I'm just noticing

@Peanits @MandyTalk @not_Queen Why is the BHVR logo like this?
It's kinda confusing, like, you have a lower case b, but then you have the capital E and then you have HAV and then the 10 followed by the UR? What is this? It also looks like two words, so you would be pronouncing it like "bE HAV-ten-UR. Wat is this madness?! PLZ EXPLAIN!!!
It's what happens when your graphic designer goes for what looks coolest at a glance over what makes sense upon close inspection.
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Isn't it obvious its just a re-shuffle of what their old party supply store use to be called.
"RAVE HUb 10"
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Some questions are better left unanswered.
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Not everything need to have sense. Why do you have 20763 in your nickname? Is this your birthday? Are you from future?
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maybe "Behavior" and "Behav1or" were already taken so the options were probably "xBehaviorx" or "Behav10r".
Like picking a screen name...they just got in a little late.
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This requires us to go back to the great baguette war