A message to anyone with salt

I know that people are going to try and throw arguments at me, or try to say to 'just ignore it', but this salt is too much. I'm going to have a stroke at this point.

So if you're a survivor, and you decide to tbag at every pallet and click your flashlight in the killer's face a million times, please don't be surprised when you get facecamped. When I play killer, I don't camp unless the survivor really deserves it. But I end up regretting it because in the post game chat, they decide to be as salty and toxic as they possibly can. They say 'gg ez' when I get the 4k, and then say that i'm bad at the game, among a million other insults and curses.

Now, this might be easy to ignore for some people, but for me, it's not as easy. I try to have fun and be a decent/nice killer, and the one time I try to punish a toxic surv, I get salt up the ass from them. Why? Because they don't understand how to play nice. And when they get called out, they explode.

This also goes the other way. Salty killers, why do you do what you do? Why can't you just play nice? I don't expect the killer to let me escape the hatch or even let me live. What I do expect is a little bit of maturity. When you get the 4k, or when you proxy me until I die, please dont be a ######### in the pgc. Don't say that i'm an ass for using adrenaline, or for stunning you with a pallet 3 times in a row because you're too cocky with your lunges.

I guess what i'm saying is that the salt/toxicity is unneeded. I just play for fun, and i'm sure so many others do as well.

I wish everyone luck with their games, killer or survivor. But when you feel the urge to say 'nice noed' to a killer when they get you before even needing their noed, please think again. When you feel the urge to say '######### you' to a survivor for recovering from the dying state and escaping because of their adrenaline, please think again.

This game should have some pleasantness to it. Thank you.


  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    I dont inherently camp or tunnel because screw survivors (with the exception of Insidious Bubba) I just play however I feel like playing, I'm not going to stop playing a certain way because others dont like it. And hey, if I see you getting sand bagged or otherwise then hell ye, you can live, they guy who sand bagged tho! Not so much. Idk, maybe I'm missing your point since I can be quite the salty survivor sometimes too :P

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    I get more salty at the hedges on haddonfield than I do the players of the game. Like. If you play leatherface on that map then the entire community is buying you pints at the bar to drown your sorrows in

    Salty fries best fries

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    edited August 2019

    I commonly let survivors go, usually 1-2 per match, so long as they aren't cocky little flashlight clickers who teabag after every single no-stun pallet drop.

    last night I had a round, playing as spirit, running - Hex: ToTH - Hex: Haunted Grounds - Hex: Ruin - Surveillance... and the survivors wasted SO MUCH time trying to break one totem, eventually using a tag team to body block while they broke it.

    lucky for them it wasn't haunted grounds, lucky for me it wasn't ruin. But long story short, they got decimated. When I had the last two down, I hooked one and noticed it was her very first hook... so I picked up the david and juggled him right next to her hook until he broke free.

    I let him unhook and I phasewalked to the other side of the map.

    they still ended up losing, but I got messages from both of them thanking me for giving them a sporting chance.

    playing nice doesn't guarantee a loss, and sometimes giving someone an extra chance can go a long way to making the game better.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Can't really be removed. The really vile garbage (death threats/encouragement, hard slurs) is already bannable and pretty easily identified, more general trash talk makes it a moderation nightmare to draw a line that determines exactly where it goes "too far".

    In-game "toxicity" probably comes from scrub mentalities more than anything, especially the "vigilante" toxicity where someone sees the way that someone else is playing as against their personal rules of conduct and decide to punish them for it. Petty and pointless stuff, but I guess it's convenient to blame everything on someone that plays in a way that doesn't break any rules but they personally dislike.

    And there's some people that just do it by default. Either because they're just trolls, or they're one of the people that take the perfectly valid statement of "i'm not responsible for my opponents' fun" and twist it into "i'm proud of ensuring i'm as obnoxious to play against as humanly possible"

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    not sure why you tagged me, I didn't say "forced" to let anyone go... its a nice gesture though.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I know you didn't, but I didn't want to pressure people into doing something they don't wanna do, so I wanted to reassure everyone.

    You can do whatever you want, but if you're feeling nice, go for it because it can cause a great chain reaction. :)

    Positivity can spread just as fast as toxicity in my opinion.

