Shard grind is insane...

I understand why is it like it is but it takes eternity to get something and devotion makes it even worse. Instead of being rewarded for playing the game you get punished for leveling up.
I understand the need for profit but come on devs, this is beyond ridiculous...
How does devotion make it worse?
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Because when you reach level 100 you get less shards... AGAIN. You start from scratch.
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They need to give you more shards for each devotion , I mean they're already cosmetics that you can only get with Auric cells anyway so I don't see how it would hurt them.
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On top of everything ->Lobby times.
It takes eternity to get shards. Literally.
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I always thought devotion should let you keep the shard level, and then as you continue to level it adds more to the base level of shards you acquire. Thus the more you play, the more shards you earn because of your “devotion”.
Id recommend this, and then retroactively gifting dedicated players an equivalent amount of shards because of their loyalty to the game and continued gaming.
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Yes and on the top of that...
Tell me where was the last time when they added new cosmetics that wasn't very rare guality that cost the most shards.
Yes, very, very, very, very long time ago and only for few characters. Sad.
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The lower lvls also require less exp though. The ration of exp to shards obtained is about even.
to get to lvl 2 for example takes 720 exp and awards 50 shards which is 14.4 exp per shard
to hit lvl 51 takes 4200 exp for 300 shards which is 14 exp per shard
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If it is nearly the same what is the point of this? It makes it even more ridiculous. :D
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wasnt it the painter jane the last time they added a below purple skin? it was ac only too
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I don't count that because how you allready said: money only, no shards
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then thatd be.... one from back when feng got the yellow ones?
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I think the last was during last Winter holidays event, then nothing. But I am not sure.
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100 levels for one full skin. Seems rational right?
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If its the same, it makes it a non-problem that isnt worth mentioning
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@Buily09 Every non licensed chapter has greens/yellows for shards.
So 5 months? Will probably be 8-9?
Only due to back to back licensed dlcs that can't have shards
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Doesn't change the fact that grind is ridiculous. If you deny that I dont know what to say to you anymore.
100 levels for one full outfit? Mhm.
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Really just depends on what your trying to grind for. Im currently sitting on about 24k shards with nothing of interest to currently spend them on.
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And you had to go through around 100 levels for that.
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Its intentional. They're trying to incite you to open your wallet and spend, like a good little consumer.
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Only skin I payed for is Susie.
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Careful. The ice has been broken. You're now susceptible for more.
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The levels kinda just go by without much thought on my part. I play the game for the sake of playing the game, not to "grind" lvls. The iri shards are just kinda a by product I use every now and then to buy a new character, a perk from the shrine or even a new cosmetic if Im feeling really frisky.
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Yeah but it takes too much time.
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That was 6 months ago.
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So what exactly are you trying to grind shards for?
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You're talking about the devs who pump out cosmetics at the price that is half the game's base price (if we completely ignore the fact that dbd is always 10$ on every steam sale).
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Feng min jacket which is only 4500 and after that it will take a half year to get new Kate skin. At best.
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I play regularly and It still takes me about a week just to get 1 purple cosmetic which costs 7200 shards. Maybe reward like 5000 shards for lvling to 100 and reward more shards per lvl. I believe it takes like 4-6 games just to get 300 shards at lvls 50-100. Getting 50-300 shards per lvl is just too low considering the fact that it takes like 3-5 minutes to find a game and then it takes about another 10-15 minutes to finish it. They're already updating the bloodweb to cut the grind down a bit so I'm hopeful that they'll do the same for the cosmetics soon.
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Considering these are purely cosmetic aspects...I dont see it a problem for you to have to grind for it. The cost of characters are pretty fair when bought with shards, and a perk in the shrine can be bought with the shards you obtain during that week.
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Meanwhile I just sit here, hording shards to have more bloodpoints to spend for new chapters. If theres a cosmetic I reaaaaally want, I dont mind spending a bit here and there, as for the shrine, I find it kind of wasteful long term to buy perks from it. I only ever bought one perk, way back when I first started, because my friend said bloodhound would likely be helpful for me, and I regretted it, because when I finally leveled up wraith, it felt like I was losing out.
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Well I'm fine with the grind except for the fact that it takes too fking long to get at least 1 cosmetic. As a survivor main, it gets pretty bland after playing a survivor with the same clothes over and over again which makes me want to buy new ones but when it takes a week just to buy 1 cosmetic, it gets frustrating. Also buying characters or perks with shards is pointless for some players because they've already unlocked all of them.
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I tend to only buy survivor perks from the shrine. Lvling a new killer for their perks feels like an investment for when I wanna play that killer later on. Lvling a survivor for 1 perk feel like a waste since...its just a skin. I dont really care that much for Quinton, I just wanna be able to farm medkits easier on my Claudette
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Your first sentence is contradicting. If your fine with the grind, then you shouldnt have a problem with how long it takes.
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Just buy skins for characters you really like. I usually spend 10 on a cosmetic every couple of months or so.
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I made a post in this thread:
"While everyone is talking about the cash cost, did you know it takes about 50 hours worth of matches (450 ish matches) to earn 21,700 iri shards for an ultra rare cosmetic?
I'm still grinding for the new hag skin with shards I've been saving since they've been implemented. Only spending them to buy DLC when available...
The grind is absurd."
I don't see it changing anytime soon, and only getting worse when the archives and battlepass are released.
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Now imagine people use the shards to buy perks in the shrine they already own just for a few bloodpoints lol xD
Yeah the grind is huge. I was playing the whole summer dbd, a lot. I earned around 40k shards in that time. I'm currently hovering around with 70k shards. I don't spend much of my shards, because a lot of cosmetics u can get with shards aren't my taste. That's the only reason I have so much.
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Okay well what I meant by the first sentence is that I don't mind if it takes a few days to unlock a cosmetic but 1 week is too much. I mean unlocking 1 cosmetic in a few days is still a grind but yeah I should've worded it better.
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Ultimately they choose to do this to encourage ppl to buy the cosmetics with cash. I feel like if they made the cosmetics cheaper, it would only get balanced out by making other aspects of the the characters...more expensive.
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oh yeah i forgot about those, and i wear the sweater on kate all the time lmao
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Lets be real here though. The only reason most people are relying on shards to buy cosmetics is because of how expensive they are with auric cells. I mean 10 dollars just to buy 1 purple outfit is ridiculous considering the fact that that's half the price of the game itself. People wouldn't be complaining about this so much If they just lowered the goddamn auric prices.
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Just play the game and don't think about it. Before you know it you will have lots of those shardy thingies