Play today 6 h and...


First things first. Sorry for my language, English is not my main.

I have 2.5 k hours in game and I love play killer and survivor, but now days I enjoy more killer(I play every in rotation), for survivor only solo que.

Today due to long killer que, I was playing survivor and for couple hours there was almost only spirits(2 nurses and one Plage), not even one Billy, huntress etc. Btw Im rank 3 now. I guess I have to derank to play other agnist other killers. Is anyone who enjoys this game , playing on red ranks solo que? And yes I understand not every killer is good to play on red ranks, especially if survivors bring insta heals etc, but where are good Huntress? Billy's ? Only spirits now days.


  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Just learn to play against Spirit.

    Easy fix.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Sadly huntress is extremely screwed by certain Is Billy

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Yes, just derank. Use a meme build and just head on stun the killers the whole match. Don't escape. If you do that for some hours you will be at purple rank and should verse some billys again.

    Btw, nice side effect by deranking that way: you earn BP and XP but you are also not completely useless for your team mates.

  • Objectively_speaking
    Objectively_speaking Member Posts: 500

    Most people don't like to lose, Spirt, Nurse, and Billy are the ones who accomplish a win/apply pressure. This is similar to asking why survivors run exhaustion perks , or add-ons. It increases the likelihood you win.

    Tl:DR people don't like losing. They play to win/play viable killers.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Most games at red ranks (I am EU) are Spirits. It's pretty boring to be honest. You just gotta deal with it. They're not impossible to escape from, but far from fun to play against. I would still rather play a Spirit versus a Nurse.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    So were openly promoting de ranking on the forums too now?


  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Yeah, whats the issue? Deranking is not a bannable offense and ranking is meaningless anyway. Everyone does that. Those who don't like to sweat their butts off on high ranks against spirits bit always see themselves pipping are absolutly free to derank into purple ranks to verse some billys. I see absolutly nothing wrong about that. Especially since devs locked the newcomers in their own ranks (15-20) so noone can destroy them with to much experience.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    It's not always only for the win.

    It's also sometimes because nobody (I guess) like to feel as he would have no chance in those ranks, or against specific survivor tactic, groups etc.

    The only way out would be to buff the other killers on Spirit level imo, so that everybody can finaly choose the killer he/she likes, to play a match with (without having the feeling on the same time to give yourself a disadvantage because you choosed not the right killer).

    And that should be possible. I have until today not heard 1 good reason why not every killer should be on this level. Especially since the most killers cost real life money.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yea, its Nurse and Spirit 24/7. And no, its not fun at all.

    You might be lucky and you run into me, i stoped playing these 2 Killers pretty much because they are boring for the survivor.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    The devs really need to bring at least most of the killers to very similar level. Personally, I think Freddy is in the sweet spot for killer balance. I didn't think Spirit needs nerfing, but I'm starting to think more and more that she could use just a small nerf, so that survivors have a bit more counterplay to her.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    Soo.... With other words you would like to see more Nurses? :).

    I say that, bceause that would be the consequence.

    That's 1 reason, why a buff of the other killers would be better. You would nobody "force" to shift over to the next best killer.

    Variety should be the goal as you have already write.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    Nurse is being adjusted. I hope to a more reasonable level. I personally just think all killers should be on Freddys or Hillbillys level.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I am not sure. I was never a great freddy player (I know also the freddy rework only from reading here in this forums). Hillbilly had feel sometimes a bit weak imo, if he faces certain situations and/or groups.

    That's why I have think more on Spirit.

    Personally btw. I hope that they nerf Spirit and Nurse not too much as long as they have not buff all the others killers.

    At the end, surivors have to face frustrating situations, but killers also.

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    i like going against spirits. i like going against nurses. i like going against billies.

    to answer your question, sometimes you will get a trend in killers for any number of reasons. maybe people saw someone else play nurse earlier and it made people want to play nurse. maybe the game assigned a bunch of people spirit dailies. maybe you're just getting super unlucky and happening to land in a bunch of spirit lobbies. it could also be that people feel their best way to deal with whoever is in that lobby would be to play one particular killer for whatever reason.

    truth is this game is based on luck. different people in the same game at the same time will have very different experiences. if you keep getting faced by your least favorite killer, really all anyone can say is "unlucky.."