Dying Light = get chased and tunneled all game xd

I played Ash on the corn map, Trapper with Dying Light, worked on a gen, I had one friend with me as a SWF and we were just having fun, remember this. I get chased for all 5 gens, the Trapper never uses his traps and and I loop him for all 5 gens, get Adrenaline, and my two other teammates were top tier, even had Borrowed Time. I got camped but my team were MVPs and saved me, I was killed by the time the gates were open, he messaged me and sent me hate messages, telling my how I was bad and I should kill myself, how I was a garbage Survivor who was hand held and had to get his friends to save him, his logic is that I should have gave up, he tried mind games and no avail, I did not BM at all but he did. Long story, one of the randoms messaged me and apologized, telling me I did really good and they wanted to help me escape, saying sorry I got tunneled.
Dying Light itself is not a bad perk but it reinforces targeting so you get use out of it and they don't. Not healthy at all for the game IN TERMS OF THEIR PLAN AND DESIGN.
This is not biased, I am aware of play styles and perks of both sides, thank you for understanding.
Whenever I bring dying light I just bring it as a passive thing, maybe I’ll get to use it but maybe I won’t.
Some people just can’t handle losing.
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Why do people feel the need to share this stuff?
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Why do you feel the need to message unnecessary comments and needless banter.
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Cool story bro I give it a 6/10
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Jesus people are aggressive over a hit or miss perk
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dying light should be reworked encourages tunnelling 100%
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I'm pointing out it is a ridiculous story that serves no purpose.
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I never use it really. But if I did I would bring in an ivory mori for the obsession. Because them being dead A.S.A.P. is the only way the perk has any value.
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You commenting with negativity serves no purpose.
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A lot of things on the forums are for fun, don’t you think a 100% serious forum would be boring and unappealing?
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If you don't have an answer to the topic, or at least a joke revolving around it then don't respond
Forgot to finish
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didn't read the post but to the title i say "YUP" and adrenaline almost guarantees you escape at the end of the match, balanced landing is 2 perks in 1, NOED allows killers to one shot you at end of match if you don't destroy totems, Decisive strike gives you a free escape, Insidious causes killers to camp...what's your point? The perk is a perk in the game, if someone wants to run it and kill their obsession first then they have that right, they bought the game just like you did, but i guarantee you that not every match you play is going to have dying light in it so die like a grown up then go join into another round smh so many snow flakes in this game
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went ahead and read your whiny post and if you really out did the killer so much for all 5 gens etc etc then why are you complaining? you guaranteed your team got away at least, geez you ain't gonna survive every match gtfo it
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If you read it, it states the trapper told him to end his own life, which is definitely not allowed
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I mean it is a forum that caters to early teens and pre-teens so I don't expect much however the amout of brain dead posts in broken english are truely pathetic.
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Sorry but there's nothing I can do about it.
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ok yea that is messed up that he said ######### but still quit whining about the perk, there are lots of perks in this game that cause different types of play styles its a game gtfo it
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Jesus help us!
People are being poop-y heads and nobody is around to stop them!
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I'll respond to whatever I like, thanks :)
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It is a perk that just ruins the game for the obsession
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Yeah, but you responded with something that did not revolve around the topic, just stated that as he pretty much pointed out that people in this community cry and are rude to other members because they failed
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Actually the OP was simply voicing their opinion on a perk and provided a story to accompany this. The post serves a purpose to start a conversation.
On the contrary simply posting negative things (as you did) to try and drag the OP down with negativity or to invalidate their argument (be it you agree or not) truly serves no purpose other than to try and ruin someones mood.
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You pretty much said that his story is useless and nothing about it matters
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It is...
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and you don't think perks like Adrenaline ruin the game for m1 killers? lol there are perks bad on both sides get over it, die like a man or woman and move on to the next round, that perk isn't gonna pop up every single match and i know for a fact dying light dont pop up as much as the meta perks survivors run that ruin gameplay for killers so gtfo and move on
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For starters, someone told him that he should die because a perk did not work as intended, secondly his experience was ruined because he was inside a chase literally the entire game and died at the end just to be yelled at by a salty trapper.
This post helps show that some perks inside the game need to be changed so that it can atleast have a chance of working without ruining the game for other players
And one last sentence, I have always been told to "keep things to myself"
If you find a post useless don't say it, keep it to yourself
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And NoEd exists to ruin Adrenaline, and also you can annoy killers with other perks and items than meta loadouts
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Lol I'm sorry you have been told to "keep things to yourself"
Sounds like you were raised in a very repressive environment :(
Goodluck with that friend!
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I think this perk is extremely toxic and whenever I see I'm the obsession I will make sure to be sneaky and hide from the killer till the gens are done. It's just apparent the killer is going to camp and tunnel the crap out of whoever is the target to make sure that crappy perk procs.
F that.
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Dying Light and Insidious are the tunnel and camp perks. They could both do with a rework.
Nue Dying Light: for every sacrificed survivor, every other Survivor gets a penalty of 6/8/10% to Repair and Sabotage speed, as well as a bonus of 10/15/20% to altruistic action speed.
Remove the obsession, it doesn't eliminate tunneling but it does eliminate the focus on tunnelling.
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Perfect, I'd change the numbers.
Repair is fine.
Altruistic is 2/4/6%, you get the bonus upon their death.
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I was just going off of the current DL, trying to give the last survivor (getting the full detriment/benefit of the perk) the same numbers - keeping in mind that a lone survivor can't ever actually receive the full benefits: there's no one to perform altruistic actions on.
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Just use dying light and that ghostface perk that changes the obsession...
Its stupid but fun XD
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Actually if someone else ran DS then dying light get apply to that person and the debuff get taken off.
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If I can be honest, it isn't something that happened because of Dying Light. Sure, people who bring that perk will want to get the obsession out of the way ASAP to make use of it. But, from what I have seen, 9/10 killer players will tunnel you forever, until they finally get you down because of Bloodlust, Dying Light equipped or not. The issue lies in the community, not in the perk itself.
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....it's like going to a city council meeting to speak about getting a stop sign removed and starting off with 'so I'm driving in my Porsche with my smoking hot spouse...'
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It's called "Build up". Effective strategy.
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I just hate how it clashes HORRIBLY with the other two perks Myers brings to the table. Two of them wants you to keep the obsession around for stacks, and then there's Dying Light which is the polar opposite. Always bothered me way more than it probably should.
The Trapper in your story had far bigger issues than equipping a perk though, if they send messages like that they're just another angry brain rot player. Report and move on.
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Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not lol. If not, then yes it is.....if your a novelist. However in any other area/real world example, it's inefficient and wasteful of time....unless the primary intention was to brag, then mission accomplished.
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The primary objective is to give story visuals to accompany the point and settle with the errors and give example.
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Dying Light is just utterly worthless because it tells the Survivor that they are targeted by it.
You will never get it to activate early enough for it to be worth taking unless the Survivor is dumb as hell.
It needs a rework something like:
Dying Light
-Whenever you hook your Obsession all Survivors recieve a 25% penalty to repair, healing, sabotage, chest search, gate opening, totem cleansing, ect. for 30 seconds
-Whenever you hook your Obsession, your Obsession target is changed to another random Survior
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Can you do anything else but take things so seriously. I read half way through your post and it literally was just a bunch of unnecessary whining. You must be such a boring killer/survivor to play with.
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When i use Dying Light i usually bring a Green Mori to end the tunneling fast. Blackpip tho.