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General Discussions

5 perk slots for both sides.

I think it would be cool if survivors, and killers had 5 perk slots instead of 4. Not only because of how many perks there are, but also to increase the builds people could put together.

Or is that just too much power?

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  • Member Posts: 651

    Imagine four survivors running Dead Hard, DS, Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, and a flex perk.

    Imagine a killer being able to run Ruin as a given, and then having their real build in 4 perks. You know we'd all run Ruin as that fifth slot.

    Imagine how terrible the game would be.

  • Member Posts: 391

    I've always saw ruin as a joke perk both as a survivor, and a killer. For the most part survivors power thru it like it's not even there. Other than that slight disagreement I understand what you're saying. Probably not the best thing to do.

    I'd like to see it tested in a PTB just to see what it would look like.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Yeah, I know Ruin is a bit of a noob filter in that is separates the wheat from the chaff - the good survivors don't even effing see skill checks, they just do them perfect every time - that's why Overcharge is garbage in high ranks.

    I'm just saying that four perks is a good spot right now, because it lets both sides stack their deck to a certain strength withut allowing them the luxury of running every single "meta" perk at once. Four is enough - to have five for every player would simply ensure people would run more meta options with less of a drawback. Ya feel?

  • Member Posts: 2,337

    While I don't mind how many perk slots we have now I've always been curious to see what DBD would be like with more perk slots. I wouldn't be against something like more perk slots but stronger perks are worth 2 slots. That way you could have creative builds with an assortment of weaker perks or you could keep the status quo and use what's already good the same way it is now.

    Given how many devastating perk combos there are for each side I can understand why there are only 4 perk slots though and I don't expect that to change.

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    For killers worth a test, for survivors definitly not xD

  • Member Posts: 113

    I don't think it would be so bad. Of course there will be try-hard survivors and killers, but I think it would make for some interesting gameplay.

    But I'd have to see it in practice to really make up my mind

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    I think it would be a good idea, and would encourage more variety in builds, especially when there have been so many dozens of new perks introduced since 4 perk slots was first implemented. Perhaps it would be possible to mitigate the threat slightly by having the fifth perk slot not unlockable until level 50 or something, so you'd have to put in a bit of effort to get it.

    The main problem is not that extra perks on both sides would be OP, but that everything else in the game, from items to abilities to maps, has been built around a 4-perk system and would need to be adjusted to accommodate for any changes, which would be a huge undertaking for the devs.

    It would be cool to see it tested in a PTB, or added to KYF as a starting point, but I can't really see the devs prioritising something so huge right now when they already have so many other big ideas in the works.

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