Was I wrong?

So I played a game today as Billy on the chappel, at rank 7.
Did well, but gens got done really fast.
Durnig the Endgame, I caught one guy, and put him in the basement, and I started proxi camping to ensure my kill. Then I caught another one in a locker, also put in basement. Then another one rushed the hooks and I caught him too.
I managed to get 3 kills.
In the end chat they complained that I was keeping the game hostage, that I was a ######### and that I should kill myself and I was getting banned. They rushed the hook and died. Is camping like I did bannable?
Was i wrong or is just survivor mains complaining?
Nothing wrong with Defending a Hook, Especially when the Exit gates are open or even if all Gens are done.
If you don't have NOED there's zero reason to go for another person and let them get the save, That's just how the game is made, It's not your fault.
What you did is not bannable, They just got mad that they weren't able to save their friend is all.
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What could I have done in that situation? Just wanted to ensure my kill :(
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This are typical survivor potato/altruistic mains that want u to play with the rules of survivor rules for killer like in samination video if u get gen rushed u usually try to get that one kill to get safety pip if people are just stupid to let them get caught and then swear on u in end game chat this are just ######### so don't care about them u did what u had to and NO it's NOT BANNABLE devs already made a statement if I remember correctly that camping is not bannable because this is legit strategy like tunneling sometimes u have to do this
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You did everything right in this situation. You are the killer, your job is to kill as many survivors as possible, you are allowed to camp.
Btw: If players insult you or tell you to #########, you should definitely report them. Either these players learn to behave or they will get banned.
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There are two things you can do when you will end up with 1 Kill and Gates are powered:
Letting the last guy go, because you will lose anyway, so it does not matter.
Camp the last guy to ensure your Kill and hope for mistakes.
You did the second thing and got 3 Kills. So you did everything right there, there is nothing else a Killer can do than camping when Gates are powered and he wants to secure a Kill.
It is also not "taking the game hostage". "Taking the game hostage" means that you are doing something which force another player to DC to move on to the next game. e.g. blocking one Survivor in a Corner as Killer without moving. Or before the EGC, to block the Basement Stairs so that nobody can escape the Basement. Or, when playing Survivor, before EGC, crouching around the Map instead of leaving through the Exit Gates so that the Killer cannot find you to push you out.
Those are things to keep the game hostage. If you are not doing something that forces a player to DC from your game to finish it, you are not taking the game hostage (letting people killed by End Game Collapse is also not taking the game hostage, because they will die in quite a short amount of time). So if someone is claiming you are doing it, but you did nothing of what I have stated, you should be fine.
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You are not bannable, but I wish I could tell what they told you
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As said before, you are not bannable, but I guess that guys are bannable.
Can't imagine that to tell someone, that he should kill himself is the behavior, bhvr likes to see in its game.
It's ok to be frustrated. A insult is also ok imo, if someone feels really the urge to do it, but everything has its borders.
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Anyone that understands the game, killer or survivor, realize that during endgame there's probably going to be camping unless the killer feels confident they can get someone else or if they choose not to.
Until that point truly camping makes you give up on trying to prevent generators from being done, once the gates are powered there's no generators to protect anymore. At that point in the game people should EXPECT to be camped, which is why it's when perks like BT and DS are at their strongest.
And obviously what they said to you isn't okay no matter who says it. Argue about regular trash talk as much as you want, but the truly vile garbage (death threats/encouragement, hard slurs and so on) have no place in postgame chat ever.