Matchmaking Discussion

I was killer. Super fun game (sarcasm). I'm not a Dev hater but this is an ongoing problem that needs attention. I was queued for a lengthy 10 seconds before being matched with this swf squad. We don't want/need cosmetics. Cosmetics don't keep people playing and are only bought by dedicated players. They don't keep new players from hating the game because they were matchmade with killers with more experience and got destroyed. This is (one of the reasons) why new player retention is so low. It also isn't fun for those on my end who had no challenge and steamrolled. I know there are edge cases but anyone why has played this game a decent amount knows matchmaking is busted. I REALLY hope dedicated servers will help. With all that said I thank the devs greatly for creating a unique game that I love.

PS this is on PS4