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    oh no, I never meant to imply people HAVE to let others go... just that it's nice to run into the occasional killer who will see that the team is already screwed, so giving a little handicap to someone every now and then isn't a game ending thing.

    besides, I didn't "let them go", I gave them a sporting chance to escape... they still died though. xD

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Nooooo, not you, I didn't want to imply people have to let others go! I noticed you was saying you let a lot of people go, and I thought I pressured you into letting people go. So, here I am telling you; you don't have to, it's whatever you wanna do. :)

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I don't think playing nice really has much to do with letting people go, or cutting the killer a break once in a while if they have had an utterly poop game (works both ways), though I will add that its nice to sometimes not take all your frustrations out on what is essentially another human on the other side of that character.

    Being nice can really boil down to just accepting your win or your loss with some dignity. You can be a decent human being by not using god awful threats or wishes for diseases despite relative internet anonymity, and STILL play the game.

    In nearly 30 years of gaming I have not and will never accept "That's just how it is these days" or "Grow thicker skin"

    Not a single person would accept that sort of thing in real life without getting upset or angry, why should they have to swallow it just because the aggressor is doing it via the internet?

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    absolutely, don't get me wrong... I may wish a fiery death upon certain people while I'm playing, but I won't message them anything like that... nor am I serious in those temporary wishes.

    I may message them and ask what makes them play a certain way, like a trapper who slugged the first victim then followed them around until they bled out cause no one could pick them up... but I'm not usually overly salty about it.

    (turns out that trapper was new, so we teamed up on swf and I tried to show him the ropes before he got sick of survivor and I took him to KYF to give him some pointers)

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    They should just remove the end game chat completely, it serves no purpose other than to increase the levels of toxicity and stress with players, for all those 'gg, well played' 'I had fun!' post game chats there is probably about 10 toxic ones

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Just don't get mad at teabagging survivors? You don't need to tunnel them to beat them.

    Control your temper and just play optimally to beat any toxic peoples' butts. Flashlight clicky clickies don't work too well if you have ears to track them with, and pallet drops don't work if you mindgame. If the survivor is just better than you and toxic, ignore them, let them waste time trying to bait you into a chase and kill their friends instead. I understand sometimes if you're going to play optimally you might need to tunnel someone to get it down to a 3v1, taking resources away from the survivors, but in the end if you're doing it for a reason as stupid and petty as "PUNISH THE PERSON WHO MADE ME MAD, UNGAH BUNGAH", then you need to take a break and go outside.

    If someone wants to piss you off, don't give it to them. If someone wants you to chase them, don't get mad, just let them be stupid and waste time, and find someone else. Dealing with toxic people is actually really easy if you aren't a Neanderthal and actually know how to control your temper.

  • pacmaneatmydog
    pacmaneatmydog Member Posts: 1

    I just recently got this game I find it pretty fun at times, been playing a little over a month. Survivor and killer mainly killer, I quickly learnt that camping close to the hook was working against me and started patroling further away. Just naturally trying to be come a more efficient killer. Although the amount of salt I've received from survivors is at the point where I just would rather not play it than have to deal with the rants, hate mail and death threats just for trying to have fun playing a game. I play on console so the amount of killer hate mail is low but survivor toxicity is insane.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    As much as I hate negative people, being negative in chat won't solve the problem, crippling torture might but it isn't guaranteed 100%.

    I try to spread positivity as much as I can, today I had a match with a David and he was unfortunately a victim to a 3 person DC and died alone, content with his fate. I could have let him live but I'm a person too and I need the points because I just started on PC today. Later on I met the same David and I tried my best to give him a better match, ignored him when I could etc. I don't know if he was happy about it, I asked but I don't know this :'D means, I think it's this 😂? I don't know emojis lol

    Anyway we must all do our best to spread around the joy and always, ALWAYS, tunnel these bitches down and hook them in the Basement because their souls are worth devouring, their negativity is super juice that keeps the damned alive. I will slug them and let them bleed out if I don't need the points but other than that, be kind everyone <3 Love is the answer.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Some people just don't have a good character and use the anonymity to treat others badly to make themselves feel superior. They use the internet because they can't do it IRL. Report & ignore is really the best you can do.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    When I play as killer (I'm at low levels) I never kill anyone. When I play as survivor and the killer can't kill anyone, I allow him to kill me at the end. Every killer deserves a kill, and at least 1 survivor deserves to escape. I play to have fun, not to 4k or escape

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    I don't get mad at games to the point where I get violent. But this is the kind of thing I said in my original post. I shouldn't have to "just ignore them" or "just don't get mad" because that's not the point. It shouldn't happen in the first place.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    That's nice!

