Can someone please explain this to me...

Like seriously, what is this matchmaking, the points, the teamplay, was atrocious, it's really not fun to play solo with this devs. - I'd like to mention the map we were on was LERY'S, the traps are bright as day, and yet everyone walked into them.
(Ignore that insta heal lmao)
I see no issue here whatsoever, clearly nothing wrong, noooo sir.
If anything, I'd say this looks like a pretty good job so far!
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Hmmm that level 19 seems to be not really a 19.
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Been happening to me too. And they always end up playing like morons. Missing skill checks without ruin, running to the killer when a player gets downed to go for a flashlight save way too late, not doing gens, losing chases in 15 seconds, etc. . . It feels like you're carrying the entire team the whole game.
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There'd be traps literally in the middle of a room, very bright, and these survivors would somehow walk into them, it's not fun having teammates like this.
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I feel like I'm carrying a lot lately, it's really annoying
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This is perfection. This issue won't drive away new players at all.
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aren't we meant to not reveal users names when doing this?
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They aren’t shaming anyone so it is fine. :)
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ah okay i though to ask, just never know with rules and such and if they change *s
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I agree, this is completely out of order. Imagine being teamed up with a rank 8 calling us out on every god tier play we didn't do 😛
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If you seen Tru3Ta1ent video he faced rank 15 and above as a rank 1 killer
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Don't you like having Fun™?
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Matchmaking is extremely wonky and unfair. It's an issue no matter what rank ur in. It's not fun to completely bootstomp a baby killer bc matchmaking decided he could handle 2 purple ranks, and it isn't fun to get demolished by the killer in 2 seconds flat bc he's red ranks and ur green ranks. It's also not fun to get demolished by high rank Surviviors as a low rank killer and vice versa.
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I was lvl 19 inna lobby with lvl 2 and 3 survivors and a lvl 2 killer 😂🤣
Matchmaking takes super long and it is broken.