200+ Ping every game?

Sean Member Posts: 107

Im not sure why but every game im loading into its 200+ ping. Ive tested other games and im getting 15-60 ping on those. is any one having this issue?


  • Objectively_speaking
    Objectively_speaking Member Posts: 500

    I believe that's how it works so more then likely if your experiencing high ping games it's due to Location, Internet, time of day.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    This game just loves to throw you with people not in your region. I was thrown into multiple lobbies from outside the U.S a few hours ago. It's almost feels as if the game wants to make the killer experience easier than it already is. I was playing peak hours and have the best internet you can have in my area, but still I'm matched with these killers.

    Also, the people who call others idiots for not checking their ping before the match started are more than likely killer mains. Let's be honest who doesn't want to play versus a bunch of survivors with high ping? These kids probably drooling when they get some noobs that don't check their ping or fortget to.

  • Shirokuro
    Shirokuro Member Posts: 182

    I've had several games now where my ping was ok in the lobby but in-game I have huge lag spikes. Like teleporting back half the map huge. Sometimes it happens while in a chase and the next thing I know is that I'm on the hook.

    My internet doesn't have any problems with other games. I haven't experienced this kind of lag in DbD before either.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,657

    Honestly no, I tell people to check ping and I'm more of a 50/50 player, if a bit closer to killer. But when I do play killer I take note of anyone with high ping and if they start to ######### about me lagswitching then I'll show them. Aside from that, feel free to face me with 200+ ping, I'll miss most of my swings because you're teleporting around the screen lmao. I'll look at my ping and dodge because I value my sanity and I don't want to break my keyboard, but if someone else doesn't do it I'm fine with it until they get salty.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Normal for me ever since I started playing.

    Nothing to see here.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Spoken like a true killer main. There is a reason why killer queue is x2 as long as survivor queues, best way to earn blood points, and far easier to do so than survivor. People who actually believe is harder to play killer are kidding themselves. When you play killer the only person that has to perform is you and you're host. I've heard the lame argument that i'ts more stressful to play killer, but that is dependent on the person. I actually have less stress playing killer and more playing survivor. How is that possible? well, when you are getting chased by an average killer and buy the team tons of time, and watch no gens get done, its stressful. Guess what? at the end of the game you get to see that average killer that camped you for juking him forever have x3 your BP.

    Also, as killer you ain't telling anyone about their connection as that's not possible. Nice meme, bro. I'm sure you convinced some idiots that killer is hard to play, but the devs aren't buying it. Dedicated servers and survivors will have an increase in BP gains and it's well deserved. No more teleports swings through windows for undeserved killers, we will soon see killers that deserve there red ranks and top 5s. GL

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,657

    I'm confused, you insulting me or you agreeing with me? "You ain't telling anyone about their connection as that's not possible bro." but oh honey it completely is. The ping meter that appears next to survivors' names shows their connection to you, so when they're out here rolling with 200 ping the bar chilling in red and they still ready I have every right to defend myself when they call me out for cheating.

    Plus where the ######### did is say killer was easier? Plus I'm not even a killer main! I try and do a 50/50 split to stay as unbiased as possible; no killer main in their right mind wants spirit to be changes (topic for a different time) or agree with the nurse nerfs so I don't see how you came to that conclusion????

    Dedicated servers will fix this issue, we know. Cool. I never said I was a good killer either, nor did I say that I'm even in red ranks. I get brutally destroyed at purple lmao. You're arguing here, if I've read this right since you mention nobody else in your comment, with points I never even made. That or your wording is so horrifically off that I can't actually understand what you mean, in which case please clarify, cheers xx

  • Ghostingmyteammates

    no EU servers wich is not a big surprise.