    I try to gift killers a kill when they played well and just didn't get any kills because they rotated too much and didn't focus anyone.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    So the killer is considered NICE if they let you escape?

    I hope not many killers care about what the prey feels. Try to kill them all! You will have the respect of the Entity and mine ;-)

  • dastaeryk
    dastaeryk Member Posts: 40

    I think that we should all step down with the expectations we have.

    For example, it's a killers duty to kill so I don't get why I should let somebody go: has some survivor disconnected? Is somebody playing poorly? That's all part of the inherent risk of playing survivor. As part of a team, if the team performs poorly you will be punished, independently of your skill.

    On the contrary, playing killer requires cold blood: you know you will rush against time, you will face people tbagging or flashing you in the face. I don't expect survivors with flashlights not to try a flashlight save, and I can't get angry because it's what they are supposed to do.

    Probably we should all just remember it's just a game and we are doing it FOR FUN.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Well... on the bright side. Gotta use something to season yer food.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2019

    No, like I said:

    I seen many posts from you, and it's okay if you want to sacrifice survivors, it's not against the rules. However, if you are feeling nice and can afford to, then give it a thought to give second chances.

    Sometimes I have to sacrifice every survivor because the rank system calls for a 4K at red ranks. However, if I can't afford to give out second chances, I usually (25% of the time) send a nice message to the survivors who I take early.

    "Sorry, I need to sacrifice everyone because I'm at red ranks."

    "GG, sorry for taking you out early, I needed to because it's very demanding to rank up as the killer."

    If you don't want to do anything above, that's okay! However, I encourage everyone not to be a bad sport by BMing survivors such as hitting them repeatedly on the hook because it could cause them to take offense of that. The last thing we all want are people getting toxic towards each other, ya know?

    This also applies to the survivors, I usually let inexperienced killers kill/sacrifice me (but they usually down me and drop me at the Exit Gates anyways ☹)

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    I don't think it is going to change, we all have been salty at some point, even the low salt, compared to the hardcore rock salt....i think we all have said or done something that is very much salty and that we haven't been happy about. My salt goes sort of like, "thanks for tunelling me" and once yeah i may have called someone a twat. But i am not the sort who very much goes beyond and starts talking about threats and really horrid disgusting stuff. This game peeves us all off at some point and some point i wish to toss my controller at the tv but eh, i try just to forget, move on, string a few cuss words out loud, throw a sock at Mr Mushwin (joke) and just move on. This game i think was designed to send some of us rocking in a corner and crying into a cup of tea lol

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2019

    Same here, I do get salty sometimes as well, but my salt is more physical — I will take a break from the game.

    If I'm really upset, I will say something on the lines of, "Wow, did I do something wrong? 🤷‍♂️"

    However, my first scenario occurs when I get cheated out of something, happens more often as a survivor because I don't have as much control when I'm the killer.

    The second one is rare, basically I don't send hate mail. I think my last hate mail was like a month ago, and I regret it. :(

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Nah. Im the opposite of you:

    I like to hit the last survivor on the hook as a frenzied Legion because they do not stop (don't patch that please).

    I once carried the last survivor around the map for five minutes looking for the hatch. When I found it, I dropped they only to mori them right there next to it ;-)

    I have so much fun with this game!

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    There’s so much positivity here in this thread it was great to read all the perspectives. Reminds me of all the nice times I’ve had in dbd matches and all the great friendly post game chats with killers and survivors. Even recently I had a billy let me go because he realised how bad/close the gate spawns were during the egc, I don’t mind if they just play it out normally but it’s always heartwarming when they do let you go. I also tend to let the last survivor go, especially if they’re at an exit gate/over half way to opening it and played respectfully.

