Yep, you guessed it - another Vigil rework idea

Sharmarko Member Posts: 71
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I created a thread over on reddit :

For those who don't want to leave the forums to see the image of my vigil rework, then here it is written out again.


You look over your friends even in dire situations.

While an ally is within range of 8 meters for 35/30/25 seconds, gain a token up to 3/4/5 tokens.

If an ally suffering from a negative Status Effect enters a range of 8 meters and stays for 20/18/16 seconds - lose a token; Remove that survivor's negative Status Effect. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.

"I'm gonna be here when you wake up. You're gonna make it." - Quentin Smith


So the idea of the perk is this: current Vigil doesn't work on many status effects, since it's effect is to reduce debuff timers even though most debuffs don't have timers.

My idea was to implement a token system, in which one token = one debuff, regardless of timers. Gaining a token requires proximity, and using tokens requires proximity, so an element of teamwork is needed. This makes Vigil a very supportive perk, which is akin to Quentin's lore role.



  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    After getting feedback from reddit, I've decided that the perk should have the following line included:

    "Does not affect curses or effects from killer abilities".

    This means Vigil will be a perk to counter regular non-hex perks, and addons.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Idk I like the -8s on my DH and Lithe...