If you use Inner Strength when you're not being chased then you could've just looked for another survivor to heal you. Yes, Inner Strength is faster but not by much and it doesn't justify a perk slot for it. The best way to use this perk effectively is by getting it to work during a chase since there's no way you can repair gens and getting healed by it during a chase is the most optimal time because that's when your life is in danger. If you can't get another survivor to heal you then it should be used, but if you can get healed by a survivor or medkit, then save it for when you're getting chased.

    As for Second Wind, well.... I've already gone through it too many times so I won't bother.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Actually, you can combine Inner Strength with DS to force a lose-lose situation for the killer. If the killer grabs you from locker, he will eat your DS and you still have Inner Strength for later, if he leaves you to go after someone else, you will heal in that locker.

    Inner Strenght will also be good for basement saves against killers like Hag, you will heal in a locker before she gets there.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Trust me that you did not come off as offensive. I was just distracted and frustrated by other threads and people. I had fun discussing the new perks, although I think it felt more like a contest and I felt discouraged toward the end. It feels unsatisfactory to post when most discussions only give the illusion of a conversation. I think that I am going to take a break from visiting the forums after this message.

    I was using the clarification of tunneling as provided by Peanits in this comment. The critical part of this definition is that tunneling only applies to survivors that are within a short time of being unhooked. As you said, Borrowed Time discourages killers from tunneling, but Babysitter is different. It helps the unhooked survivor escape at any distance, but its effects are reduced if the killer is close. That is why I made a distinction between the perk discouraging against tunneling and it discouraging the killer from going for the unhooked survivor. More importantly, this debate was unrelated to the original topic. It felt annoying to address because it was so insignificant, and we probably agree about Babysitter's usage. I don't think that there was any reason to nitpick this much about it.

    In short, the Bond versus Better Together does not matter. It is just another nitpick that stifled our discussion. I am not accessing how often the community will use it or how others feel about the perk. I am merely giving my opinion about Better Together's current benefits and how good I think it will be from my experience. It is well designed and a nice perk to have, but I do not agree that the perk is good. I like existing alternatives more. I heard your reasons for why Better Together was better than Bond. That's fine, but it feels like you cannot respect that I have a different opinion.

    Like Better Together, I was only commenting on how I felt about the current state of Fixated. It just feels genuinely weak to me, and I do not think that it justifies a perk slot. Quick and Quiet and Dance with Me seem like better stealth perks, although I would have to test out Fixated to confirm that. I would rather ditch fixated for a more reliable or fun perk, like Lithe.

    Inner Strength is by far her most potent perk. As a result, I do not honestly know how it will affect the meta. I still disagree about its usage in a chase, but I can understand your argument. Based on later comments, I'm guessing that you would agree that it is much less efficient out of a chase. It's healing speed is fast, but it is still not by much, and the perk does have a practical limit of uses. I think that the main difference between our opinions is Inner Strength's performance in a chase. I wish that difference was the focus of this part of the discussion, but instead, it just felt repetitive.

    I wrote a lot because I am most likely not going to view or respond to future posts. I did not want to end my involvement with this discussion on an unfinished note. However, I learned some interesting stuff, like @Marcus mentioned that Hex: Thrill of the Hunt does not provide a notification on dull totems. Despite this being one of the better discussions, it is just not satisfying or worth it anymore to post stuff to the community.

  • Member Posts: 157

    Well, I apologize if that's how you felt throughout our conversation together, but I just want you and everybody else in this thread to know that I'm not trying to make this a contest.

    Like I said in the last post, you contradicted yourself by saying you agreed with me about Babysitter, yet you followed it up by saying Babysitter helps prevent tunneling, which I said it doesn't. I just want to remind you that Babysitter doesn't really discourage tunneling as the unhooked survivor can still be tunneled without any consequences for the killer unlike BT, which prevents that from happening and punishes the killer if they don't play around it. "That is why I made a distinction between the perk discouraging against tunneling and it discouraging the killer from going for the unhooked survivor." So you're saying Babysitter doesn't discourage tunneling but it discourages the killer from going for the unhooked survivor, which in other words, means it discourages tunneling. I don't know how you still can't see this glaring mistake so perhaps you should word it better or you could just say that you agree with me and leave it at that.

    Once again, the Bond versus Better Together debate does matter because it's an opinion that could be refuted. Just because it's an opinion doesn't always mean you can't be wrong. If you said your favorite color is blue or your favorite food is pizza then I can't prove you wrong so I'd have to respect that. There are some people in this thread that think Camaraderie is a good perk due to a misconception, which is why I'm trying to disprove them, just like all the other perks I've mentioned in the original post. Now by the looks of it, I guess you didn't take any of my key points of this debate into consideration so I'll move on.

    Quick and Quiet is only good at stealth when you're near a locker or window so it's situational and you have to time it right, which makes it difficult to use effectively. Dance with me is just garbage as a standalone perk unless you pair it with Lithe so that's an unfair comparison since it's 2 against 1. I do think Fixated needs a buff like making it work every time instead of needing you to be healthy for you to walk faster, similar to Urban Evasion.

    I'm curious to know why you disagree about the usage of Inner Strength in a chase but if you don't want to respond then that's fine.

    Overall, this was all just a big misunderstanding on your part therefore I hope you read this before you decide to quit the forums for good.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Yo second wind + Solidarity, you can’t be directly healed but you can be indirectly healed by solidarity. So 20 seconds becomes 8-12 second heal. Then there’s Steve’s unhook perk plus distortion which equals three free killer aura reveals. Think about a second wind, plus inner strength, adrenaline burst and mettle of man. You could become a legit tank if you’re good with a flashlight.

  • Member Posts: 157

    Second Wind doesn't work with Solidarity since Solidarity only works while you're injured so you might as well get healed by a survivor. Plus, the healing progression resets when you go to the dying state. Distortion is literally one of the worst perks to be paired with Babysitter since the effect only lasts for 4 seconds out of the 10 from a token. Also, you only get 3 tokens and can be consumed by BBQ or Nurses Calling so it's not like you're going to have all the tokens available by the time Babysitter works. Seeing where the killer is after an unhook is pretty pointless as they're either chasing someone, closing in on you, or just camping. Just use Breakdown to know what I'm talking about.

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