    BM survivors are why things like moris and basement hooks exist, at least that’s what they mean for me anyway.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    yeah i don't either, i actually said sorry the next day to the one i called a twat but yes sometimes it is fustrating, annoying....and you need to take a spa break lol but regret is good, some don't or aren't ashamed of things they say and that is worse

  • Papamodzz
    Papamodzz Member Posts: 57

    Im the same as killer usually dont camp or anything unless they start t-bagging really no need for it tbh plus most of those survivors have friends in low ranks just to match with noobie killers find it funny

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    @Mushwin - If Mr Mushwin gets things thrown at him when you lose, you should make up for this by throwing him treats when you win. (I recommend bacon).

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That's fine too, but you should try to follow the golden rule: "Treat others how you would like to be treated" :-)

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited August 2019

    When I play survivor I want the real slasher movie experience: I want to try to escape a relentless monster. I hate it when a killer just gives up and allows me to escape. So I think I follow that golden rule just fine ;-)

    Post edited by RoKrueger on
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


  • chickenMan
    chickenMan Member Posts: 23

    No, it's been proven that Meg players are actually as stupid in real life as they are in the game. Eradicating them is simple Darwinism, and helps to stop global warming.

    I'm doing the world a favor, trust me

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Report them through the console, if it is anything other than positive gg WP and they will quickly learn not to do it again

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    For example the other night I was play some survivor and I was up against a Freddie and omg they was good like unreal level good. I'm like he must be running a true god build or something I was thinking all game bbq? Nurses??

    So the game ended with them killing everyone and to my surprise the person was using a splinter and my jaw dropped in awe.

    I proceeded to message the person to just say how much of a fun and enjoyable match it was and how amazing they played him.

    They was very pleased with the messages and are used to normally getting much salt and threats and it made their day someone actually respected good play style.

    Alot can be achieved with being respectful and i think the toxic ways of most people make this game really unfun and destroy it.


  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    I had a match as Wraith the other day where all the gens were finished, and i 2 hooked almost everyone (other than this Feng lol) so i just decided to let them go since i brought in a Gateau, but this Ace and Nea stayed in the match and wanted me to kill them, even when i brought them to the exit (they stayed in the match and died to egc lol.) It really made my night

  • I_Main_Killer
    I_Main_Killer Member Posts: 7

    A bp reward system would be neat. Encourage people to not be complete dick heads and basically reward each other with bonus bp. Little kudos system that awards like idk 10k per player? It'd be less heavy handed than some new report and ban system. Obviously it'd have to be balanced, swf not being able to give eachother bonus bp since that'd defeat the purpose on the survivor side. Indirectly it'd encourage solo play, people would want their bp and wouldn't be completely and utterly toxic knowing it'd result in less BP than usual.

    All around it'd spread pretty good vibes from both survivor and killer, help everyone realize it's a symbiotic relationship keeping the game alive. Idk why people can't seem to figure that out.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    More Bloodpoints are nice, I prefeer the Salt Reward System we have though.

    I love to recieve a Steam comment where some sore loser wishes some disease to a member of my family, just because they could not get their little avatar escape a horrible death in a video game.

  • I_Main_Killer
    I_Main_Killer Member Posts: 7

    Fair enough, though it'd probably not be good for community and game health for all this to keep up.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    This reminds me of how sometimes people will go to my steam profile, see my displayed name, and go "nice noed, [name]".

    It creeps me out

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I have one solution to you.

    Turn off the chat using the double arrows (if you are interested in seeing their perks) or leave immeditely.

    I know sometimes games can be rough. If you do get angry, dont push yourself to play more games.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    So, because you can't control your emotional response to something that doesn't matter, at all, you decide to treat players badly?? You and the offended players, clearly misunderstand toxic. Toxic is how you react to something that's not in your control. So yeah, camp the hook like a rank 18 insidious bubba, my swf squad are busy gen rushing and totem cleansing because you can't control your feelings, like all toxic people. #itsnottoxictodoallasurvivorcantowastekillertime